of which, in which, between which有什么区别呢?


of which、in which、among which它们在释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象上存在一些区别,具体内容如下所示。

1. 释义区别:

"Of which" 强调从一个较大的集合或类别中选择或归属某个特定的事物或成员。"In which" 指在一个特定的地点、情境或环境中。"Among which" 意为在一个较大的组群中的其中之一。


He showed me his collection of stamps, all of which were rare.(他向我展示了他的邮票收藏,其中所有的邮票都很稀有。)

The party was held in a beautiful garden, in which flowers bloomed.(聚会在一个美丽的花园里举行,花朵盛开其中。)

She has many books, among which her favorites are novels.(她有很多书,其中她最喜欢的是小说。)

2. 语法区别:

"Of which" 是一个短语,在句子中可以作为介词短语或定语从句的一部分。"In which" 是一个短语,在句子中通常作为介词短语或定语从句的一部分。"Among which" 是一个短语,在句子中通常作为介词短语或定语从句的一部分。


He showed me his stamp collection, all of which were very valuable.(他向我展示了他的邮票收藏,其中所有的邮票都非常有价值。)

The party was held in a garden, in which we enjoyed the beautiful scenery.(聚会在一个花园里举行,我们欣赏着美丽的风景。)

She has many books, among which there are several poetry collections.(她有很多书,其中有几本是诗集。)

3. 用法区别:

"Of which" 用于介绍一个集合中的某个特定成员,并表示归属关系。"In which" 用于描述某事发生的地点、情境或环境。"Among which" 表示在一个大组群中的其中一个,暗示从中有多个选择。


He showed me his collection of rare stamps, all of which were expensive.(他向我展示了他的稀有邮票收藏,其中每一张都很昂贵。)

The meeting was held in a conference room, in which important decisions were made.(会议在一个会议室里举行,会议产生了重要的决策。)

The company has many branches, among which the New York office is the largest.(公司有很多分支机构,其中纽约办事处是最大的一个。)

4. 使用环境区别:

"Of which"、"in which" 和 "among which" 可以在正式的书面语和口语中使用,具体使用取决于句子结构和上下文。


He showed me his collection, all of which were unique pieces of art.(他向我展示了他的收藏品,其中所有的作品都是独一无二的艺术品。)
