
文章为:“我的孩子,我这一支歌将用它的乐声围绕你,好像那爱情的热恋的手臂一样。 我这一支歌将触着你的前额,好像那祝福的接吻一样。 我的歌将成为你的梦的翼翅,它将把你的心移送到不可知的彼岸。 …… 当黑夜覆盖在你路上的时候,他又将成为那照临在你头上的忠实的星光。 我的歌又将坐在你眼睛的瞳仁里,将你的视线带入万物的心里。 当我的声音因死亡而沉寂时,我的歌仍将在你活泼泼的心中唱着。” 每当读到泰戈尔的这首诗,我都无法抑制一种流泪的冲动。也许由于中国人委婉的情感表达方式,你的父亲一辈子从未向你表示过温情,然而在生命中的某个时刻,你一定听到过这样的一首歌在耳际盘旋。 “当我的声音因死亡而沉寂时,我的歌仍将在你活泼泼的心中唱着。”你是否想起了《美丽人生》中那位走向纳粹枪口死亡的父亲在路过儿子藏身的铁箱时,依然回头向儿子做出了一幅滑稽的鬼脸?当我们面临无法克服的巨大灾难时,什么能使我们苦难的心灵得到慰藉?那是一份挚爱。 这正是德国伟大漫画家埃•奥•卜劳恩的系列漫画作品《父与子》长盛不衰的原因。相信所有看过《父与子》的人都不会不被漫画中那对天真纯挚、风趣可爱的父子逗得哈哈大笑、留下难以磨灭的印象,然而这些作品创作背后所隐藏的残酷的历史背景和生活现实可能却鲜为人知: 埃•奥•卜劳恩原名埃里斯•奥塞尔,作为一名时事漫画撰稿人,在他事业的高峰,由于发表了一幅讽刺希特勒的政治漫画而遭到纳粹的仇恨和迫害。在这种情况下,《柏林画报》对奥塞尔伸出了援助之手,邀请他以非政治性的主题创作一个长篇系列漫画。经过深思熟虑,奥塞尔以自己和爱子克里斯蒂安的生活为原型,创作了一系列漫画作品,并以自己成长的城市卜劳恩为笔名发表了这组作品。生活在纳粹统治的恐怖阴影下的人们,在这组作品中看到了一个久违了的澄静无比的世界。在这里,没有战争、没有歧视、没有政治,有的只是一个慈父、一个稚子,他们之间不断地发生着各种使人忍俊不禁的小故事,善良和温情是其中永远不变的主题。这组作品从1934年12月到1937年12月连续3年在《柏林画报》刊载,汇成了举世闻名的《父与子》系列漫画。 《父与子》像一束阳光,始终照耀在人们心灵的最深处,因为,在那里,孕育着一颗爱的种子。(思琛) e类出版物出品,共8集,推荐。

“my child, my this song will use its music to revolve you, probably that love is in love the arm is the same. My this song will be touching your forehead, probably that blessing kisses is the same. My song will become your dream wings, it will transfer yours heart to the unknowable other shore. ...... works as dark night cover on your road's time, he will become that to illuminate in you on faithful star light. My song will sit in your eye's pupil, leads the myriad things yours line of sight at heart. When my sound because of dies, but is quiet time, my song will still be singing in your lively heart.” Whenever reads Tagore's this first poem, I am unable the impulsion which suppresses one kind to burst into tears. Perhaps as a result of the Chinese tactful emotion turn of expression, your father for a lifetime never has expressed the tender feeling to you, however in life some time, you hears certainly a such song to circle in the beside the ear. “when my sound because of dies, but is quiet time, my song will still be singing in your lively heart.”Whether you have remembered "Beautiful Life" that trend Nazi muzzle death father, in the passing by son hid when iron tank, still turned head to the son has made a funny ugly face? when we faced with are unable the huge disaster which overcomes, what can enable our misery the mind to obtain consoles? That is a love. This is precisely the German great cartoonist Egypt Austria divination Rauen's series cartoon work "Father And Sub-" the prosperous reason. Believed all has seen "Father with Sub-" the human by the cartoon in that to naive pure sincere, the charming lovable fathers and sons will not be teased the impression which will laugh, stays behind obliterates with difficulty, however behind these work creation will hide brutal historical perspective and life reality possibly actually rarely known: Egyptian Austria divination Rauen old name Ailisi Austria Sayre, takes a current event cartoon copywriter, at his enterprise's peak, because published one to satirize Hitler's political cartoon to encounter Nazi's hatred and the persecution. In this case, "Berlin Pictorial" has stretched out hand of the aid to Austria Sayre, invites him to create a lengthy series cartoon by the non-political subject. After thinking, Austria Sayre take oneself and the beloved son Christie peaceful life as a prototype, has created a series of cartoon work, and has published this group of works take own growth's urban divination Rauen as the pen name. The life rules in the Nazi under the terrorist shadow's people, saw in this group of works has had not seen you for a long time clear and calm incomparable world. In here, does not have the war, the discrimination, not to have politics, some are only a kind father, a young child, between them is having each kind unceasingly the small story which causes the human to be able help smiling, good and the tender feeling is forever invariable subject. This group of works continuously 3 years printed from December, 1934 to the December, 1937 in "Berlin Pictorial", collect world famous "Father And Sub-" the series cartoon. "Father with Sub-" looks like bunch of sunlight, shines throughout in the people mind most deep place, because, in there, is breeding a love seed. (thinks of treasure) e kind of publication product, altogether 8 volumes, recommendation.
第1个回答  2008-02-16
My children, I will use it this Yiqige the sounds around you, like the love of the same love in the arm.This will be my Yiqige Chuzhao your forehead, as if kissing the blessing of the same. I will be the songs of your dreams wing fin, it will transfer to your heart unknown to the other side. …… When you coverage on the night when he will also become the head of your Zhaolin loyal Star. My songs will Tongren sitting in your eyes, your vision into the hearts of all things. When my voice because of the death of silence, I will songs in the hearts of throwing your lively singing.