

From this story, I learnt that we should not judge a book based on its cover. For example, TaoBao's founder, Mayun. Although he is ugly, but he is China's top millionaire. The ugly frog in the story is like Mayun in reality, although dirty but when it knows of the prince's news, it helped the princess to find her true love. We should not discriminate people with weakness, because they are always full of potential!
第1个回答  2014-12-14

From this story, I learned, we can't judge people by outward appearance. For example Taobao founder Ma Yun, long translated into English: I learned from this story, we can't judge people by outward appearance. For example Taobao founder Ma Yun, ugly is the richest man in Chinese. The story of the dirty frog like living in Ma Yun, although the dirty but know the news of Prince, can help the princess find true love. We can't look down a weakness of the people, because they are potential shares!