英语翻译 他是个社会最底层的人,言语粗俗,举止泼辣,为了生存耍小聪明,还有个爱酗酒的父亲。

意思差不多就行. 用软件的闪

" He is a man at the bottom of society, being vulgar with rude and unreasonable behaviors. He often acts petty tricks for survival and he also has a drinking-love father."

第1个回答  2012-11-14

He lives in the lowest class.He talks rudely, behaves terribly and plays petty tricks to survive. Besides, he has a drunkard father.

第2个回答  2012-11-14
He is a the poorest members of society, speech, vulgar, rude and unreasonable behavior, in order to survive acting smart, there is a love drinking father.