

  14 15 16 17 18 22 23 25
  1 I have crossed oceans of time to find you 我跨越时间的瀚海来找你
  2 There is much to be learned from beasts野兽能教导我们许多事
  3 It`s your voice,perhaps It`s so familiar或许受你的声调影响 好熟悉
  4 Man`s deceit took her from her ancient prince谣言拆散了她与王子
  5 Prince Dracula 德古拉王子
  6 He spesks to me in my thoughts 他在我的思绪中With him I felt more alive than ever I had与他在一起我最有活力
  And now without him,soon to be a bride 如今他不在,又将成婚I feel confused and lost我深感困惑失落
  Perhaps,though I try to be good,I am bad也许我虽然想做好,其实很坏
  Perhaps I am a bad,inconstant woman或许我是个善变的坏女人
  7 The foe I have pursude all my life 我一生追击的敌人
  9 It is as if a part of me is dead too except for the tiny hope that lives in me that I will again see my prince仿佛部分的我也已经死去除了暗盼能再见到我的王子
  Now that I am marride I begin to understand the nature of my feelings for my strange friend who is always in my thoughts我已经结婚,才明白对缠绕心中的他是怎样的情绪
  10 What have you done with her ?你把她怎么了?
  11 I doubted everything even my mind以前我疑幻似真甚至以为自己疯了
  12 My most precious life我最珍贵的生命
  13 I want to be with you always我要永远和你在一起
  14 I feared I would never feel your touch again我害怕再也感受不到你的触摸
  15 I am nothing我什么都不是
  Hated and fearde人皆恨我怕我
  I am dead to all the world我在世上已死
  I am the monster that breathing men would kill我是众人皆欲杀之的怪物
  I am Dracula我就是德古拉
  16 I want to be what you are,see what you see,love what you love我要变得和你一样,见你所见,爱你所爱
  17 Dracula:To walk with me,you must die to your breathing life and be reborn to mine想和我一样,你必须死去,并在我的世界重生
  Mina:You are my love and my life always你永远是我的爱与生命
  Dracula:Then I give you life eternal,everlasting love……那么我将让你永生,给你长久不熄的爱……Walk with me to be my loving wife forever跟我走,永远为吾爱妻
  Mina:I will,yes.yes我愿意。
  Dracula:Drink and join me in eternal life喝下去同我迈入永生
  Dracula:No,I cannot let this be不,我不能伤害你
  Mina:Please,I don`t care.Make me yours我不在乎,占有我吧
  Dracula:You will be cursed as I am to walk in the shadow of death for all eternity你将让我永世被诅咒I love you too much to condemn you我太爱你了而不能伤害你
  Mina:Then take me away from all this death带我远离死亡阴影
  18 There,in the presence of God I understood at last how my love could release us all from the powers of darkness Our love is stronger than death
  在上帝面前我终于了解我的爱让我们脱离黑暗魔咒 我们的爱比死更强大
  19 You may rely on me 你可以相信我
  20 Forgive me 原谅我
  21 Do you believe in destiny你相信宿命么?
  22 The luckiest men who walks on this Earth is the one who finds true love找到真爱的人才是最幸运的人
  23 She was fortunate My life,at its best,is misery 是她命好 我一生凄凉
  24 What manner of man is this 他是怎样的人
  25 You yourself never loved 你从未恋爱过Yes,I too can love有,我能恋爱And I shall love again而且我将再次恋爱
  26 I could`t control myself我不能控制我自己
  27 My humblest apologies 我最深的歉意
  28 A woman so luvely and intelligent……如此美丽聪慧的女子……
  29 I am your servant 我听凭差遣 I am honored我的荣幸
  30 I shouldn`t have come here我不该来的
第1个回答  2006-06-17



惊情四百年的主题歌Love song for a vampire