
求一篇周杰伦某首歌的英文介绍,就是: 1.用英文描述这首歌讲的大概是什么意思或者故事。 2.听后的感受 3.周董的英文介绍 我要向美国人介绍周杰伦,所以希望各位杰迷多多帮忙!!!!谢谢了!!!

Zhou Jielun is now becoming something produced by the young generation who go after fashion. In his unique way, Chou tells the people what is “cool”. As for what is cool, he regards it as follows:” I think cool is nothing more than a lack of words, being sober and out of ordinary. I don’t care so much about what I wear, if only you are different from others, they will follow.” But Yang Junrong says: “he dosen’t like talking, and is very indifferent from others. Although the young now have a much more space to perform what in their minds, and although they want to mould their own shapes, it seems that the young people today are all like Chou--- sparing of words. And I don’t like it so much. They should have their own personalities.” A piece of ore He is the quiet singer in front of the piano whose song takes us by storm; he is the magnetic man student in various of exquisite advertisements bringing us much beautiful fantacy; and he is also the prince Jie in 《Curse of the Golden Flower》making the movie more dazzling. Kwon as Taiwan’s Small Heavenly King, Zhou Jielun is now a person setting the world on fire. However, the distinguished guy is not such a Lulu in the very beginning. When he was a student , the study just seemed to be too much for Jay. In fact his work was so poor that one of his teachers considered him as someone of incomplete intelligence. Among all subjects, Jay was especially terrified at the sight of English (I can’t help wondering, then, maybe it would be a problem for him to pass the CET-4,if he were a student in our class.). Then when Jay was out of school, he still couldn’t show his paces. In spit of his extraodinary sense of music, he wasn’t a singer at the beginning. It’s said that although many star-spies had recognized Jay’s uncommon talent, they all thought his appearance was not so satisfying (what’s unintelligeble, he proves to the public quite a handsome guy now.). Although Jay had written many brilliant songs for some popular singers such as Coco, it was not until Wuzongxian’s unearthing that Jay ——the piece of ore, gave out its energy. The moment he came in front of the microphone, a new terrible musical whirlwind became fashionable ——he has triggered a powerful music tide, and Jay is really something for music. Jay’s experience can give us some enlightenment. While it’s true that we should always take some others’ advice, it’s also necessary that we ourselves should have our own view, and insist our belief. To some extent, we are all pieces of ore. Under the silent or even ugly appearence, there hides unforeseen power. We should hold our dreams as firm as a rock, because we are the person knowing ourselves the best, cause as the famous advertisement says ——all is within possibility. 追问: 谢谢,能不能写比如【菊花台】【青花瓷】【东风破】这种中国风歌曲的鉴赏???就是你听了这种歌的感受,当然用英文!!!谢谢你了!!辛苦了!! 回答: 《东风破》、《发如雪》、《菊花台》、《千里之外》、《青花瓷》、《兰亭序》。这是方文山最经典的中国风歌词。我时常闲来无聊都会拿出歌词默念或低吟,甚至百听不厌。越念越有韵律,越听越觉得美的无与伦比。既然能欣赏自然也能鉴赏,但不是随随便便每个人都有这个能力。很早以前五六岁当我开始抱个字典背汉字时,我周围的同伴还在涕泗横流;当我开始进军中国传统文学或者拿来卡夫卡,劳伦斯,爱伦坡,惠特曼,莎士比亚做样子时,他们才开始把自己的名字写的如荒烟蔓草。因此我有实力来说出我对中国风的看法与鉴赏。 如果我没记错的话,宋朝民间乐舞方面应该有大曲,也就是许多曲子连续弹奏。曲分三段,第一段“散序”,第二“排编”,第三“入破”。此外也有“曲破”,好像是独立的。南唐后主李煜,不仅是一代词帝,而且他也通晓音律。曾亲制《念家山曲破》、《振金铃曲破》等。“东风破”的“破”是一种调,也称“曲破”。根据《宋史乐志》记载太宗亲制“曲破”二十九曲。江南一带盛行这种琵琶曲。多填词而唱,后演变为词牌。宋史达祖就有一首《东风第一枝》这样的曲破。《东风破》歌词并非严格规律下的词牌。现实中作为流行文化也没那个必要,它是仿古词牌名所做的歌曲。唐元稹《琵琶歌》:“月寒一声深殿磬,骤弹曲破音繁并。百万金铃旋玉盘,醉客满船皆暂醒。”就是形容琵琶弹到入破后,音乐节奏越来越快速的情形。而《东风破》的副歌“谁在用琵琶弹奏一曲东风破”弦外之音就是用琵琶这种乐器弹奏一首名为东风的曲破,不知其中奥妙的人只知听着如沐春风,勾人情思。行内人就会明白方文山的用心良苦,而这首歌的价值也就影射出了中华民族文化的博大精深,作为中国人我们没理由不传承中国风。 《青花瓷》《菊花台》等词作都几乎运用了转化,比喻,类迭等手法大同小异,这里无须赘言。 每当想起这样的中国风歌曲,脑府里就会幻化出一幅古典画面:一缕愁丝,一扇朱窗,一壶淡酒,一抹清风,一个落寞的诗人,一份感动;一种柔情,一声叹息,一曲轻吟,一个怨女,便组成古式爱情。一句“天青色等烟雨而我在等你”,仿佛回到了易安少女时代的“倚门回首,却把青梅嗅”,分担她的“一种相思,两处闲愁”,聆听梧桐更兼细雨的那份凄凄惨惨戚戚;一句“你发如雪我焚香感动了谁”,仿佛看到了《长恨歌》里杨贵妃的梨花带雨,唱尽此恨绵绵无绝期。 中国风的歌曲就是这么美,希望更多的中华儿女用中国风来医治某些人“崇洋媚外”的内伤,唤醒他们的民族意识。最后让我们再一次沐浴在中国风《兰亭序》的韵味里:“兰亭临帖,行书如行云流水……” 你看这个行不行,,行的话,,我帮你翻译成英文的,, 追问: 不是这个意思.....真是不好意思..... 我的意思是 写 【菊花台】的感想,听了这首歌自己有什么感觉,为什么喜欢这个歌....... 这个是给外国人看的,写的太中国他们看不懂!@!! 你文笔真是好!!麻烦你了!不好意思 回答: 抱歉,我没时间想了,, 如果真的需要,你写好中文后,我再帮你翻译成英文吧,, 真的很抱歉,, 追问: 你加我好友吧!麻烦你帮我翻译了!!!