代沟英语作文 代沟英语作文带翻译


1、正文 The concept of each person varies, naturally leading to differences in language, which is also reflected in the current buzzword, "generation gap." Parents may believe that since they gave birth to their children, they should unquestioningly comply with their wishes. However, this is a misconception. Although by law parents are the guardians of their children until the age of 18, they do not need to impose their feudalistic ideas on them. As the saying goes, "The more parents resist, the more children are tempted to challenge their limits." Today's post-00s generation, mostly consisting of only children, has received the best education. Therefore, parents do not need to impose their own ideas on their children. Regarding the issue of puppy love prevalent today, parents repeatedly discourage and educate their children, but I would like to ask, is it effective? Is it not better to resolve conflicts through open communication rather than through cold wars or arguments? Parents often believe they are without fault and consider themselves superior, resorting to beating and scolding as normal. However, this was true in the past, but times have changed. Please do not compare modern times with the past. You should keep up with the times. We know you have our best interests at heart, but different approaches yield different results. Now that children are in their rebellious phase, having a bad temper is normal. However, when parents view their children's retorts as ungrateful, it is bound to lead to family conflicts. When children perform well academically, parents lavish them with good food and drinks, but when their grades drop, they are not allowed home. Parents only see their children's grades, not the effort they put in. Don't they feel sad when they see their scores? Consider your children's feelings more. I simply hope that parents can understand their children and bridge the generation gap. 2、译文 每个人的想法都是不同的,自然而然地在语言上也就出现了差异,这也就是现在流行的词汇“代沟”的由来。 父母可能会认为,既然他们生了孩子,孩子就应当无条件地服从他们。但是,这是错误的。尽管法律上规定,父母是孩子的监护人,要负责到18岁,但是父母没有必要把自己那种封建主义的思想强加给孩子。正所谓“越不让做,越想挑战”。 如今00后的孩子,大部分都是独生子女,接受的教育也是最好的。因此,父母没有必要把自己的思想强加给孩子。至于现在普遍的早恋问题,父母一再地阻止、教育,但我想问,这有效果吗?不是更好的解决方法是坐下来和孩子进行沟通吗? 父母总是认为自己是对的,自己是至高无上的,打骂孩子是正常的,因为过去有句名言“严父出孝子”,但我想说,那已经是过去的时代了,不要和现代比较,你们应该跟上时代的潮流。我们知道你们是为了我们好,但方式不同,结果也就不同。现在的孩子正处于叛逆期,脾气暴躁是正常的,但父母认为孩子顶嘴是大不孝,必定会引起一场家庭战争。 孩子成绩好的时候,父母会给他们提供好吃好喝的,但是一旦成绩下降,就不让进门。父母只看到孩子的成绩,却看不到孩子有多努力。他们看到成绩不会伤心吗?多为孩子着想一下。 我只希望父母能够理解孩子,缩小代沟。