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Does It Matter That Your Professor Is Part Time?
US News & World Report
Kim Clark
November 7, 2008



A developing trend in the world of academia is the hiring of part-time professors to teach college courses. These non-tenured teachers usually cost the universities less money per class and can often teach more up to date information. This article by US News and World Report examines the benefits and drawbacks of this new trend.


Does It Matter That Your Professor Is Part Time?
US News & World Report
Kim Clark
November 7, 2008



Some students are benefiting from adjuncts' lower costs and, often, more practical, up-to-date instruction, of course. But there's also considerable evidence that the proliferation of adjunct professors—many of whom don't have Ph.D.'s—is dumbing down many classrooms and contributing to grade inflation.

一些学生受益于这些成本更低的老师,当然,更实际的是他们的最新的教导。但也有相当多的证据显示,这些这些兼职教授/]副教授(其中很多都是没有博士学位的)的大量增加正在使学生一直笨下去并引起分数膨胀,学位贬值。(注明:1. 分数贬值;分数通胀(指因评分过高,导致得高分者激增而使教学质量下降)2. (为提高质量的)标准改变)

Despite 20 years of booming enrollment and skyrocketing tuition, colleges have been quietly filling the majority of new openings with part-time or short-contract adjunct professors (also often called "visiting professors," "instructors," or "lecturers") instead of the traditional assistant professors who have a chance to work up to a full tenured job. In fact, the nation's graduate schools are now pumping out hundreds more Ph.D.'s each year in some disciplines than there are tenure-track openings available. The trend has become so pervasive that about two thirds of America's college instructors are now adjuncts.


That's generated tremendous savings for colleges. On average, traditional professors, who have tenure (or lifetime job guarantees), benefits, and campus offices, cost colleges the equivalent of about $8,000 per three-credit class, one recent study found. Adjuncts, the vast majority of whom teach only one or two courses at any particular college, cost their employers an average of about $1,800 per course. Schools not only pay adjuncts less per classroom hour but often don't offer benefits or support such as offices or secretaries.

这位高校省下了巨大的开支。据一个近期的研究表明,就拿一个享有曾任职工作保障(或终生职业保证)并拥有学校办公室的传统教授来说,每个班平均花费学校大概相当于 8,000美元。而大部分的兼职教授在任何学校只教授一门或两门课程,学校只需平均花费1800美元每课程。学校不仅仅少付了课时费,常常还不需要提供福利或办公室或秘书等的支持。

Acceleration. A few schools, such as Arizona State University, are responding to current budget shortfalls by laying off adjunct faculty. But looming financial problems are likely, over the long term, to cause many colleges to "accelerate the hiring of adjuncts," says Jane Wellman, director of the Delta Project on Postsecondary Education Costs, Productivity, and Accountability.


Indeed, many of the fastest-growing schools have eliminated tenure altogether. Western Governors University, a new online community college, has found that non-Ph.D.'s, on average, do a better job of motivating and counseling students through the school's computerized lessons. And the freedom to release employees whose students fail improves the quality of the education, says Robert Mendenhall, WGU's president.


Many traditional colleges claim adjunct-taught classes are better for students than, for example, classes taught by graduate students.


Texas Woman's University Provost Kay Clayton says raising the share of part-time faculty about 4 percentage points to 44 percent in the past five years might be helping her students. For instance, by hiring moonlighting nurses for about $3,000 per course to teach some nursing classes, the school helped keep this year's tuition at $6,500 a year and, Clayton says, provided better teachers. "That is a real benefit to the students, because they are practitioners and bring in a wealth of experience," she says.


In fact, one study found that in some fields—especially technical and career-related programs such as psychology, architecture, and finance—students who are taught by professionals serving as part-time instructors appear to perform better academically. Such students also take more courses in the subject.


But that study (and others) found, in addition, that the students of adjuncts who are teaching the basic academic disciplines, such as English, history, and pure sciences, are more likely to drop out.


Despite that troubling research, more than half of all English professors are now not on the tenure track. And many adjuncts say most colleges provide them with so little support, job security, and money that it is inevitable that their students will underperform.


Since schools usually look at student evaluations to determine whether or not to invite adjuncts back, Lila Harper, who has a Ph.D. in English literature and teaches writing and literature at Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Wash., finds herself grading a little easier than she likes and avoiding controversial subjects. "We are gradually undermining the value of a college degree," she fears.


Harper, who is a full-time adjunct, says that because she has no chance at tenure, she stopped teaching a course that included Thomas Mann's novella Death in Venice after a student objected on religious grounds. (The main character, a middle-aged writer, struggles with an unexpected passion for a young boy as he also confronts his mortality and his moral duty to warn the youngster to flee a coming plague.) "I am disposable," Harper says. "If they can save face by firing me, they will fire me, so I try to pick topics that are not controversial."


Multiple choice. Another adjunct, who teaches speech and communications part time at private Midwestern colleges and asked not to be named, says that only by teaching six to nine courses a semester (at about $2,000 a course) can he make the $25,000 to $30,000 a year he needs to cover his basic living costs. So he spends 12 to 13 hours a day driving to part-time jobs at different colleges, teaching, and grading. "I give multiple-choice tests because I don't have time to grade essays," he says. And when one private college, eager to increase enrollment, recently asked him to pass a flunk-ing student who would otherwise have dropped out, he says he had little choice but to agree, since he wants to be invited back to teach again next semester.


Sometimes, he thinks of how each of the 20 or 30 students in his classes is paying about $2,000 in tuition and fees for each course. The classes generate at least $40,000, which means the colleges pass on to him only about 5 percent of the students' tuition. Although the adjunct, who has a master's degree, gets top ratings from his students, he doesn't get raises. The colleges "always say, 'We know that you are worth more than this, but we don't have the money.' "


Meanwhile, to get to his classrooms, he drives past cranes erecting "million-dollar dorms and athletic facilities," he notes. He is often tempted to find steadier, more lucrative work. But "I love teaching, being exposed to the students, their ideas and energy." If he did quit, he knows there are dozens of professionals eager to take his place. "If the university can get something cheaper," he says, "it will."

第1个回答  2008-12-25


作为高校面临的成本,提高传统tweed-coated pipe-smoking comfortable-job-for-life全职教授,,似乎要渡渡鸟的鸟。如今,典型的大学教授是兼职人员、兼职额外的现金或威信,或“高速飞行的“-cobbling教学事业一起在不同的学校多个类别。



那是产生巨大的储蓄。平均来说,传统的教授,曾任职工作保障(或者)、效益一生,高校校园办公室、费用相当于$ 8,000元,每three-credit班最近的一项研究发现。附属品,其中绝大多数人只教一或两门课程在任何特定的大学,成本雇主平均约1800美元每课。学校重视每课时少的附属品,但通常不提供利益或支持诸如办事处或秘书。








从学校通常要看学生评价,以确定是否要邀请的附属品,丽娜·哈珀,谁在英语文学博士,教授写作和文学中心华盛顿大学,却发现自己,he Ellensburg分级更容易比她喜欢和避免争议的主题。“我们正逐渐削弱了大学学位的价值,”她的恐惧。




第2个回答  2008-12-25