
1.money 2.my dream 3.love 4.friend 5.travel 6.sports 7.holiday 8.movie 9.hobbies 10.super star

以A问B答的形式,内容简短精辟,避免枯燥的内容. A,B各五句~~谢谢


A:what's your hobbies in your daily life?
B:i like sports,so i always do some exercise in the morning.
and you ?
A:i see lots of movie in weekend.
B:really?have you ever dream to be a superstar in the future?
A:no,though it maybe bring much money and love from fans,i
know it's really tired to be a star.
B:yes, i agree with you.
A:how about you?what's your dream?
B:my dream is to travel around the world with my friends.
A:it's great!maybe you can start to realize it in the following
B:that's what i plan to.

第1个回答  2007-12-26
A: Do you have any money?
B: I don't have much. I am always poor, you know.
A: Then do you have any dream?
B: Of course I do! My dream is to become a really famous scientist.
A: That is a great dream. You know what, my dream is to find true love in my life. To me, there is nothing more important than love. It is the most valuable and lovely thing in the world.
B: I see. I think friendship is as important as love though. A friend can always help you when you have difficulties, you know.
A: You are right. Do you like travelling?
B: Yes, I like travelling very much. I like Paris and Sydney the most. How about you?
A: I like London and Hong Kong the most. What sports do you like to play?
B: I like playing basketball and table tennis. How are you planning to spend your holiday start from next week?
A: Well, I intend to go to visit my aunt in Hong Kong. I will also do some social work if I have time.
B: Fantastic! Do you want to watch a movie? I'd like to watch "Star War", would you like to come with me?
A: That's a goo idea. I will come.
B: Great. Do you have any hobbies?
A: Of course I have. My hobbies include collecting stamps and playing computer games. How about you?
B: I like reading and jogging. Who is you idol then?
A: My idol is Sarah Brightman! She is really a superstar in opera! I really like her songs.本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第2个回答  2007-12-26
A: What are your hobbies?
B: Hm... I love to travel with my friends.
A: Is it? It sounds cool. But you need a lot of money.
B: Well, my dream is to travel in UK. It's got some famous universities, like Cambridge.
A: Yes. That is a good idea. By the way, what is your plan for the coming holiday? I mean the New Year.
B: Actually I have a special plan, just like last year. I will go to see a movie, called 'Super star'.
A: Why not watch sports games at home?
B: Frankly, I don't like sports.
A: Oh, I see. Anyway, wish you a happy new year.
B: Thanks, the same to you.

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第3个回答  2007-12-26
A:Earn as much money as possible is many people's dream.But in fact, money is not the only important thing.
B:Yes!Love from my friends,fun from traveling,unity from sports,recreation from holiday,relaxation from movie and other hobbies are bringing me more satisfaction and happiness than money.
A:That's right.a super star May have much more money than me,but he may has not so much freedom and happiness as me.
B: I totally agree with you!
第4个回答  2007-12-26
Tell me about your bobbies!
I like movie,sports and travel. My dream is to be a movie star.

What do you think about The Warloads'(投名状)?
I think It adopts an old model of love and it cost lots of money.

So you don't like it, do you?
No ,I don't like it ,because a film which is nothing but love is not successful ,although is
has many super stars.

What's your friends' opinion about it?
There are many kinds of opinions,positive and nagative.

Which is your most favorit actor or actress in the film?
I like Jet Li! He has an extensive filmography of Chinese and Hongkong cinema.