英语作文,题目《未来电子行业的发展趋势》 求帮忙写一篇 1000字的 感谢感谢!采纳再给1000


Hello everybody! Here I stand to introduce myself to you.
My name is***. I am a eleven-year-old girl with shoulder-length hair and alovely face. *** primary school is the place where I study.
I am very thin but quite athletic and energetic actually. What's more, I've got a good personality as I am always cheerful and confident. I have a positive attitude towards life even met with difficulties and criticism.
I interested in ***as well as***. Besides this, I am very keen on***.I like to make friends with other people and I would like to express and change my ideas through the communication.
That's all for it. Thank you all.追答

In China, e-commerce in the future will present the following development trends: First, the depth of the e-business will further expand. Current is limited by the level of technical innovation and application of enterprise e-commerce is still in its early stages of development. With the improvement of both, as well as the development of other related technologies, electronic commerce will further advance a new generation of e-commerce will emerge, replacing the current simply rely on "site + email" method. E-commerce business from online stores and portals in primary form, the transition to the company's core business processes, customer relationship management, and extending on to the Internet, so that products and services closer to the users ' needs. Common features of interactive, real-time enterprise information exchange, network enterprise resource planning, customer relationship management, and supply chain management of the central nervous system. Enterprises will be created, forming a new value chain, upstream and downstream stakeholders in new and old to unite to form more efficient Strategic Alliance together for the greater good.

Second, China will face serious challenges. E-commerce is the inevitable trend of development of international trade, international e-commerce standardization and improvement of the environment, Chinese e-commerce business to the world, which is further expanding economic and trade cooperation and meet the needs of economic globalization, enhance the international competitiveness of Chinese enterprises. With China's accession to the WTO, foreign e-commerce business will penetrate the home, posed a challenge to China's e-commerce. Third, the merger spree e-commerce website will appear. First, similar mergers. China's construction of a large number of Web sites are part of a repeating column, positioned the same, or similar, business content convergence. Due to limited resources, and the Internet "winner takes all" principle, winner of just the top site, followed by complementary merger. Leading e-commerce companies in resources, brand, customer and so on has a lot of advantages, but compared with the abroad famous e-commerce enterprises is still a big gap. These have a good basis and development prospect of Web site development will take a complementary acquisition policy, and strategic alliances. Because individualization and specialization are two major trends in the development of electronic commerce, and each of the site resources are always limited, is a full range of customer needs, so that different types of Web sites in the form of strategic alliances for mutual collaboration will become inevitable%

Finally, mainstream industries will become the next generation of electronic commerce e-commerce development. Entered a period of rapid development of e-commerce in China is characterized by risk capital, website positioning from the previous "complete" business model towards specialization industry portal. E-commerce focused on the content of the first generation, the second generation focus on comprehensive e-commerce, the next generation of e-business content and commerce platform is tightly integrated, give full play to advantages of Internet information services, e-commerce really entered a practical stage. Finally, eASP--e-commerce creates new business e-commerce application service provider. The main business pattern of e-commerce in the future, but for many small and medium enterprises in China.

第1个回答  2015-10-20
In the last couple of decades, there has been a tremendous step forward in the world of technology. So many of the new inventions have become more familiar to us and much easier to get at any time. And with these new devices that make lots of thing easier, the world around us suddenly changed. For example the mobile phone is used by almost everyone today, so when you meet a new person, their cell phone number is among the basic information you get about them. However cell phones have disadvantages as much as advantages.
Pros:You are always connected and anyone who knows your mobile phone can contact you. You can speak to them, text them, send pictures and use lots of other features. Now most of the mobile phone service providers have GPRS, EDGE or 3G enabled network. You can receive and send emails, always have the newest information, get the exact location of markets, hotels or any other places you need while travelling towards them, download music and movies.
Cons:Some times mobile phones can fail you just when you need them the most. You may be at a location where there is no network, your battery can be empty, the providers’ network might be overloaded and your call can suddenly stop, or your phone can simply malfunction.Using mobile phone for a long time without break is definitely bad for your health. There have been some studies about the possible radiation from cell phones. The radiation isn’t really that dangerous, unless you’re talking on your phone non stop. But even if you’re not using it that often it can still damage your hearing, especially if talking on the phone is combined with loud music on your headphones.