
2.Look around you at the men and women whom you can call as happy as a king___will see that they all have certain things in common.
A.you B.then you C.and you D.which you
4.The bear gave birth to four babies last night, but____died soon after birth.
A.two of which B.the two of them C.both of them D.two of them
8.They appeared to have done well in the contest,______they all came out of the hall, chatting happily.
A.SO B.but C.for D.when
24.The thief kept tring to escape and_____time he was caught and brought back.
A.each B.any C.some D.either
28.---What's wrong, Bob?
---Oh, Dad, I'm trying hard, but the car______star.
A.mustn't B.shan't C.won't D.can't
36.We_____bed______we heard a knock at the door.
A.were prepared for, when B.were preparing for, and at that time C.prepared a, then D.were prepared for a, and suddenly

2,c 用and 表示并列:看到周围那些你可以说他们高兴地像国王的男人和女人们,你就会知道他们在某些方面有共同点。
4,d 这只熊昨天夜里产下四个崽崽,但是有两只在出生之后就死掉了。both是两个都的意思,句子有but 连接就用two of them,没有but 就用two of which.
8,c 他们似乎在比赛中表现很好,因为他们从大厅里出来,高兴地谈论着。for 引导原因状语从句。
24,a 这个贼一直想要逃跑,但每一次都被捉住然后送回来。keep doing sth,一直,持续做某事
28,d 什么事,狍博?
36,当我们在铺床的时候,听到外面有敲门声。were preparing for sth ,用动词ing表示正在做某事。