
2 兴趣爱好
3 天气.日期.
4 简单问候
5 打电话常用语
6 问路
7 看病。询问病情

1\ Good morning/afternoon/evening,my name is XXX.
2\ During my spare time,I like swimming/jogging/sports/reading/hill climbing and so on.
3\ It's Saturday today and it's a good day.
4\ Nice to meet you!(第一次见)/hi,what's up?(熟人)
5\ A:Hello,it's XXX,is XXX there?
B:Hold on a sec.I'll put him on.
6\ Excuse me,could you show me the way to XXX(地点)?
7\ How do you feel?


具体看 <英语8000> ,有mp3,每天听一段,一个月后再听一次,三个月后应就不错了.
第1个回答  2008-05-24
introduce myself
what's the weather like? what's the date today?
how are you ,how's going,what's up,what's been up to
可以回答,no bad,fine, cool, wonderful
hello,this is someone here,may I speak(talk) to somebody.
hello,someone speaking, who are you looking for?
hello some company, can I help you
could you tell me the way to ..... I am looking for somewhere,. Is this way to somewhere? how can I be somewhere?
what's the matter with you? where you feel uncomfortable?
do you feel pain? are you blooding? is anything happened with your leg?
第2个回答  2008-05-24
1 please allow me to introduce myself
2 my hobby is... i like (do)ing....
3 what's the weather today? what's the date today?
4 hello, what' up? how are you?
5 may i speak to someone? could you take a message ?
6 how can i get to ...?? where is the nearest...?
7 Where do you feel unwell?
Is it serious,Doctor?
第3个回答  2008-05-24
hi,nice to meet you ,miss XX,today is a good day,hehe,n..i'm a simply girl,i like journey .....(自己加)
(问路):excuse me,how could i got there?thank you
天气什么的应该会吧?how like weather?what today's date??
打电话:hello,what can be called XX??thank you
sorry,he just out
oh,ok ,i know,could you take a message for me?
看病: how hard you?
i have a .....(什么病)
here is ok??pain or not?