

第1个回答  2022-09-28

1. 一片关于作家的英语作文

To an Intimate Friend at Christmas

Dec. 25, 2001

Dear Mary,

Here it is Christmas again 。 and you are still in Los Angeles, and I am still in Boston,but with a whole continent beeen us! It would take far more than a continent beeen us to make me fet the many happy Christmases we had together and the many pleasant memories we both share.

Do you still remember the Christmas party you had when you and Ed got married? That day you had a big tree in the living room and a tiny one right beside it and everyone wondered why. Then you and Ed began openning the packages just around the little tree and taking out booties, mittens and Teddy Bears——and everybody there knew you were going to have a baby! It was a wonderful day that we ever had.

That was eleven years ago, Mary. Your daughter, Linda, must be quite a young lady now. And Tommy was born the year you moved to Los Angeles, so he must be seven. I hope I could see them, but I guess it will be long.

My hu *** and, John, is very busy now, in fact, busier than ever. He is so conscientious that he won't go away for a weekend for fear that he won't finish on time his program on Water Pollution.

Anyway, Mary, the ing Christmas day makes me think of you and recall all the nice times we used to have. John and I send our love to all the family and the wish that everything will be well with you.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Yours ever,


2. 求一片英语作文;我最喜欢的作家 My Favorite Writer

I like reading in my free time. I've read all kinds of books which are written by many famous writers from all over the world. But I like a Chinese writer best. His name is Xu Zimo.


Xu Zhimo was born in a big family. His parents were good at writing and his father taught little Xu by himself. When Xu Zhimo was very young, he was interested in reading. Fables, stories or novels were his favorites and he often nearly fot eating and sleeping.When Xu was about six years old, he began to write some short stories. He was always practising writing and he did better and better. But he still kept on reading, because he always believed that “Reading makes a full man, a ready man and an exact man.”全文你参考这个“英语作文网”吧 lugv

3. 我想成为作家的作文怎么写

"他走了带不走你的天堂,风干后会留下彩虹泪光;他走了你可以把梦留下,总会有个地方等待爱飞翔."十年前,还是二十年前 我曾经是个爱做梦的小姑娘.





我曾经梦想当一个演员,一个全职的演员.我喜欢舞台,我喜欢在舞台上的感觉.我曾参加过无数次的歌手比赛,大小奖项都有.我喜欢唱歌,我喜欢跳舞,因为那可以让我忘记一切的忧愁烦恼,因为那可以吸引众人关注的目光.到我三十岁的时候,还有业内人士替我惋惜:你应该当个演员的.可是,错了,就错了 .我怕演员的颠沛流离我身体不好;我怕演员的勾心斗角我太天真;我怕演员的流言蜚语我太在乎;我怕演员的年华早逝我杞人忧天.十八岁,我就当一名音乐教师,对于女孩子而言,多好的职业啊!安逸,受人尊敬;单纯,不累.



直到有一天,我猛然发现,其实,我这个职业不正是音乐和文学最完美的结合吗 每一节课都是一个绚丽的舞台,每一节课都是一次文学的创作,虽然没有炫目的灯光,虽然没有优厚的稿酬,但我拥有最忠实的观众和最诚挚的读者——学生

4. mydream英语作文带翻译想成为一名作家

I want to be a writer Everyone has a dream about their future,if you ask me what's my dream,I will tell you that I want to be a writer.I like reading very much since I was a child and enjoyed myself very much,then I want to write some stories to make other happy as the writers do.So I practice to write something in my free time,by doing that I feel very fortable because sometimes I write some opinions about the life,the society,I think these will help me in the way of being a writer. 我想成为一个作家,每个人都有他们对未来的梦想,如果你问我什么是我的梦想,我会告诉你,我想成为一个作家。


5. 老舍是我最喜欢的作家英语作文

Laoshe is my favourite writer. He was born on Faburary the third in 1899 in Beijing. He died in 1966.He has many famous works. many people love to read his novels. He is one of the most famous writer in China . i hope i can be a writer in the future.。