
Use the following to answer questions 1-3
Rex and Kaven just graduated from college and got jobs. Assume Rex and Kaven will each live for 2 more years, and that they will each need to purchase a car in year 1 to last them for both years. Rex believes that the price of gasoline will only increase by 5% between year 1 and year 2. Kaven believes that supply constraints will drive the price of gasoline up by 40% between year 1 and year 2. Rex must commute 10 miles round trip to work each day, and Kaven must commute 5. Assume there are 260 working days each
year. There are 2 cars on the market to choose from. The ‘F5000’ gets 10 miles per gallon and costs $20,000. The ‘Envy’ gets 45 miles per gallon and costs $21,500. The interest rate is 10%.

1. What is the lowest price per gallon of gasoline in period 1 such that Kaven will
purchase an ‘Envy’? (Rounded to the nearest cent)
A. $2.15
B. $6.53
C. $3.80
D. $23.22
E. None of the above

2. What is the lowest period 1 gas price such that Rex will purchase an ‘Envy’?
A. $2.15
B. $6.53
C. $3.80
D. $23.22
E. None of the above

3. If the national economy goes into a recession, and the Federal Reserve decreases interest rates to spur investment. Assuming gas prices remain
unchaned, what effect will this have on Rex and Kaven’s car decisions?
A. They will be more likely to purchase an ‘F5000’.
B. They will be more likely to purchase an ‘Envy’.
C. The interest rate change is not important to their decision.
D. The interest rate will not change Rex’s Decision if gas is $7 a gallon.
E. None of the above

Rex 和Kaven刚刚从大学毕业找到工作。假定他们两人都能再多活两年,他们俩在第一年都要买一辆车并且这辆车能用到他们去世。Rex认为第一年到第二年汽油的价格仅会增长5%。Kaven则认为随着汽油供应的限制,第一年到第二年汽油价格会增长40%。Rex每天要走10英里去工作的地方而Kaven要走5英里。假设他们每年有260天的工作日。市场上有两辆车供他们选择。“F5000"这款车一加仑的油可以走10英里,花费20000美元。“envy”这款车一加仑可以走45英里,花费21500美元。利率为10%。
在第一阶段一加仑汽油的最低价格是多少才能Rex 买'envy'这款车?
如果国民经济呈现衰退趋势,美联储(美国的中央银行)降低利率来刺激投资。假设汽油价格不变,这项举措将会对Rex和Kaven 买车的决定产生什么影响?

PS:不好意思楼主,我只能帮你到这儿了。加油算吧 理解不明白的再问我。
第1个回答  2013-03-17
草 中文的都看不懂 看英文
第2个回答  2013-03-17