今天什么日子? 星期一, 14号用英语怎么翻译呢?既有星期也有日期的应该用什么来提问呢?


今天什么日子? 星期一, 14号
what's the date today?
Monday(或者 it's Monday) ,the 14th(fourteenth) .
整体回答就是,It is Monday,the 14th.

今天星期几?What day is it today?
今天几号?What's the date?

连起来问今天星期几? 几号 就是
What day is it today and what is the date?
第1个回答  2012-04-08
what's the date today?(今天几月几号?) 4月14号 April forteenth 今天星期几?what's day is it today?
第2个回答  2012-04-08
Monday, 14(th) 只能同时分开问:What's the date and what's the day?