用下列句型造句 help sb.with sth. help sb. to do sth.


They eat the same food as themWe need someone to help do the repairs.He made\have his bike repairedcome to one's help (come to sb )
How to take notes.以上是5个句子。the same as本身是一个形容词类的东东,相当于一个名词的修饰物,也就是名词的附属物。要不要用be动词取决于the same as后面跟的名词和整句话的关系。
比如第一句话当中,he is ....age,这是在说一个人有多大年纪,你想想,不管he是不是跟she一样大,都要用到is这个词来表达he的年龄。
然而在第二句话当中,they eat food,不管they吃的是不是一样的food,都不需要用到be动词,而是用到eat,“吃”这个动作,所以无需用be动词。help sb doing sth是 在帮助某人当某事 已经开始了
help sb to do sth是 去帮助某人当某事 还没开始的 make to do和make doing 是两种表达方式。make、have、let三个为使役动词,其后跟省略to的不定式作宾语补足语,即:make\have\let sb. do sth.(让某人做某事)例如:The teacher made him wait outside.(主动语态);在被动语态的句子中,则要还原不定式的符号to,即:He was made to wait outside.
也有make\have sb. doing sth.的结构,意思为:让某人一直做某事,强调动作的持续性。例如:The boss made the workers working from dawn to dark.(老板让工人们从黎明一直工作到天黑。)
另外还有make\have sth. done,指让别人帮助完成某事,例如:He made\have his bike repaired.(他让人帮他修理自行车。) .
第1个回答  2013-11-25
My teacher helps me with her heart. 我的老师很用心的帮我
My teacher helps me to review my courses. 我的老师帮我复习功课
第2个回答  2013-11-25
Can you help with my work?
I will help you to repair the car.
第3个回答  2013-11-25
I can help you with English,/ Thank you for helping me with my work.
I can help you to finish it./ Who can help me to clean the room?