get to还是go to?


"Get to" 和 "go to" 在用法上有一些区别:
1. "Get to":
"Get to" 表示到达某个地点、达成某个目的或执行某个动作。它强调的是到达某个地点或完成某个行动的过程。
- I need to get to the airport by 8 am.
- She finally got to meet her favorite actor.
- We have to get to the bottom of this issue.
2. "Go to":
"Go to" 是表示行动的动词短语,用于表示移动到或查看某个地点、参加某个活动、进入某个状态等。它强调移动到某个地点或参与某个活动的意义。
- I want to go to the park and have a picnic.
- Can you go to the supermarket and pick up some groceries for me?
- She goes to the gym every morning to work out.
总的来说,"get to" 更强调到达或达成某个目标的过程,而 "go to" 更强调移动到某个地点或参与某个活动的意义。