


1、This suit is made of high-quality wool。这件西装是由高质量的羊毛制成的。

2、He was wearing a navy blue suit that was clearly expensive。他穿着一套显然很贵的海军蓝西装。

3、She had a black suit on and a white blouse。她穿着一套黑色西装和一件白色衬衫。

4、He was wearing a dark suit and a striped tie。他穿着一套深色西装和一条条纹领带。

5、He was well-dressed in a dark suit and a tie。他穿着深色西装,打着领带,衣着十分得体。

6、He was wearing a dark suit with a white shirt and a dark tie。他穿着深色西装,白色衬衫,系着深色领带。

7、He was dressed in a well-cut dark suit。他穿着一套剪裁合身的深色西装。

He was wearing a gray suit and a red tie。他穿着灰色西装,系着红色领带。

8、She was wearing a red suit that clashed with her hair。她穿着一套红色的西装,与她的头发格格不入。

9、He had on his old brown suit.他穿着他的那套旧棕色西装。

10、He is a man who wears a suit and tie to work every day。他是一个每天穿西装打领带去上班的人。

11、She had a green suit with a short skirt。她有一条绿色短裙套装。

12、The company's chairman was wearing a black suit and a red tie。公司主席穿着黑色西装,系着红色领带。

13、He was dressed in a smart gray suit and a striped tie。他穿着一套漂亮的灰色西装,打着条纹领带。

14、He always wears a dark suit and a red tie when he goes to work。他上班时总是穿深色西装和红色领带。

15、This suit is made of high-quality wool。这件西装是由高质量的羊毛制成的。


1、作为名词使用时,suit通常表示一套衣服或一套装备,通常包括上衣、裤子、帽子等。例如,He is wearing a black suit and a tie。他穿着一套黑色的西装和领带。在这个例子中,suit指的是一套衣服,即西装和领带。

2、作为动词使用时,suit可以表示适合或符合的意思。它可以用来描述某物或某人适合某种情况或条件。例如,The color of the shirt suits the pants。衬衫的颜色适合裤子。在这个例子中,suit表示衬衫的颜色适合裤子的颜色。

3、suit还可以表示向……提出诉讼,控告的意思,通常用于法律用语中。例如,The company was sued for not paying the employee's overtime。公司因未支付员工的加班费而被控告。在这个例子中,suit指的是对公司的控告。

4、在商业和法律领域,suit还可以表示诉讼案件的意思。例如,The case was dismissed with prejudice, meaning that the plaintiff could not refile their suit。案件被驳回并判定为有罪,这意味着原告不能再次提起诉讼。

