
Infrustructure is critical to economic coordination and activity. ... ... In addition, a special interest problem concerns favored districts with political clout that end up as the recipients of improved infrastructure-which may not be an efficient solution.
在下大概知道文本的意思, 说的是基础设施对经济发展的作用。 但是,不解的是省略号之后 In addition 这个句子。 分不清 主谓宾, 大侠们帮忙分析下语法成分 再翻译下! 然后在解释下 为什么 which may not be... 这个分句,为什么可以用 连字符- 不用逗号(这个应该是非限制性定从)

Infrustructure is critical to economic coordination and activity. ... ... In addition, a special interest problem concerns favored districts with political clout that end up as the recipients of improved infrastructure-which may not be an efficient solution.
Infrustructure is critical to economic coordination and activity. ... ... In addition, a special interest problem concerns favored districts with political clout that end up as the recipients of improved infrastructurewhich may not be an efficient solution.
第1个回答  2012-04-15
第2个回答  2012-04-13
a special interest problem是主语,
favored districts 是宾语,
with 表伴随
that 是宾语从句,修饰前面的political clout(政治势力) ,
end up as (最终成为)
the recipients of improved infrastructure (改进基础设施的接受者)
which 是指代前面的一句话 为了避免误会指代前面的一个词所以用破折号 。