帮忙翻译文章《Thank you ma'am》把英语译成中文,谢谢!!


Thank You,Ma'am (Langston Hughes)
She was a large woman with a large purse that had everything in it but hummer and nails.She carried the purse slung across her shoulder.It was about eleve o’clock at night,dark.She was walking alone when a boy ran up behind her and tried to snatch her purse.The purse strap came off,but he pulled so hard that he lost his balance.He fell on his back on the sidewalk,and his legs flew up.The large woman turned around,picked him up by his T- shirt and shook him hard.
After that,the woman said,”Pick up my purse,boy.Give it to me.”She held him tightly.”Now aren’t you ashamed of yourself?”
Held up by his T – shirt,the boy said,”Yes’m.”
The woman said,”What did you do it for?”
The boy said,”It was a joke.”
She said,”You lie!”
“Lady,I’m sorry,”whispered the boy.
“Um – hum!Your face needs washing.Don’t you wash your face at home?”
“No’m ,”said the boy.
“Then it will get washed this evening,”said the large woman,starting up the street,dragging the frightened boy behind her.He was thin and looked as if he was fourteen.He had on tennis shoes and blue jeans.
“You should be my boy.I would teach you what is right.All I can do for you right now is to wash your face.Are you hungry?”
“No’m.I just want you to let me go.”
“When I get through with you,sir,you are going to remember Mrs.Luella Bates Washington Jones.”
Sweat bathed the boy’s face and he began to struggle.Mrs.Jones continued to drag him up the street.When she got to her door,she dragged the boy inside,down a hall and into a room at the back of the house.She turned on the light and left the door open.The boy could hear people laughing and talking in the house.
She said,”What is your name?”
“Roger,”answered the boy.
“Roger,you go to that wash basin and wash your face,”said the woman.She let him go – at last.Roger looked at the door.He looked at the woman.He looked at the door – and then he went to the wash basin.
“Let the water run until it gets warm,”she said.”Here’s a clean towel.”
“Are you taking me to jail?”asked the boy,bending over the wash basin.
“With that face,I would not take you any where.Have you been home to eat yet?”
“There’s nobody at my house,”said the boy.
“Then we’ll eat,”said the woman.”I believe you’re hungry.So you tried to snatch my purse.”
“I want a pair of blue suede shoes,”said the boy.
“Well,you didn’t have to snatch my purse to get some suede shoes,”said Mrs.Jones.”You could have asked me.”
With water dripping from his face,the boy looked at her.There was a long pause.After he dried his face,he turned around,wondering what to do next.The door was open.He could make a dash for it down the hall.He could run,run ,run,run run!
The woman was sitting on the bed.After a while,she said,”I was young once.And I wanted things I couldn’t get.”There was another long pause.The boy’s mouth opened.Then he frowned.
The woman said,”Um – hum!You thought I was going to say but,didn’t you?You thought I was going to say,but I did not snatch people’s purses.Well,I was not going to say that.”Pause.Slience.”I’ve done things,too,which I wouldn’t want to tell you.So you sit down while I find us something to eat.”
In a corner of the room behind a screen was a small gas stove and a refrigerator.Mrs.Jones got up and went behind the screen.She did not watch the boy to see if he was going to run now,nor did she watch her purse,which she left behind her on the bed.But the boy took care to sit on the far side of the room,away from the purse,where he thought she could easily see him out of the corner of her eye.He did not trust the woman not to trust him.And he did not want to be mistrusted now.
“Do you need somebody to go to the store?”asked the boy.”To get some milk or something?”
“Don’t think I do,”said the woman.”Unless you want fresh milk yourself.I’m going to make cocoa out of this canned milk I’ve got here.”
“That’ll be fine, “said the boy.
She heated some beans and ham,made the cocoa,and set the table.The woman did not ask about where he lived,or about his family,or anything that would embarrass him.Instead,as they ate,she told him about her work in a hotel beauty shop that stayed open late.She told him what she work was like.Then she cut him a half of her ten – cent cake.
“Eat some more,”she said.
When they had finished eating,she got up and said,”Now here,take this ten dollars and buy some blue suede shoes.And next time,don’t snatch my purse,nor anybody eles’s – because shoes got by bad ways will burn your feet.I’ve got to go to bed now.But from here on,I hope you’ll behave.”
She led him down the ball to the front door and opened it.”Good night!Behave yourself!”she said,looking out into the street as he went down the steps.
The boy wanted to say something besides,”Thank you,ma’am,”to Mrs.Jones.His lips moved,but he could not even say that as he turned at the foot of the steps and looked up at the large woman.Then she shut the door.And he never saw her again.


然后,胖女人说道:“把包捡起来给我。”(而后)她紧紧抓住男孩说:“你难道不觉得羞愧吗?”男孩被抓住了衣领,只好说”是“。”“你为什么要这么做?”“仅仅只是开玩笑。”“你撒谎!”“对不起,太太!”男孩低声细语。 “唔,你的脸看起来很脏。你在家不洗脸吗?”“并没有洗。”“那么今晚就让我带你去洗吧。”胖女子说完,继续走在街上,拽着吓坏的男孩跟在她身后一起走。男孩看起来十四岁左右,很瘦,穿着蓝色牛仔裤和网球鞋。

“也许你应该做我的儿子,那样我就能教你什么该做什么不该,然而现在我该做的就是带你洗脸。对了,你饿了吗?”“没有。我只希望你能放我走。”“当我把你的事情了结了之后,你就会记住‘Luella Bates Washington Jones太太’这个名字。”


“你叫什么?”“Roger”“Roger,去洗脸盆那里把脸洗干净。”男孩的目光在门和胖女人之间徘徊,最终他走到洗脸盆旁。“让水不停地流,直到有热水出来吧。这里有条干净的毛巾。”男孩跪倒在脸盆旁,问道:“你要带我去监狱吗?”“脸洗的这么干净,我不会带你去任何地方。对了,你在家吃过吗?”“我家里没人。”“那我们去吃吧。我觉得你是因为饥饿难忍才会抢我的包。”“我只是想要一双羊皮鞋。”“然而你没必要抢我的包,你完全可以跟我说然后找我要。”“Ma am”






太太把他带到门前,不忘嘱咐,目送着他在街上远去。男孩本想说“Thank You,Ma'am(谢谢你,太太!)”,但是从他踏上步伐的那一刻起,他哽咽了,似乎什么也说不出来,只能凝望着太太,然后越走越远。太太关上了门,此后男孩再也没有遇到她。