
the summer of 1993, Ron Semaio,director of programming for the U.S.sports cabie channnel ESPN,came up with an idea.
for a new sports program.while he was watching television one afternoon, semaio started to think about how much young
people liked to do extreme sports,like skateboarding,snowboarding,and BMX bike riding. HE thought of an event where
people could watch athletes compete in these sports in a kind of extreme Olympics.
it took some time to convince the management at ESPN that the idea showed promise,and then it took even longer to
organize the competition. finally, in the summer of 1995, the first Extreme Games took place in Rhode Islang inthe United
States. more than 350 athletes from around the world came to compete in events such as bungee jumping, barefoot waterskiing,
windsurfing,BMX biking,skateboarding,and climbing.the competitions were shown on ESPN and big hit,especially with males
between twelve and thirty years old.
the success of the first show resulted in the competition becoming an annual event.the second year,ESPN renamed the competition
the X Games.the organizers also announced that they would hold a winter X Games that year.in the winter games, athletes competed
in BMX racing on snow,snowboarding,ice climbing,and various ski competitions.
that same year,afew athletes were also asked totravel to Brazil and China to demonstrate their skill and to stir up interest in
the X Games in those countries.the touring X Ganes show became known as the X Trials.new athletes could compete in the X Trials,
and if they did well,they were then allowed to compete in the X Games.in addition to the X Games held in the United States each
year,there are also the Asian X Games,a Latin X Games,and a Junior X Games to encourage young athletes to compete in extreme sports

came up with:提出
thought of:想出
a kind of :一种,一类
in addition to : 除····之外
take place :发生
stir up :激起,唤起
big hit:热门,非常成功
did well:做得好,进展好
know as:被称为, 以~而著称
more than:多于,超于
第1个回答  2012-08-21
think about思考,考虑
how much多少;什么价钱;到什么程度
a kind of……的一种;几分
take place发生;举行
more than超过;非常
such as像;例如
allow to do允许做某事
in addition to除 …… 之外
there be某处有某物
start to do开始做某事本回答被提问者采纳