求助,懂英语还有法律的高人Butler Machine Tool Co v Ex-Cell-O Corp(England) (1979)

The claimants offered to supply a machine tool to the defendants for £75,535. However, the quotation included a term which would entitle the sellers to increase this price (price-variation clause). The defendants accepted the offer on their own standard terms which did not provide for any variation of their quoted price. The claimants acknowledged the order. When the machine was delivered, the claimants claimed an extra £2,892 which the defendants refused to pay. The Court of Appeal held that the defendants had not unconditionally accepted the original offer. They had made a courter-offer which had been accepted by the claimant. The defendants' terms governed the contract. The claimants' action to recover the increase in price, therefore, failed.要求:description of the fact;the main legal issues and arguments and the decision in the case,写中文就好了,最好给我翻一下这个案例的意思

申诉人向被申诉人提出要约,提供一种机器,要价75,535英镑. 但在要约里有一条授权卖者提高价格. 被申诉人接受了此要约,但同时也提出了自己的要求(反要约),但其反要约里没有包括可以提高价格的条款. 申诉人接受了其要求. 因为机器送达需要的时间很长, 到送达的时候,其费用比签约时高了许多,于是申诉人向被申诉人多收取2892英镑, 被拒. 上诉法院认为,被申诉人在接受要约的时候不是无条件的,他们提出了反要约,且被申诉人接受. 被申诉人的条件在合同里是有效的.所以,申诉人的申请被驳回.
legal issue 就是申诉人在与被申诉人签合同是是签的哪个合同. 典型的信息不对称(Information Imperfection)
第1个回答  2013-09-10
论点在与 counter-offer. 卖家发了offer给买家,买家则回复了一个counter-offer回去给卖家,虽然说明了按照买家的
能给。结果被告上法庭。最后的结果是 法院要求买家付清7万加上2000的变动价格理由是买家已经接受了那个counter-offer