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Brings new tourism products to promote deep exploration
The sustainable development of fair cultural tourism should bring new tourism products. After meeting the basic demand and steadily developing go-sightseeing tourism products, it should intensify greater efforts to develop shopping and recreation products, to promote (high) hierarchy fair tourism and explore special subject fair tourism products.
Deeply explore the cultural tourism resources of Mt Taishan and make tourism products and projects of Taishan fair culture to be new bright spots of Taishan tourism, to attract more tourists home and abroad. This is the requirement of establishing tourism destination. To update and promote original fair tourism products and to form reasonable tourism product structure do good to the combination of economic benefit, social benefit and sustainable benefit of fair tourism.
Develop special subject fair tourism products, taking culture as beginning, supported by tourism items, to attract project investment and publicize cultural connotation. The “offering sacrifices to heaven” culture covered in Taishan fair culture is the deeper cultural connotation of Taishan fair and should be explored and utilized in depth.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~【英语牛人团】倾情奉献 欢迎采纳 好问好纳 再问不难~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
第1个回答  2013-03-28
There're great potentials for the Taishan fair culture to develop overseas tourist market. Because the belief of Taishan fair has a wide transmission area and a big impact, even affecting Korea, Japan, South-east Asia and other foreign places, which can be seen from the situation of frequent communication among fair religious cultures. We can avail this to explore overseas tourism markets. As is shown in the tourism market investigation conducted by Shandong Tourist Administration, the main interest of overseas tourists for Shandong tourism resources focuses on aspects like landscape scenery, historical relics and folk custom.
Secondly, the food and cooking, tourist shopping, culture & art reflect the cultural deposits and rich cultural connotation here and there in Shandong Province. The rich contents contained in Taishan fair culture provides a basis for attracting overseas tourists. There's a growing demand for Chinese fair culture in western tourism markets. Because there're lots of differences between Chinese and occident. One of the motives of their travelling in China is to know Chinese traditional culture, obviously fair culture included. We can arouse tourist motives and realize their tourism behavior by expanding the broadcasting of Shandong fair in western markets to let potential tourists realize that Taishan fair culture is one of sources of Chinese fair culture.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2013-03-28








第3个回答  2013-03-28
Taishan temple fair culture development of overseas tourists market potential big, because the Taishan fair faith spread wide, influence, and South Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia and other overseas areas, and this can be seen from the temple of religious culture communication situation. We can take the development of overseas tourist market. According to market research on tourism to the Tourism Bureau of Shandong Province, overseas tourists in Shandong tourism resources mainly focus on the landscape, heritage and folk customs; the second is cooking, shopping and cultural art which embodies the cultural background and rich cultural connotation. The rich content of the Taishan temple fair culture, laid the foundation for attracting overseas tourists. European and American tourism market on Chinese temple culture has produced a strong demand, because there are a lot of differences between China and Europe and the United States fair culture, they came to one of China's tourism motivation is to understand the Chinese traditional culture, including the temple culture. The expansion of Taishan Dongyue Temple Fair in Europe and the United States market propaganda, let potential tourists to Taishan temple fair culture is one of the origins of Chinese temple fair culture, can stimulate the travel motivation, to achieve their travel behavior.