

① 句子或词组的翻译 & 含义解释:
- aboard [əˈbɔːrd]: 在船上、在飞机上或其他交通工具上。例句:They climbed aboard the ship.(他们登上了船。)
- abroad [əˈbrɔːd]: 到国外,在国外。例句:She is studying abroad in France.(她在法国留学。)
- board [bɔːrd]: 董事会;木板;甲板。例句:He was elected to the board of directors.(他当选为董事会成员。)
- broad [brɔːd]: 宽阔的;广泛的。例句:She has a broad smile.(她笑容灿烂。)

② 语法详解:
- aboard 是一个副词,表示在交通工具上的位置或状态,可以用作介词的后置语,也可以作为副词修饰动词。例如:Come aboard!(上船吧!)
- abroad 是一个副词,表示在国外或到国外。它通常用于表示旅行、居住或学习等活动。例如:He went abroad to study medicine.(他去国外学医。)
- board 可以是名词或动词。作为名词时,它指的是董事会、木板或甲板。作为动词时,它表示登上交通工具或加入组织。例如:I have a meeting with the board of directors tomorrow.(明天我要和董事会开会。)
- broad 是形容词,表示宽阔的或广泛的。它可以用来形容物体、地区或概念。例如:He has a broad knowledge of history.(他对历史有广泛的了解。)

③ 英文的具体用法举例:
- aboard 的用法举例:They were all aboard when the train departed.(火车启程时,他们都已经上车了。)
- abroad 的用法举例:She plans to go abroad for a year to learn a new language.(她计划出国一年学习一门新语言。)
- board 的用法举例:She joined the board of the company as a non-executive director.(她以非执行董事的身份加入了公司董事会。)
- broad 的用法举例:The road became broader as we drove further into the countryside.(随着我们越进农村,道路变得越宽阔。)