

On the third day of the third month, it is a day for the purification rite, and the gathering has decided to replace it with a tea banquet. So, we tread upon the paths strewn with wildflowers, cherishing the shade of the courtyard, as the breeze sweeps over us, and the sunlight hides, leaving an endless elegance. Reclining, we borrow the green mist, sitting amidst the branches, where the orioles nearby do not fly away at our approach, and the red petals fluttering onto our clothing do not disperse. At this moment, we command the fragrant tea to be poured into plain cups, its color like amber, thick and translucent; it does not make one tipsy, but slightly arouses a clear train of thought; even the nectar of the immortals could not be better. Among us are the talented Zou Zi from Nanyang and Xu Hou from Gaoyang, along with a few others, who recently enjoy a pleasure beyond the worldly, so why not recite poetry?