

unit 1
Where is your pen pal from?——He's from Australia.
Where is John's pen pal from?——He's from Japan.
Where does he live?——He lives in Paris.
What language does she speak?——She speaks English.


1.This is my pencil ? (变一般疑问 句) your pencil ?
2. These red socks are Kate’s . (变一般疑问句) socks Kate’s ?
3. I want to buy a big green bag . (变特殊疑问句) you want to buy ?
h5A 4. Mary does not have any books . (变肯定句)Mary books .
5. The clothing shop is on sale . (变为否定句)
6. She likes the black bag very much . (变为否定句)
7. I buy the pants for only 50 Yuan. (用she改写句子)
the pants for only 50 Yuan.
8. It’s an English dictionary . (对画线部分提问)
9. Lily and Lucy are fifteen years old now . (对画线部分提问) Lily and Lucy ?
10. Her dog is 2 years and 5 months old . (变为否定句) Her dog 2 years and 5 months old .
1. I a student . You a teacher . 2. She my friend.
3. you Li Fen ? No, not . 4. Mr. green very busy?Yes , he .
5. He must at home . 6. Comedy very interesting .
7. thrillers very scary ? 8. You and I good friends .
9. His friends very funny 10. The twins very happy because they want to go to a movie .11. The girl in red clothes my sister .
1. People usually (eat) dinner in the evening .
2. His sister usually (go) to school at 7:00 am .
3. Lin Tao (like) his new sweater .
4. Let me (have) a look .
5. he (like) English ?
6. I want (go) to a movie .
7. He (not know)the teacher’s name
8. Can I (ask) the policeman ?.
9. She likes (play) chess .
10. It’s time (play) games .
1.Look! The cat____________(run)up the tree
2.The twins__________(have)breakfast.
3.----___he ________(clean) the blackboard? ----No,he isn’t. `
4.Tom__________(play)the piano in the room.Please ask him to come here
5.Listen! They____________(sing)in the classroom.
1.My mother is _____TV.
A.looking at B.seeing C.reading D.watching
2.---____you ____a book? ---Yes,I am.
A.Do,read B.Are ,read C.Are ,reading D.Are ,looking
3.Kate _____,the others _____.
A.sing,listen B.is singing,is listening C.sing,are listeningD.is singing,are listening
4.I ___my eraser,but I can’t ______ it.
C A.look for ,finding B.am finding,look for C.am looking for,find D.find,look for )
1.I am watering the flowers.(否定句)
2.She’s jumping now.(一般疑问句)
3.The boys are playing cards.(划线提问)
4.He is doing his homework.(复数句)
1.我们正在看电视. 2.他们正在打扫教室.
3.汤姆正在吃早饭. 4.那对双胞胎正在睡觉
5.男孩子们正在踢足球. 6.她正在铺床.
7.我正在玩电脑游戏. 8.你们正在听音乐吗?
1、Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句)
Lucy _______ _______ her homework at home.
2、He found some meat in the fridge.(变一般疑问句)
______ he _____ ______ meat in the fridge?
3、She stayed there for a week.(对划线部分提问)
______ ______ _____ she _____ there?
4、There was some orange in the cup.(变一般疑问句)
_____ there _____ orange in the cup?
1. ---How many ________ in the tree? ---There are two.
A. bird are ther B. birds is ther C. birds are there D.birds are their.
2. Mr Smith can speak ________ Chinese, but not ________.
A. some; muchB. a little; manC. some; any D. little; much
3. ---Thanks a lot. ---_________.
A. You are right B. That’s right C. That’s all right D. All right
4. ---________ skirt is this? ---It’s ___________.
A.Who’s;Lucy B.Whose;Lucy'sC.What;LucyD. Which; Lucy’s
5. There are many apples on the table. Please give me some big _________.
A. appl B. one C. ones D. the apples
6. Mr Johnson usually goes to the hospital ________.
A. by his car B. by the black carC. by car D. by the new car
7. Does your brother play ping-pong __________?
A. on every afternoon B. every afternoon
C. in every afternoon D. at every afternoon
8. ________ do you usually come to school?
A. How B. What C. Which D. How much
9. Are we all in _________?
A.the same clasB.sameclassC. the same classesD. same classes
10. ---Don’t you usually come to school by bike?
---_________. But I sometimes walk.
A. Yes, I do B. No, I don’t C. Yes, I do D. No, I don’
11. Susan likes _______.
A. singing B. sing C. sings D. sang
12. Some of ______ can speak English.
A. them B. theirs C. they D. their
13. What ____ Tom and his mother like ?
A. does B. do C. is D. are
14. Where _____ your English teacher from?
A. does B. is C. do D. are
15. Tom can ______ some vegetables at the market.
A. buys B. buying C. buy D. to buy
16. Kate _____ Chinese ______ Monday.
A. have, on B. has, in C. has, on D. there is,
17. A bakery _____ cakes and bread.
A. sell B. buying C. buy D. sells
18. What’s your hobby? My hobby is ______ model plane.
A. makeing B. make C. making D. made
19. Please fill _____ the form.
A. in B. on C. to. D. with
20. The first class _______ at 8:00 am .
A. begin B. is begin C. begins D. is beginning
21. ---_______ is the school library?
---It’s next to the playground.
A. What B. Where C. How D. When
22. Is there a bank _______ your neighborhood?
A. in B. on C. with D. to
23. It’s interesting to take a walk through the _________.
A. hospital B. library C. park D. river
24. ---It’s a place to get money. What is it?
---It’s a _______.
A. hotel B. bank C. home D. park
25. ---Is there a library near where you live? --____________.
A. Yes, there is. B. No, there is. C. Yes, it is. D. No, it isn’t
26. ---What is the opposite of clean?
A. Small B. Dirty C. Large D. Busy
27. Which kind of animals have long legs and neck?
A. Pandas B. Penguins C. Giraffes. D. do
28. Do you ever play _________ pandas?
A. with B. to C. and D. or
29. He’d like ________ on a vacation.-S1oW#y5KM&sH5l }*tK
A. go B. to go C. going D. wentv9Q9g5Cy7I-ayV
30. Is there _______ in today’s newspaper?0p {yhb/D"}!~
A. important something B. everything important
Dw m'[F/F8H C. anything important D. important anything,U9{1^5Q Y4o
31. Her mother is ________ English teacher. She works in our school.
4N C+]m-bx%P e A. a B. the C. an D. /
!]ex5}/U7BR4n)A 32. They are going to help some farmers ___________ their work.B _\QebL9a2k
A. for B. at C. with D. toL8N,A!S T a RO L
33. _______ your uncle __________ his work?r`XB"U^4m
A. Is, like B. Does, like C. Does, likes D. Do, likes P"ZQP5x
34. Young people like this season _____ it is good for sports.|5n\6x(bK&sJ.d
A. because B. so C. but D. and9Z;}F!m'A n;?c
35. I don’t have __________ read, but I’d like __________.
:V%r_X;J/K A. any, a few B. any, fewC. some, a little D. any, a littleh{~2k/`JI$qm"`
36. ---Can’t you hear __________? ---No, I can hear ___________.
:@+]e7bfi A. anything, nothing B. anything, anything
WZ!Q/n'q&DN C. something, nothing D. something, something
]1U5Jv8dR.Q 37. ---Did you go to the park on Sunday morning?
}\6~^%WJ.K ---________, I went there in the afternoon.vDX2eN9j2D's
A. Yes B. No C. Sure D. Sorry
L#snhp%Kq 38. ---You look tired.-_S5BX4W8M"~w
---Oh, I studied _________ the math test.
)o K1D*t3Ej)}v A. on B. at C. for D. in
b'il8X? 39. I had a ________ weekend. I did a lot of things. How tired I am!"_0Fe|7r'z
A. free B. busy C. good D. bad1w5V3t.y"hmf-D
40. She often buys some CDs ___________ Sunday.2uWo*L9hj)LWy$k
A. at B. in C. on D. withi^3]aaW0Z
41. An old friend of my sister’s always helps my brother and _____
X8{"r|3OJ-I with _____ English.rs*q yT \#E2O6H
A. I, our B. me, our C. me, ourselves D. me, my
2J(|Ks(S y;?Ay 42. Wang Lin _______ very popular. He is the captain of the basketball team.
}7|$Qr?{Q7e A. is B. are C. has D. have
vv9f/V4}n6R/^i.]\ 43. She’s a little bit ________. She doesn’t like talking with others.t8^1y5n+yiy}b0T
A. heavy B. thin C. quiet D. nice
W ck$Sj ^ { 44. I have new image and nobody ________ me. B4iE7_E3S0c
A. see B. sees C. know D. knows}#tc(V WkG!G
45. Do you know the boy ______ the funny glasses.
D&e1yn pp A. on B. at C. with D. to
wXZB @#Q1L2HN,d&ft 46. Rita _______ long hair last week. But she has short hair now.!OgH0Y}
A. have B. has C. had D. having
d4j&d^+M0G 47. I don’t think he’s so great, but my mom _________.
]!D0VYX,N3H A. do B. does C. is D. are
/\?4aJ JJ{*es 48. Let’s _______. I want to buy a new T-shirt.4v*tY$m(?_p
A. go swimming B. go to the moviesC. go shopping D. go to the beach
y m)f TcS!v#w 49. My hat is black. It ________ a cat.
4l S;uH"|/^7GA"c A;t A. look like B. looks like C. like D. likes
.|'| RC3\!\X5J0vn 50. I like _______ chess. How about you?
o8D0eba ~ A. play B. playing C. plays D. playediK8b[ T m!B
51. I have a new pair of shoes. ________ black and white.xz(yrS)P"P
A. It is B. They are C. These are D. This is
(YKi v7`^_/o 52. I like _________ very much. They are from Australia.d SYR/T:cv c4n
A. pandas B. giraffes C. koala bears D. dolphins
/J/E"q?raG 53. What would you like _______ your pizza?SMbGzBT
A. on B. in C. from D. to6`(Cs5d3l:l(J Y
54. What is Mary like? She ________.
B n0l8l%} A. is medium height B. has curly hair
lJu(gt\ C. has a medium build D. is funny?7b5G;bgO }+Z-M
55. I don’t like _________ weather because it’s too cold.tPcp$j)Q/R/s5J
A. sunny B. snowy C. warm D. hot!K3N2`8L"l? f0W ]op
56. What will you do ________ vacation?-^+e JE2aX
A. on B. in C. to D. of
M EvrX9}(w 57. He _______ English very well.Y'G@Z3~9g(\H:\
A. tells B. talks C. speaks D. saysa4}(Jpd mfk
58. Tony is always late ________ school because he gets up ________ 7:00.
+}&k8Xgo e"kI^;X"\ A. at, for B. at, at C. for, at D. for, forVN p;qd uVm
59. I like fried chicken so I always think it is _________.
{n9F"| VS A. delicious B. expensive C. terrible D. cheap3qAWk#[^n2G
60. I broke my leg yesterday ______ I didn’t run for exercise in the morning.Ms\D3]6g3A
A. or B. but C. because D. so1A |K@+[d n
61. He is friendly and most of his classmates like to discuss ______ him.(W~J+Ns
A. by B. on C. with D. and
3Wa0QR Y6H 62. ---Yesterday, I watched a movie Harry Potter. I don’t love it. How about you?n@fF0}
--- I do too B. I don’t too C. I don’t either D. I do either
#Ic~S IB4Bq 63. Tom studies at our school. He is a ________ boy.'V"~S+?t`
A. fifteen-year-old B. fifteen-years-old 9}9lEZ]N
C.fifteenyear old D. fifteen years old
"_zcs8Y6q ^ 64. ---Do you like to watch Hero?
&Xf0m O.w2}!_ep;?lw ---Yes. I enjoy ________ action movies.
%W%K+_8bK@+C py` A. watch B. watches C. to watch D. watching)UMS`C@D
65. They don’t have to _____ their school uniforms.
~2`:Gd2k3A&Y A. dress B. have on C. wear D. put on
j3t'@Tw'o:t 66. Don’t watch TV _________ school nights.g c9a\l9f'u8pF
A. at B. in C. / D. on
#B/P;iFM 67. We can’t ________ late for class.
#S k a$e[g A. arrive in B. arrive at C. get to D. arrive
Nu%l4Jvy 68. You can’t eat _____ outside.#l&D#y J]6^/VB\
A. at B. / C. in D. on"^c Gk{Nl+y
69. There are too _________ rules in the school.1vcs%X|7iM?
A. many B. much C. a lot of D. someh*s0j'ei
70. Be home ________ 8 o’clock on Saturday.
nd]~q J A. by B. to C. on D. in f5K{%T0VD
71. Students can’t _________ music in the hallways.!nREOr ]7T2w]
A. listen B. hear C. listen to D. hear to
dlL:s\0t/o/T| 72. ________ at ten o’clock in the evening.
Mm2R0r@j/Kb A. Go to bed B. Goes to bed C. Gets up D. Get up
;H gBKmj.~7F 73. A kid ______ breakfast every morning, because it’s good for his health.
QkR&T"D j6pGpv A. have to B. has to C. has to have D. has to has _Zi1\@R5U
74. Don’t go into the classroom without the _________.
6TL1yM:G},Z| Nny A. doctor B. assistant C. teacher D. clerk
iM~p ]a 75. She _______ this book last week.
V,?Q5T a y A. read B. reads C. readed D. is reading+t0{@C v6M
76. When _______ your birthday? l~B'U9P
A. is B. was C. were D. are
X;T6CV_/f"S:O6O$k 77. There are a lot of students in the classroom. Some are reading. ________ are writing.
r}R^Wj7u A. Other B. The other C. another D. Others
'@f6qnp\0e l 78. I have to leave here now. Can you take a photo _______ me?fPN'J[,CEJV
A. with B. of C. by D. on
!F A(o"exv4bk3^ 79. 13. It’s very cold in this room. Why don’t you _________ your coat?
%g]0R#kvgg }1xA A. take off B. wear C. put on D. take to
$B @3Z nK+B }9e5?Z 80. --- Hello, ___________? ---This is Peter.
]8Et#P^)F A. What’s this?B. Who’s this? C. Who are you? D. What are you?
