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以下为引用“回答者:aegis2288 - 试用期 一级 1-2 14:13”

Kuafu Chasing

很久很久以前,有一个人叫夸父的,他个子又高,体重也沉,力气就更别提了,自然是大的很的说。那个时候人才从猴子变过来没多久呢,文明的发展也不咋地,所以还很崇尚武力,谁厉害当然就占些便宜,很容易被人重视被人崇拜的啦,所以夸父自然也觉得自己牛啊牛的说。可是突然有一天夸父去临近部落的时候,遇到了酋长的女儿,一个漂啊漂的mm,一下子就爱上她乐,死气白赖的追人家。漂漂mm蛮喜欢他的啊,那么健壮打起架来肯定不吃亏的,也不怕被别人欺负的说。可是mm的老爸,也就是酋长大人想把她许配给另外一个部落的酋长,好把两个部落的力量联合起来,获得部落的利益,可是夸父那么壮,酋长老爸怕怕的说,于是就对夸父说:“你想娶我女儿可以啊,但是你得给聘礼才行的。”夸父就问他:“你要什么?你要什么我都答应你!!”酋长老爸就说:“我的女儿是我的宝贝,要娶她,你得用天上的太阳来交换才行。”酋长老爸本来想,太阳是不可能被夸父拿来的啊,出个难题他做不到就不再想了嘛,谁知道夸父虽然个子大,可是光长身体乐,没有脑子,是个傻大个的说。他抬头一看,太阳就在没多远的天上挂着呢,就说:“好啊好啊,我这就去追,你可得守信用哦。”说完就屁颠儿屁颠儿的追太阳去乐。 太阳老大多牛啊,什么时候有人敢这么不尊重他了?一看夸父这个傻大个真的追过来了,心说:“我还能被你追上?那不是太没面子了嘛!”就赶了自己的马车飞快的跑了起来。没成想夸父虽然傻,可是跑的可真快哦,太阳老大已经活了好多好多年乐,那几匹拉车的马也都老的不行了,平时又不运动,只会拉了车慢悠悠的走,今天突然被追,竟然眼看着被夸父追的越来越近乐。太阳老大一看不好,赶紧下了车,一溜烟儿的自己跑了起来。 夸父追啊追,就要追上太阳扔下的马车的时候觉得口渴的不行了,而且跑了这么久,也累的够戗,就赶紧赶了马车去喝水。马车因为是太阳的马车啊,自然就认为自己了不起些了,左边一个轮子右边一个轮子都很power的说。可是因为太阳买马车的时候手头正紧张呢,车前面的七色流苏是不能省的啊,那可是门面的,于是太阳一狠心,就买了两个破轮子,所以虽然车身子蛮漂漂的,可是轮子嘛就不好意思些了。这马车被赶啊赶的,小轮子跑得晕的要命(小腿儿倒不过来了?;-P),虽然都快口吐白末了,可是为了面子也只能受些苦坚持着了。转眼车就到河、渭了,小轮子心想这回可算是交代过去啦。夸父把身子歪到右边去,伸了根好长好长的麦管下去吸啊吸的,很快就把河、渭的水都喝光啦,然后一扁嘴:“怎么还渴啊,而且这么热,干脆去贝加尔湖喝冰镇矿泉水去吧!”然后一扬鞭子,马儿唏骝一声长嘶,荡着漫天的尘烟就奔北边去了。只可怜小轮子还没歇过来呢,就又得卖命了,尽管它的意志力蛮强的(要面子就这点儿好处嘛!;-P)可是无奈身体不给面子啊,还没到贝加尔湖呢,已经不行了。这时候夸父突然喊了一声:“好大的一片桃林啊,我要吃桃子的说。”边说着身子就探出了车外,伸了脑袋往下看。这轮子还喘呢,一点儿准备也没有啊,架着夸父块儿也大,哗嚓一声右边的轮子就塌断掉乐。可怜车上的夸父对太阳的车子报以了那么大的信任,没有作任何提防,一下子就被从天上扔了下来,倒栽在桃林里摔死乐。 跑在前面的太阳老大呼哧呼哧的跑啊跑,突然回头一看,不见了夸父了。四下一找,发现跟桃林里倒插在地上已经没气儿乐。太阳老大心中后悔,暗自为自己害死了跑的这么快的夸父觉得内疚,不然回头让他参加奥运会去,好歹也能拿一堆冠军回来给东方人争争光啊(太阳家在东方,每天早上起来都很勤快的上班去的哦)。于是就让自己肩膀上的大乌鸦把夸父的死讯带会了部落里去。那时候还没有自由恋爱的呢,就更别说为追求爱情而付出生命的了,于是部落里的大法师把他的故事记了下来,讲述给后世的继承者,好让夸父的故事得以流传。后来由于传啊传的好多情节就都丢乐,人们只知道从前有个傻傻的夸父妄想追太阳来的,却不知道,他是第一个为了爱情而牺牲生命的爱的先驱呢。
Many years ago, there lived a man named Kuafu Chasing, he subsystems high weight Shen, let alone the effort. Nature is a very big say. At that time personnel from the monkeys did not change over time, it does not shout to the development of civilization, so still resort to use of force. Of course, and what accounts for some cheap, it is easy for people to attach importance to the worship anymore. So naturally feel Niua cattle Kuafu Chasing said. But suddenly one day to close tribal Kuafu Chasing the time, he met the chief's daughter, a floating ah drift mm. She immediately fell in love with music, died of gas recovery depends white people. He likes the pretty nice mm ah, then certainly not healthy to prevent the expense of the planes, that is not afraid of being bullied. However mm father, she is betrothed to another Emirate adults want tribal chiefs, Joint forces of the two tribes well, the interests of the tribe agreed, but then Kuafu Chasing the accident, the Emirates father horrifying, So Kuafu Chasing on to say : "You wished to marry my daughter can ah, but you have got to the dowry. "Kua Fu's Race asked him : "What you want? I promise you what you want go up in smoke. "Emirates father said :" My daughter is my treasure, to marry her. You got to exchange the sun in the sky is imperative. "My father had wanted Emirates, the sun can not be used Kuafu Chasing ah, out there thinking about a problem he failed to say, though sub Kuafu Chasing Who knows, but longer-body music, no brain, The big one is that stupid. He looked up and the sun in the sky not far notice, say : "O.K. good, and I made so. Oh, you have honored. "He then got on fart fart subversion subversion abuse of children to recover sun music. Sun boss more Niua, so when people dare not respect him? Kuafu Chasing the big one really silly to see a recovery over the heart : "I was able to catch up with you? it is not lose face! "dizzying rush of their own trio ran together. While not wishing to Kuafu Chasing silly, but around the Kezhenkuai Oh, the sun has been the mastermind of live music for many many years. That idea : the race to pull carts are old or are not usually campaign will pull the car Manyouyou go, he was suddenly, Kuafu Chasing recovery has been watching the music is getting closer. Sun boss a look bad, quickly got off the car, knows their children run up. Kuafu Chasing pursuit ah catch up, the sun will catch up with the trio, who feel thirsty when the strained, but took so long, Gouqiang also tiring, the trio quickly rushed to drink. The trio because the sun's chariot ah, naturally considers himself more remarkable. left a power wheels are the wheels that one right. But because the sun can do is to buy the trio of tension, it is not the orthodox car in front of Delight's ah, but window-dressing. So a hard-hearted sun, it bought two broken wheels, although he is pretty nice car. But it embarrassed some of the better wheels. This trio was forced ah rushed to the scene, either going to run small wheels (legs abuse does not take over the ?;-P) Although White seems Say the right conclusion, but only by some in order to face the hardships persist. After the car into the river, Wei, thinking that this time can be regarded as small wheels, take account of the past. Kuafu Chasing false regard to the right to the body, really, really long extension of the wheat root absorption tube indefinitely ah smoke, and very quickly River. Wei finished off among all the water, then one-mouth : "how has a thirst ah, but so hot Ice Lake Baikal in the town simply to mineral water! "Swagger and then a son, the horse Hey monkeys soon identified. Ben lost amid the dusty fog on the north side to the city. Small wheels do not rest only pathetic, to get their lives. Although it is pretty strong willpower (vs. benefits to face this !;-P 67,000), but not physically helpless to face ah, Before Lake Baikal, it has not succeed. This time Kuafu Chasing suddenly shouted loudly : "A big piece of Taolinkou ah, I want to say a peach. "while talking about a body unearthed on the car, look down into his brain. This surge has wheels, it has not prepared a little ah, there was also Kuafu Chasing pieces, a desire to screech the wheels on the right side of the collapse soon cut off music. Kuafu's Chase for the poor car and the car is reported to the sun so much trust, not to make any beware. suddenly been thrown down from the sky, music Inverted Growth in Taolinkou Lane died from a fall. Running in front of the sun standing Huchihuchi Paoa run, suddenly looked back and Kuafu Chasing the missing. Looking for the next four, with the Tao Lane fertilizer found in the ground have no gas musicians. Sun boss hearts, having secretly run so fast to the death of Kuafu Chasing feel guilty. Otherwise, back to let him participate in the Olympic Games, every day could get back to a pile of Asians indisputable championship winning glory ah (solar home in the East up every morning to go to work very hard working, the oh). So let's put their shoulders a Kuafu Chasing the death of the tribal belt will be going. Time has not yet free love, it even made mention of the pursuit of love and life. So the tribe says he put down the story about the inheritance to future generations, Kuafu Chasing the story so popular. Due to the traditional pyramid ah many cases are lost on the music, people only know that once an Sasa Kuafu Chasing the sun to attempt to recover. we do not know, he was the first one to love and love lost their lives? Herald.
第1个回答  2008-05-29
A braggadocio, miscalculating his strength, conceived the vain ambition of overtaking the fleeting rays of the sun.; be ignorant of one's strength; doing sth. beyond one's ability