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白羊座简介 白羊座出生日期:3月21日-4月20日 白羊座的人热情冲动、爱冒险、慷慨、天不怕地不怕,而且一旦下定决心,不到黄河心不死,排除万难的要达到目的。大部分属于白羊座的人的脾气都很差,不过只是炮仗颈,绝对不会放在心上,很快便会没有事,而记仇的天蝎座便正好是白羊座的相反。 白羊座特性 关键词:自己象  征:公羊四象性:火掌管宫位:第一宫阴阳性:阳性最大特征:控制主管星:火星颜  色:红色三方官:基本掌管身体:头部珠 宝:红宝石幸运号码:5金 属:铁金  句:我最大 Brief introduction of Aries Aries birth date: March 21st - April 20th Aries are passionate impulse, love adventure, generous, fearless, and, once determined, the the Yellow River heart die, push aside all obstacles and difficulties to reach the purpose of. Most Aries people are very poor temper, but only fireworks neck, never mind, it will not matter soon, and vengeful Scorpio Aries will be exactly the opposite. Key words: Aries like syndrome: male elephants: fire control sector: the house of yin and Yang: positive maximum characteristic: Control Supervisor Star: Mars color color: red three party official: basic of body : the head bead treasure: Ruby lucky number:5 Gold: gold of iron: my biggest
金牛座简介 金牛座出生日期:4月21日-5月21日 金牛座是很保守的星座,喜欢稳定,不爱变动。在性格上则比较慢热,对工作、生活、环境都需要比较长的适应期。金牛座又往往是财富的向征,他们在投资理财方面常常有很独到的见解。金牛座的男人往往有大男人的倾向,而金牛女生则喜欢打扮自己,谁让金牛的守护神是维纳斯呢? 金牛座特性 关键词:金钱象  征:公牛四象性:土掌管宫位:第二宫阴阳性:阴性最大特征:财富主管星:金星颜  色:粉色三方官:固定掌管身体:颈项和喉咙珠 宝:翡翠、玉幸运号码:6金 属:木金  句:有钱我最大 Brief introduction of Taurus Taurus birth date: April 21st - May 21st Taurus is very conservative constellation, like stable, don't love change. Relatively slow in character, on the job, life, the environment can be a big adjustment. Taurus and wealth often levy, they in the investment of financial often have very unique insights. Taurus men tend to have big man tendencies, and Taurus girls like to dress themselves, who let the Taurus is the patron saint of Venus? Characteristics of Taurus key words: money like syndrome: Bull elephants: soil in charge of sector: the second house of yin and Yang: negative maximum characteristic: Supervisor: wealth Star Venus color color: pink three party official: fixation of body: neck and throat bead treasure: jade, Yu Xingyun number:6 gold: Gold wood: rich me maximum
双子座简介 双子座出生日期:5月22日-6月21日 双子座的人往往喜好新鲜事物,他们有着小聪明,但做事常常不太专一。与双子座的人聊天也许会让你觉得很兴奋,因为他们脑子中那些新鲜的、稀奇古怪的东西会让有充满好奇。也许是对新鲜事物的追求和好奇,会让人觉得他们很花心,其实不然,他们仅仅是喜欢新鲜而已。 双子座特性 关键词:沟通象  征:孪生子四象性:风掌管宫位:第三宫阴阳性:阳性最大特征:思想主管星:水星颜  色:黄色三方官:变动掌管身体:肩膊、手、肺珠 宝:猫眼石幸运号码:7金 属:水银金  句:一人计短二人计长 Brief introduction of Gemini Gemini birth date: May 22nd - June 21st Gemini people tend to like the new things, they have a small smart, but always too single-minded. And Geminis may let you feel very excited, because their brains in the fresh, strange and eccentric things make a curious. Maybe is the pursuit of new things and curiosity, will make people feel they are mahogany, actually otherwise, they are just like the fresh. Key words: Communication Gemini characteristics like syndrome: Twin elephants: the wind sector: the third house of yin and Yang: positive maximum characteristic: thought supervisor Star : Mercury color color: yellow three party official: change of body: shoulder, hand, pulmonary bead treasure: cat Shi Xingyun number:7 gold: Mercury gold sentence: a person plan short two meter long
巨蟹座简介 巨蟹座出生日期:6月22日-7月22日 巨蟹座的人往往充满了爱心,他们将母性的本质发挥到了极限。对他们来说,最重要的东西是家庭。他们往往就像蟹一样,在充满坚硬的外壳下面是柔软的内心。巨蟹座是最执着的星座,他们对朋友、对家人的忠实,做事会一直坚持到底。 巨蟹座特性 关键词:家庭象  征:蟹四象性:水掌管宫位:第四宫阴阳性:阴性最大特征:感觉主管星:月亮颜  色:绿色三方官:基本掌管身体:胃 子宫 胸 消化珠 宝:珍珠幸运号码:2金 属:金金  句:我妈咪! Cancer cancer birth date: June 22nd - July 22nd cancer people are often full of love, they will be essential to its limits. For them, the most important thing is the family. They often like crabs, below is full of hard shell is a soft heart. Cancer is one of the most persistent constellation, they for friends, family loyalty, things will always adhere to in the end. Key words: family cancer characteristics like syndrome: Crab four: water sector: the fourth house of yin and Yang: negative maximum characteristic: feel competent Star: the moon Yan color: green three party official: basic rules: thoracic stomach uterus body digest bead treasure: Pearl lucky number:2 Gold: Jin Jin: my mommy!
狮子座简介 狮子座出生日期:7月23日-8月22日 狮子座的人热情、阳光、大方是他们性格上最大的特色。与他们性格上的优点不同,他们爱面子、自信得有点儿自大,常常会很在乎别人对自己的看法,也常常会因此而使自己不快乐。 狮子座特性 关键词:乐趣象  征:狮子四象性:火掌管宫位:第五宫阴阳性:阳性最大特征:权力主管星:太阳颜  色:红色、金色、黄色三方官:固定掌管身体:心脏、肾部、背脊珠 宝:琥珀幸运号码:19金 属:黄金金  句:我最大 Leo the lion a birth date: July 23rd - August 22nd Leo are passionate, generous, sunshine is their character 's biggest characteristic. And their personality on the merits of different, they love the face, a bit arrogant self-confidence, often care about their views on others, often will make you happy. Leo characteristic key words: fun like syndrome: the four: fire control sector: the fifth house of yin and Yang: positive maximum characteristic: Supervisor: Sun Yan star power color: red, gold, yellow three party official: fixation of body: heart, kidney, blood bead treasure: Amber lucky number:19 gold belongs to gold: Gold: my biggest
第1个回答  2012-04-08
In astrology, the 12 constellations of the zodiac is the range of pronoun, represent the12 basic personality prototype, a person was born, the planets in the zodiac position, a person's innate character and talent. The 12 constellations of the zodiac symbol of the psychological level, reflect a person behavior way. So will the divided into 12 constellations, known as the 12 constellations of the zodiac. For Aries, Taurus, Gemini, in turn, cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces.
第2个回答  2012-04-13
  白羊座符号象征着新的开始。   符号能量:控制。由于白羊座的上进心强,有时难免冲动,忽略他人的感受。   白羊座的象征是一头公羊,也可以诠释成公羊的角和鼻子。白羊座始于春季的第一天(北半球),象征一个新的开始新生的绿芽,表现出大地新生和欣欣向荣的景象。
  金牛座符号象征着力量。   符号能量:拥有。金牛座符号让人脚踏实地,但难免由于太固执而失去。   星座符号中的圆型代表着太阳的出现,顾名思义金牛在黄道十二宫中代表“金钱”,凡是能产生满足人们物质需要的各种设施、活动都属于它管辖范围,金牛座的外表温驯,但内心充满欲望。在古代,农夫播种之前都用牛来耕田犁地,因此它也是收入和报酬的代号。
  双子座符号象征着智慧。   符号能量:掌握。双子座经常一心二用,兴趣广泛,但有时难免了解的不太深刻。   双子座的星座符号是像Ⅱ的两根的平行直线,两头再以两根较短的横条封口,代表着CASTO与PULLUX这两颗永不分离的孪生星星,常被看成正反两面的象征,譬如对与错,施与受,教和学等,而在黄道十二宫中掌管“教育”的双子星座,不单指知识,还包含邮政以及针对学校及国家为人民所做的各种传播、沟通管道。
  巨蟹座符号象征着坚强。   符号能量:热情。外表时常冷漠的巨蟹座,内心充满善意和温情,应该适当的释放出来。   巨蟹座的星座符号就像是一只顶着硬壳的可爱小螃蟹横行的模样,有些占星家则认为,巨蟹座的星座符号像是两只对峙的小螃蟹,平衡着一个至日的起点,太阳在夏日的第一天进入巨蟹座开始夏至,而巨蟹座在黄道十二宫中,掌管的是与房屋有关的,像是房地产、银行、房屋贷款等,都是巨蟹座的势力范围。
  狮子座符号象征着权力。   符号能量:清醒。狮子座很多地方比较优秀,也较有魅力,但容易虚荣和骄傲,需要清醒。   狮子座的星座符号是黄道十二宫中最简单辨认的了,就是一条狮子尾巴,狮子座掌管着运动、休闲等各项娱乐项目,由于是万兽之王,狮子座代表着人类不断的尝试表达自己,并且发掘自己潜在本质的能力,因此狮子星座会表现出一种慷慨、高贵的气质。
  处女座符号象征着健康。   符号能量:分析。处女座总是追求完美,要懂得分析不容得有瑕疵。   处女座的星座符号可能是十二个星座符号中最难懂的,它与天蝎座符号十分相似,差别只是处女座符号上加上一个倒“v”,占星家认为,处女座的符号,就像是一位手持一串谷物的处女,而他们手中的每一粒谷物,都象征着由经验的田野中所收获的智慧果实(属于传授者,适合当需要有耐心的职业,如:新闻记者、 医护人员,股票买卖、讲师、作家、文学家、公务员、艺术家、评论家、分析家、调查员)   处女座代表着健康,它掌管药剂学,同时也是统计学和劳动力的代表。
  天秤座符号象征着平衡。   符号能量:衡量。公平是天秤座的优点,但要知道每个人心中的公平都不一样,没有标准。   天秤座的星座符号可以说是一令人一目了然,一看就知道是一把四平八稳的秤,要求的就是如何取得两方平衡的天秤,在黄道十二宫中,天秤代表着公平和正义,掌管着一个国家的法律还有外交的问题,因此天秤座是绝对要求平衡的星座,在平衡中必需要公正,天秤座同时也具有谦和有礼的特性。
  天蝎座符号象征着神秘。   符号能量:思考。天蝎座孤傲、冷漠,因此思考能力较强。   天蝎座的星座符号看起来就像是一只翘着尾巴的毒蝎子,但对于许多西方占星家的眼中,天蝎座的符号其实是“蛇”,因为蛇在上古时代即被视做“智慧”和“罪恶”的象征,众所皆知的的是,人类的始祖亚当、夏娃会被驱逐出伊甸园的主要罪魁祸首就是受不了蛇的引诱,才会吃下智慧果铸成大错。天蝎代表着理性与人的欲望以及奇妙的重生,致使蝎子有着孤独神秘的特性,让天蝎极度富有争议性。
  射手座符号象征着坦率。   符号能量:直觉。射手座比较深刻,有时冷漠,但是射手座直觉能力较强。   射手座的符号象徵射手的箭,回到象形的简单形式;由射手座的神话可以看出射手座的智慧和爱好自由。射手的原型是拿弓箭的人马,下半身的马象徵追求绝对自由,上半身的人象徵知识和智慧,而手中的箭,则表现出射手的攻击性和伤人的一面。
  摩羯座符号象征着坚韧。   符号能量:放松。摩羯座总是有登峰的欲求,不要太过紧张,放松平静下来可能效果更理想。   摩羯座的星座符号像是一笔划出山羊外形特征的一种古代象形文字,骨瘦如柴的身躯,却有攀登绝壁坚强的意志忍耐力,代表认真踏实的个性,而符号中有着山羊的头和胡须,其实摩羯座代表着就是山羊,而山羊本来就是一种个性非常强韧,且刻苦耐劳的动物。
  水瓶座符号象征着复杂。   符号能量:坚持。天赋可能让水瓶座比一些人更优秀,但多数成功来自点点滴滴的努力。   水瓶座的符号象徵水和空气的波,是具象但又抽象的;由水瓶座的神话中,可以看出水瓶座的爱好自由和个人主义。象徵水瓶座的波,是高度知性的代表,由波的特性去思考水瓶座的特质,看似有规律但没有具体的形象,是一个不可预测的星座,也是12星座中最难预测的星座,性格通常是时而好,时而坏,喜怒无常,略有神经质。代表着冷静与博爱。
  双鱼座符号象征着温柔。   符号能量:信心。双鱼座总是很彷徨,理想与现实的彷徨,感情的傍徨,要学会选择,可能并没有真正的对与错。   双鱼座的星座符号是两道新月形的弧,中间靠一道直线将它们串联起来,看起来就像是两条绑在一起的鱼,一条往上游去,另一条则向下游,完全背道而驰却因中间的一线相连,无论怎么拼命,结果还是无法分离,反而让自己身心俱疲、矛盾不已,正好明显的点出双鱼座天生的双重个性。
  Aries symbol symbolizes a new start. Symbols energy: control. Because Aries self-motivated, sometimes hard to avoid impulse, ignore the feelings of the others. Aries is the symbol of a ram, also can be interpreted to ram the horns and the nose. Aries begins with the first day of spring (the northern hemisphere), the symbol of a new start of the new green shoot, showing new life and the earth thriving scene.
  Taurus symbol symbolizes strength. Symbols energy: have. Taurus symbols to his feet on the ground, but unavoidably because of too stubborn and lost. The constellation symbols represent the appearance of the sun round, just as its name implies Taurus in the zodiac represents "money", those who could produce satisfy people material needs of the various facilities, activities are belongs to its jurisdiction, Taurus appearance sweet, but the heart is full of desires. In ancient times, the farmer sowing with the bull to plow before plough their fields, so it is also pay income and the code.
  Gemini symbol stands for wisdom. Symbols energy: master. Gemini is often the most, the interest is extensive, but sometimes hard to avoid the not too deep understanding. The constellation Gemini symbol is like Ⅱ two of parallel straight line, two head again with two root short horizontal a sealing, representing CASTO and PULLUX the two star never part twin stars, are often seen as the symbol of the two sides, such as of right and wrong, and accept, teaching and learning, and in the zodiac over "education" of the constellation Gemini, not only is knowledge, but also contains the postal and the view of the school and countries are doing for the people of various communication, communication channel.
  Cancer with strong symbol. Symbols energy: enthusiasm. Appearance of cancer often cold, the heart full of kindness and warmth, should be appropriate to be released. The constellation cancer symbols like a top the scale of lovely small crab prowled the appearance, some astrologers claim, cancer constellation symbols like two confrontation of small crab, balance a starting point to the day, the sun in the first day of summer into cancer started the summer solstice, and cancer in the zodiac, is in the charge of the house and related, such as real estate, bank, home loans, etc, are the scope of influence of the cancer.
  Leo symbols represent power. Symbols energy: awake. Leo many places more outstanding, is more attractive, but easy to vanity and pride, need to awake. Leo constellation zodiac sign is the most simple recognizable, is a lion tail, Leo takes charge of the sport, leisure, and other entertainment project, because is the king of all beasts, Leo represents human constantly trying to express themselves, and explore the nature of the potential ability, so a lion constellation will show a generous, noble temperament.
  Virgo symbol symbolizes the health. Symbols energy: analysis. Virgo is always in pursuit of perfect and to analysis are not flaws. Virgo sign symbol may be twelve constellation symbols of the most difficult, it is very similar to the symbols and Scorpio, the difference just is virgo symbols with a fall "v", astrologer think, virgo symbol, is like a handheld a string of grain of virgin, and the hands of each grain, are all symbols of experience in the field by the wisdom of the harvest the fruit (belong to teach, suitable for the need to be patient when the careers, such as: news reporter, medical personnel, sell stock, lecturer, writer, writers, civil servants, artists, critics, analysts, investigators) virgo represents health, it is responsible for pharmacy, is also statistics and labor representative.
  Libra symbols in the balance. Symbols energy: measure. Fair is a libra advantages, but know the hearts of all men are not fair, there is no standard. Libra constellation symbols can say is a stunning be clear at a glance, and a look that is a lacking in initiative and overcautious scale, the call is how to get the two FangPingHeng libra, in the zodiac, libra represents the fairness and justice, in charge of the country's legal and diplomatic problems, therefore libra is absolutely required the sign of the balance, in the balance necessary to justice, you also have the characteristics of modesty and courteous.
  Scorpio mysterious symbol. Symbols energy: thinking. Scorpio aloof, cold, so the thinking skills. Scorpio sign symbol looks like a stretching his tail poison scorpion, but for many western astrologers eyes, Scorpio symbol is actually "snakes", because the snake in ancient times is seen as "wisdom" and "evil", the symbol of well-known, human beings, the father of Adam and eve will be expelled from the garden of Eden the main culprit is can't stand the snake's lure, will eat wisdom fruit a mistake. Scorpio represents the reason and people's desire and wonderful born again, which has the characteristics of the mysterious lonely scorpions, let you very rich controversial.
  Sagittarius symbol symbolizes frank. Symbols energy: intuition. Sagittarius is profound, sometimes cold, but Sagittarius intuition skills. Sagittarius the symbols of the striker's arrows, back to simple forms of pictographic; Its bow by can see Sagittarius wisdom and the love of freedom. The striker is connected with a strong team of the prototype, and the lower half of the MaXiang pursuit of absolute freedom, the upper body as a symbol of knowledge and wisdom, and the arrows in the hands of, the show manner that is often seen side.
  Capricorn symbol symbolizes the fortitude. Symbols energy: relax. You always have the desire of dengfeng, not too nervous, relax calm down may effect is more ideal. Capricorn constellation symbols like a stroke a goat contour features of a kind of ancient hieroglyphs, skinny body, has a strong will climb endurance, represents the earnest character, and has the head of the goat symbols and beard, actually Capricorn represents is goats, and goats would have is a kind of individual character very tough, and hard work of the animals.
  Aquarius symbol symbolizes the complex. Symbols energy: insist on. Talent may let Aquarius more excellent than some people, but most success comes from little drops of the effort. Aquarius the symbols of the water and air本回答被提问者采纳