

1. 形容词做原因状语, 有无being区别不大:
Being poor,he couldn't afford a TV set.(现在分词做原因状语)
Poor,he couldn't afford a TV set. (形容词做原因状语)

Being ill, I stayed at home.(形容词做原因状语)
Ill, I stayed at home(形容词做原因状语)
Made of glass, the cup is fragile.
Caught in the rain, he got wet all over.
Lost in thought, he almost ran into the dar in front.
Being interviewed by the reporters, the manager has no time to see you.
2.形容词做时间状语, 不可以加being。
You had better eat vegetables fresh(= when they are fresh,不可用being fresh)
The fruits can't be eaten raw.(= when they are raw,不可用being raw)
3. 做伴随状语时,形容词和过去分词(其实他们已经形容词化了)可以互换。但均不可加being done。
He got home late that night, hungry and tired.
= He got home late that night, hungry and weary.
After his journey from abroad,Richard Jones returned home,exhausted .

= After his journey from abroad,Richard Jones returned home,weary.
4. 做方式状语时,不可以加being。但他们可以加-ly.
Brave and strong, the activists talked to workers outside the factory.(SB2 P15)
Bravely and strongly, the activists talked to workers outside the factory.
Nervous, she tore open the letter.
Nervously, she tore open the letter.
Helpless,we watched the house being destroyed before our eyes.
Helplessly,we watched the house being destroyed before our eyes.