


弟声 姐姐,你去问她。
姊声 (低声)不,弟弟你问她,你问她。
姊 你问她,她知道。
弟 我不,我怕,你,你去(推姊姊,外面合唱声止)
姑乙 (扶她)起来吧,鲁奶奶!起来吧!(扶她至右边火炉旁坐,忙走至姊弟前,安慰地
姊 谢谢您,姑奶奶。(替弟弟穿衣服)
姑乙 外面冷得很,你们都把衣服穿好。
姊 再见!
姑乙 再见。(姊领弟弟出中门)
姑乙 嘘,(指鲁妈)她出来了。
姑甲 (低声)周先生就下来看她,你照护照护。我要出去。
姑乙 好,你等一等,(从墙角拿一把雨伞)外头怕要下雪,你要这一把雨伞吧。
姑甲 (和蔼地)谢谢你。(拿着雨伞由中门出去)
姑乙 (指鲁妈,向老翁)她在这儿!
老人 哦!
老人 (关心地,向姑乙)她现在怎么样?
姑乙 (轻叹)还是那样!
老人 吃饭还好么?
姑乙 不多。
老人 (指头)她这儿?
姑乙 (摇头)不,还是不认识人。
姑乙 楼上你的太太,看见了?
老人 (呆滞地)嗯。
姑乙 (鼓励地)这两人,她倒好。
老人 是的。--(指鲁妈)这些天没有人看她么?
姑乙 您说她的儿子,是么?
老人 嗯。一个姓鲁叫大海的。
姑乙 (同情地)没有。可怜。她就是想着儿子;每到节期总在窗前望一晚上。
老人 (叹气,绝望地,自语)我怕,我怕他是死了。
姑乙 (希望地)不会吧?
老人 (摇头)我找了十年了,--没有一点影子。
姑乙 唉,我想她的儿子回家,她一定会明白的。
老人 (走到炉前,低头)侍萍!
老人 (低声)侍萍!侍--
姑乙 (向老人摆手,低声)让她走,不要叫她!
姊 (向弟)在这儿?一定在这儿?
弟 (落泪,点着头)嗯!嗯!
姑乙 (喜欢他们来打破这沉静)弟弟,你怎么哭了?
弟 (抽咽)我的手套丢了!外面下雪,我的手套,我的新手套丢了。
姑乙 不要紧,弟弟,我跟你找。
姊 弟弟,我们找。
姑乙 (向姊)有么?
姊 没有!
弟 (钻到沙发背后,忽然跳出来)在这儿,在这儿!(舞着手套)妈,在这儿!(跑出
姑乙 (羡慕地)好了,去吧。
姊 谢谢,姑奶奶!
老人 (抬头)什么?外头又下雪了?
姑乙 (沉静地点头)嗯。

4 screen

[Stage at the opening of the dark. Only heard the distant sound with the church choir mass winds Chords, Zidi prelude to the voices of:
Sound younger brother and sister, you ask her.
Sister sound (quietly) No, you asked her brother, you ask her.
[Stage that gradually, beginning with the King, back after 10 years Layue 30 pm. The old woman (Luma) is Taiwan
In the Waidao, Zidi in the next.
You asked her sister, she knew.
Brother I do not, I fear, you, you (pushing his sister, the only sound outside the chorus)
[B from the door into the Kou, see the woman on the floor, big shock, Fuqi her busy.
Regardless B (help her) up bar, Lu Grandma! Up! (Help her to sit right next to stove, busy to take Zidi, comfort and
) Brother, you do not have Xiazhuo bar, go fast, the mother on the outside waiting for you, sister, brother, you go from.
Thank you, your sister, Gu Nainai. (Wear clothes for my brother)
Regardless B very cold outside, you put clothes Chuanhao.
Sister Goodbye!
Regardless B Good-bye. (From sister to brother in the door)
[Kou B busy come before the fireplace, care old woman.
[Kou by a right into the dining room door.
Kou Xu B, (referring to Luma) her out.
Regardless A (quietly) Mr. Zhou look at her on the next, you care care. I have to go out.
Regardless B, and you wait, (from the corner with an umbrella) to be afraid of snow outside, you have to bar the umbrellas.
Regardless A (和蔼to) Thank you. (Carrying an umbrella by the door off)
[Elderly from the left to the Office, Li door, watching.
Regardless B (Luma refers to the man) in her here!
The elderly!
The elderly (with interest to Kou b) how kind she is now »
Regardless B (Qingtan) or so!
Fortunately, the elderly eat Mody »
Regardless B limited.
The elderly (finger) she here »
Regardless B (shaking his head) No, people still do not know.
Regardless of your wife upstairs B, see »
The elderly (and sluggish) ah.
Regardless B (to encourage) the two men, she Daohao.
The elderly are. -- (Referring to Luma) These days no one looking at her Mody »
Regardless B you said her son, Mody »
Ah elderly. A surname Lu called the sea.
Regardless B (and sympathy) no. Pitiful. She is thinking about his son; every section of the window looking in a night.
The elderly (sigh, despair, Ziyu) I am afraid, I am afraid he is dead.
Regardless B (hope) it will not »
The elderly (shaking his head) I found a decade, - not that shadow.
Regardless B Oh, I think her son home, she will understand.
The elderly (go Front, bow) Shiping!
[Woman back, Daidai De Looking at him, not understanding, face no slightest facial expression, 1:00, she direction
The elderly (quietly) Shiping! Paternity --
Regardless B (to the elderly Baishou, quietly) let her go, do not tell her!
[Woman to the window, and opened Weiman Man Tuntun, dementia and looked at the window.
[Elderly despair passed the first, watching the flames in the furnace, outside Huernaozhao children's laughter sound, with the foot-step
Sound. In the door wide open, Zidi Jin.
Her sister (the brother) here » Certainly here »
Di (tears, Dian Zhuotou) ah! Ah!
Regardless B (like them to break the quiet) brother, how can you cry »
Di (Chou Yan) lost my gloves! Snow outside, my gloves, my new gloves lost.
Regardless B does not matter, the younger brother, I told you to find.
Brother, sister, we look for.
[Looking for three people in Zuojiao gloves.
Regardless B (the sister) Mody »
Her sister did not!
Di (drilling behind the sofa, suddenly jumped out to) Here, here! (Wuzhe gloves) mother, here! (Outside the
Regardless B (and envy) Okay, go.
Thank you, sister, Gu Nainai!
[Sister from subglottic, regardless B behind closed doors.
The elderly (the rise) What » And the snow outside »
Regardless B (quiet and nodded his head) ah.
[Wang Yiwang window and the elderly woman, turns sitting next to the furnace round chair, Daidai De Looking at the fire, then Kou B
Changsha, on the left to sit down, took a Bible Duzhe.
[Stage Jianan.
第1个回答  2008-05-25

Xie Yuan (three less) game (Waizhao neck): Davis, I was really in love with Sifeng, you please let us Chengqin
Fangfang (Sifeng) prudent said: Sifeng Although the origin Han Wei, but Sifeng Xunguidaoju set to be a Xianliang Shude daughter-in-law.
The sister (Fanchuan Men Taishao Ye) Paizhuo Zi: Oh! You can not Chengqin ~ ~
Xianjie (the Shaonai) Lut handkerchief asked: Oops why you do not agree to it
Baozhu (Sifeng her mother) Qiangbai: the less, you can not say it ~! !
The sister (a little) and sigh, hands Yibai ~ Yiziyidun said: Oh! Now to the matter, I can not say no. . Sifeng, I was born with the housekeeper Touqing……
Xianjie (the Shaonai) surprised handkerchief Yankou: ah » ~ ~

People eat shocked! !

To sound off - only with a white plate buffeting Jian Yiren, one with an in-Huang Po Lo soybeans, the Voice of simulated thunder rain.

Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis) came Sifeng mother asked: Well, I, not with the green hat ``Ah
Fangfang (Sifeng) come before the Da Shaoye, holding handkerchief, a means Dashao Ye said: You » Is my father »
The sister (a little) desolate hands grasp the hand of Sifeng: Guainv Er ~ ~ ~ (crying)
Xianjie (the Shaonai) cry: phbbbbt to good causes her to a Jianfu ~ ~ (Chouqi), I grasp them out to the Baptist pig! !
Baozhu (Sifeng mother) out to dissuade: Oops - not, ah, the Shaonai, I pray for you!
Xianjie (the Shaonai) cry: ah, walked away to (cry)
The sister (a few) also advised from the Shaonai
Xianjie (the Shaonai) cry: away ah ~ ~ ~ (waving silk)
Pai Zhuozai a classic: hey! ! ! The door is unfortunate ah! Hey! !

People are quiet down.

Xie Yuan (three less): intend to in the end, how do »
Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis): hey, let me first Suan Yisuan…… you ~ (referring to Xie Yuan) is old son, Sifeng, is the daughter of Tai Shaoye, March 1 in the third, June 1 in 6. Suanqi Lai , Sifeng Sanshu should only call you out!
Fangfang (Sifeng) handkerchief Yankou, shocking said: Sanshu » »
Qiao Feng (two small people) to a bird cage: How Shuzhi Liang Cheng Qin ~ How can it

In the Big Sister (Fan Yi) Paizhuo Zi, it seems like with the idea, said station stood up: do not fear! (Big Sister Kouchibuqing, only a voice off-the sister of the eldest sister-in counterparts, Oh) you can Chengqin na!
Qiao Feng (2 small): This remark, how stresses
In the Big Sister (Fan Yi): Twenty years ago, a storm of the evening, the lords of the Guangzhou to collect rent, so I was a masked black people raped ~ ~ (crying) results ~ ~……
Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis) Chazui: classic, original, like you and me with the green hat. .
Pai Zhuozai a classic: Qiyoucili! Unfortunately the house! Unfortunately the house ah ~ ~

Xie Yuan (three less) remained one hand into the shape Kudai: Davis, now I am not your son, that I can tell Sifengchengqin the » (Surface with joy)
Fangfang (Sifeng): (agitated) 3 Shaoye, we can Chengqin! »
Qiao Feng (2 small): No!
In the Big Sister (Fan Yi): Why is it »
Qiao Feng (2 small): The mother, you, I simply tell you honestly,… the evening of black people… is me!

Everyone - surprise! ! Ah!

Thunderstorm voice sounded off again (Screen soybeans, buffeting tin plate)

Qiao Feng (2 small): I raped you (do not carry Qitou Lai)
In the Big Sister (Fan Yi): ah (screaming) that the original Gouzei you ~ ~ ~ (two fingers less)
Xie Yuan (three less) very politely asked two less: you are not my father had »
Qiao Feng (2 less) exciting: son! !
Xie Yuan (three less) stopped, turned around: hey to all of a sudden I can not accept your ~
Old station to get up: ah » Then I would not, as your grandfather
Xie Yuan (three less): Grandpa »
Kusang a classic: hey, it is unfortunate the house ah!

Baozhu (Sifeng mother): Third then Shaoye and Sifeng you can Chengqin ah »
Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis): hey, let me Suanyi Suan (see it at this time, the original azithromycin has been holding a Zhuge Liang Yu Maoshan, no wonder so can count, Kazakhstan) on March 1 in the third, June 1 In the six, three Shaoye is the son of two Shaoye, Sifeng Taishao Ye is the daughter of Suanqi Lai, it is you should appear, brother, sister! Therefore, the same can not Chengqin!

Classic: Oh ~ ~ ~ ~
Everyone together: the home, unfortunately ah! ! !

(People falling behind the plaque)

第2个回答  2008-05-25
Xie Yuan (three less) game (Waizhao neck): Davis, I was really in love with Sifeng, you please let us Chengqin
Fangfang (Sifeng) prudent said: Sifeng Although the origin Han Wei, but Sifeng Xunguidaoju set to be a Xianliang Shude daughter-in-law.
The sister (Fanchuan Men Taishao Ye) Paizhuo Zi: Oh! You can not Chengqin ~ ~
Xianjie (the Shaonai) Lut handkerchief asked: Oops why you do not agree to it
Baozhu (Sifeng her mother) Qiangbai: the less, you can not say it ~! !
The sister (a little) and sigh, hands Yibai ~ Yiziyidun said: Oh! Now to the matter, I can not say no. . Sifeng, I was born with the housekeeper Touqing……
Xianjie (the Shaonai) surprised handkerchief Yankou: ah » ~ ~

People eat shocked! !

To sound off - only with a white plate buffeting Jian Yiren, one with an in-Huang Po Lo soybeans, the Voice of simulated thunder rain.

Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis) came Sifeng mother asked: Well, I, not with the green hat ``Ah
Fangfang (Sifeng) come before the Da Shaoye, holding handkerchief, a means Dashao Ye said: You » Is my father »
The sister (a little) desolate hands grasp the hand of Sifeng: Guainv Er ~ ~ ~ (crying)
Xianjie (the Shaonai) cry: phbbbbt to good causes her to a Jianfu ~ ~ (Chouqi), I grasp them out to the Baptist pig! !
Baozhu (Sifeng mother) out to dissuade: Oops - not, ah, the Shaonai, I pray for you!
Xianjie (the Shaonai) cry: ah, walked away to (cry)
The sister (a few) also advised from the Shaonai
Xianjie (the Shaonai) cry: away ah ~ ~ ~ (waving silk)
Pai Zhuozai a classic: hey! ! ! The door is unfortunate ah! Hey! !

People are quiet down.

Xie Yuan (three less): intend to in the end, how do »
Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis): hey, let me first Suan Yisuan…… you ~ (referring to Xie Yuan) is old son, Sifeng, is the daughter of Tai Shaoye, March 1 in the third, June 1 in 6. Suanqi Lai , Sifeng Sanshu should only call you out!
Fangfang (Sifeng) handkerchief Yankou, shocking said: Sanshu » »
Qiao Feng (two small people) to a bird cage: How Shuzhi Liang Cheng Qin ~ How can it

In the Big Sister (Fan Yi) Paizhuo Zi, it seems like with the idea, said station stood up: do not fear! (Big Sister Kouchibuqing, only a voice off-the sister of the eldest sister-in counterparts, Oh) you can Chengqin na!
Qiao Feng (2 small): This remark, how stresses
In the Big Sister (Fan Yi): Twenty years ago, a storm of the evening, the lords of the Guangzhou to collect rent, so I was a masked black people raped ~ ~ (crying) results ~ ~……
Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis) Chazui: classic, original, like you and me with the green hat. .
Pai Zhuozai a classic: Qiyoucili! Unfortunately the house! Unfortunately the house ah ~ ~

Xie Yuan (three less) remained one hand into the shape Kudai: Davis, now I am not your son, that I can tell Sifengchengqin the » (Surface with joy)
Fangfang (Sifeng): (agitated) 3 Shaoye, we can Chengqin! »
Qiao Feng (2 small): No!
In the Big Sister (Fan Yi): Why is it »
Qiao Feng (2 small): The mother, you, I simply tell you honestly,… the evening of black people… is me!

Everyone - surprise! ! Ah!

Thunderstorm voice sounded off again (Screen soybeans, buffeting tin plate)

Qiao Feng (2 small): I raped you (do not carry Qitou Lai)
In the Big Sister (Fan Yi): ah (screaming) that the original Gouzei you ~ ~ ~ (two fingers less)
Xie Yuan (three less) very politely asked two less: you are not my father had »
Qiao Feng (2 less) exciting: son! !
Xie Yuan (three less) stopped, turned around: hey to all of a sudden I can not accept your ~
Old station to get up: ah » Then I would not, as your grandfather
Xie Yuan (three less): Grandpa »
Kusang a classic: hey, it is unfortunate the house ah!

Baozhu (Sifeng mother): Third then Shaoye and Sifeng you can Chengqin ah »
Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis): hey, let me Suanyi Suan (see it at this time, the original azithromycin has been holding a Zhuge Liang Yu Maoshan, no wonder so can count, Kazakhstan) on March 1 in the third, June 1 In the six, three Shaoye is the son of two Shaoye, Sifeng Taishao Ye is the daughter of Suanqi Lai, it is you should appear, brother, sister! Therefore, the same can not Chengqin!

Classic: Oh ~ ~ ~ ~
Everyone together: the home, unfortunately ah! ! !

(People falling behind the plaque)
第3个回答  2008-05-25
Xie Yuan (three less) game (Waizhao neck): Davis, I was really in love with Sifeng, you please let us Chengqin
Fangfang (Sifeng) prudent said: Sifeng Although the origin Han Wei, but Sifeng Xunguidaoju set to be a Xianliang Shude daughter-in-law.
The sister (Fanchuan Men Taishao Ye) Paizhuo Zi: Oh! You can not Chengqin ~ ~
Xianjie (the Shaonai) Lut handkerchief asked: Oops why you do not agree to it
Baozhu (Sifeng her mother) Qiangbai: the less, you can not say it ~! !
The sister (a little) and sigh, hands Yibai ~ Yiziyidun said: Oh! Now to the matter, I can not say no. . Sifeng, I was born with the housekeeper Touqing……
Xianjie (the Shaonai) surprised handkerchief Yankou: ah » ~ ~

People eat shocked! !

To sound off - only with a white plate buffeting Jian Yiren, one with an in-Huang Po Lo soybeans, the Voice of simulated thunder rain.

Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis) came Sifeng mother asked: Well, I, not with the green hat ``Ah
Fangfang (Sifeng) come before the Da Shaoye, holding handkerchief, a means Dashao Ye said: You » Is my father »
The sister (a little) desolate hands grasp the hand of Sifeng: Guainv Er ~ ~ ~ (crying)
Xianjie (the Shaonai) cry: phbbbbt to good causes her to a Jianfu ~ ~ (Chouqi), I grasp them out to the Baptist pig! !
Baozhu (Sifeng mother) out to dissuade: Oops - not, ah, the Shaonai, I pray for you!
Xianjie (the Shaonai) cry: ah, walked away to (cry)
The sister (a few) also advised from the Shaonai
Xianjie (the Shaonai) cry: away ah ~ ~ ~ (waving silk)
Pai Zhuozai a classic: hey! ! ! The door is unfortunate ah! Hey! !

People are quiet down.

Xie Yuan (three less): intend to in the end, how do »
Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis): hey, let me first Suan Yisuan…… you ~ (referring to Xie Yuan) is old son, Sifeng, is the daughter of Tai Shaoye, March 1 in the third, June 1 in 6. Suanqi Lai , Sifeng Sanshu should only call you out!
Fangfang (Sifeng) handkerchief Yankou, shocking said: Sanshu » »
Qiao Feng (two small people) to a bird cage: How Shuzhi Liang Cheng Qin ~ How can it

In the Big Sister (Fan Yi) Paizhuo Zi, it seems like with the idea, said station stood up: do not fear! (Big Sister Kouchibuqing, only a voice off-the sister of the eldest sister-in counterparts, Oh) you can Chengqin na!
Qiao Feng (2 small): This remark, how stresses
In the Big Sister (Fan Yi): Twenty years ago, a storm of the evening, the lords of the Guangzhou to collect rent, so I was a masked black people raped ~ ~ (crying) results ~ ~……
Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis) Chazui: classic, original, like you and me with the green hat. .
Pai Zhuozai a classic: Qiyoucili! Unfortunately the house! Unfortunately the house ah ~ ~

Xie Yuan (three less) remained one hand into the shape Kudai: Davis, now I am not your son, that I can tell Sifengchengqin the » (Surface with joy)
Fangfang (Sifeng): (agitated) 3 Shaoye, we can Chengqin! »
Qiao Feng (2 small): No!
In the Big Sister (Fan Yi): Why is it »
Qiao Feng (2 small): The mother, you, I simply tell you honestly,… the evening of black people… is me!

Everyone - surprise! ! Ah!

Thunderstorm voice sounded off again (Screen soybeans, buffeting tin plate)

Qiao Feng (2 small): I raped you (do not carry Qitou Lai)
In the Big Sister (Fan Yi): ah (screaming) that the original Gouzei you ~ ~ ~ (two fingers less)
Xie Yuan (three less) very politely asked two less: you are not my father had »
Qiao Feng (2 less) exciting: son! !
Xie Yuan (three less) stopped, turned around: hey to all of a sudden I can not accept your ~
Old station to get up: ah » Then I would not, as your grandfather
Xie Yuan (three less): Grandpa »
Kusang a classic: hey, it is unfortunate the house ah!

Baozhu (Sifeng mother): Third then Shaoye and Sifeng you can Chengqin ah »
Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis): hey, let me Suanyi Suan (see it at this time, the original azithromycin has been holding a Zhuge Liang Yu Maoshan, no wonder so can count, Kazakhstan) on March 1 in the third, June 1 In the six, three Shaoye is the son of two Shaoye, Sifeng Taishao Ye is the daughter of Suanqi Lai, it is you should appear, brother, sister! Therefore, the same can not Chengqin!

Classic: Oh ~ ~ ~ ~
Everyone together: the home, unfortunately ah! ! !

(People falling behind the plaque)
第4个回答  2008-05-28
not, I would like to Xie Yixie a person here, I want you to give me away.
Park (harsh) Fan Yi, you go, I ask you to public housing!
Fan (contemptuously) No, I do not want to. I tell you (and hot) I do not want to!


Park (quietly) you have to pay attention here, (finger) Remember grams of the doctor, then he should you quietly and less words. Tomorrow grams
Also to the doctor, I have for you to it.
Fan Thank you! (Looking at the front) tomorrow » Phbbbbt!

[Ping bow out from the dining room, look depression, to study.

Puping infants.
Ping (the rise, surprised) Dad! You also did not sleep.
Park (to blame) how, only now come back.
Ping No, Dad, I come back early, I had to go out to buy things.
Park you do »
Ping me to study, look at recommendation letters written by dad not there.
Park you are not taking tomorrow Zaoche Mody »
Ping I suddenly remember today the night with a trip to the two Dianban Zhong, I am prepared to leave now.
Fan (suddenly) now »
Ping ah.
Fan (meaningful) mind on this urgent Mody »
Ping is the mother.
Park (love to) outside under the rain, not the middle of the night taking it easy »
Ping vessels at this time, tomorrow, early, looking to facilitate more.
Puxin on the study table, you have to take it now. (Ping nod, to study) you do not have to! (To Fan Yi) you
To study the letter for him out.
Fan (see Park Park, the no-confidence in) ah!

[Fan Yi Jin study.

Park (fan to look carefully) to her public housing, you first go back upstairs to accompany her to, called Di Xiaren serve her sleep.
Ping (not to), my father.
Park (more carefully) you up! (Ping approached, quietly) told Di Xiaren, ask them to be careful, (the evil in trouble) I see
She's more emphasis on disease, all of a sudden she just had a person out.
Ping out of the »
Park ah. (Severely) in a night outside the leaching of rain, what is also very strange, I am afraid this is not good. --
(Ezhao to think like a) I am old and I am willing to safely home to……
Ping (disturbed) I think my father just do not see things too serious, the matter will be the last.
Park (and shrink) No, no, some things simply can not think of. God willing very much - a little weird: Today a
回答者:zhanronglove - 助理 二级 5-25 23:41
Xie Yuan (three less) game (Waizhao neck): Davis, I was really in love with Sifeng, you please let us Chengqin
Fangfang (Sifeng) prudent said: Sifeng Although the origin Han Wei, but Sifeng Xunguidaoju set to be a Xianliang Shude daughter-in-law.
The sister (Fanchuan Men Taishao Ye) Paizhuo Zi: Oh! You can not Chengqin ~ ~
Xianjie (the Shaonai) Lut handkerchief asked: Oops why you do not agree to it
Baozhu (Sifeng her mother) Qiangbai: the less, you can not say it ~! !
The sister (a little) and sigh, hands Yibai ~ Yiziyidun said: Oh! Now to the matter, I can not say no. . Sifeng, I was born with the housekeeper Touqing……
Xianjie (the Shaonai) surprised handkerchief Yankou: ah » ~ ~

People eat shocked! !

To sound off - only with a white plate buffeting Jian Yiren, one with an in-Huang Po Lo soybeans, the Voice of simulated thunder rain.

Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis) came Sifeng mother asked: Well, I, not with the green hat ``Ah
Fangfang (Sifeng) come before the Da Shaoye, holding handkerchief, a means Dashao Ye said: You » Is my father »
The sister (a little) desolate hands grasp the hand of Sifeng: Guainv Er ~ ~ ~ (crying)
Xianjie (the Shaonai) cry: phbbbbt to good causes her to a Jianfu ~ ~ (Chouqi), I grasp them out to the Baptist pig! !
Baozhu (Sifeng mother) out to dissuade: Oops - not, ah, the Shaonai, I pray for you!
Xianjie (the Shaonai) cry: ah, walked away to (cry)
The sister (a few) also advised from the Shaonai
Xianjie (the Shaonai) cry: away ah ~ ~ ~ (waving silk)
Pai Zhuozai a classic: hey! ! ! The door is unfortunate ah! Hey! !

People are quiet down.

Xie Yuan (three less): intend to in the end, how do »
Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis): hey, let me first Suan Yisuan…… you ~ (referring to Xie Yuan) is old son, Sifeng, is the daughter of Tai Shaoye, March 1 in the third, June 1 in 6. Suanqi Lai , Sifeng Sanshu should only call you out!
Fangfang (Sifeng) handkerchief Yankou, shocking said: Sanshu » »
Qiao Feng (two small people) to a bird cage: How Shuzhi Liang Cheng Qin ~ How can it

In the Big Sister (Fan Yi) Paizhuo Zi, it seems like with the idea, said station stood up: do not fear! (Big Sister Kouchibuqing, only a voice off-the sister of the eldest sister-in counterparts, Oh) you can Chengqin na!
Qiao Feng (2 small): This remark, how stresses
In the Big Sister (Fan Yi): Twenty years ago, a storm of the evening, the lords of the Guangzhou to collect rent, so I was a masked black people raped ~ ~ (crying) results ~ ~……
Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis) Chazui: classic, original, like you and me with the green hat. .
Pai Zhuozai a classic: Qiyoucili! Unfortunately the house! Unfortunately the house ah ~ ~

Xie Yuan (three less) remained one hand into the shape Kudai: Davis, now I am not your son, that I can tell Sifengchengqin the » (Surface with joy)
Fangfang (Sifeng): (agitated) 3 Shaoye, we can Chengqin! »
Qiao Feng (2 small): No!
In the Big Sister (Fan Yi): Why is it »
Qiao Feng (2 small): The mother, you, I simply tell you honestly,… the evening of black people… is me!

Everyone - surprise! ! Ah!

Thunderstorm voice sounded off again (Screen soybeans, buffeting tin plate)

Qiao Feng (2 small): I raped you (do not carry Qitou Lai)
In the Big Sister (Fan Yi): ah (screaming) that the original Gouzei you ~ ~ ~ (two fingers less)
Xie Yuan (three less) very politely asked two less: you are not my father had »
Qiao Feng (2 less) exciting: son! !
Xie Yuan (three less) stopped, turned around: hey to all of a sudden I can not accept your ~
Old station to get up: ah » Then I would not, as your grandfather
Xie Yuan (three less): Grandpa »
Kusang a classic: hey, it is unfortunate the house ah!

Baozhu (Sifeng mother): Third then Shaoye and Sifeng you can Chengqin ah »
Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis): hey, let me Suanyi Suan (see it at this time, the original azithromycin has been holding a Zhuge Liang Yu Maoshan, no wonder so can count, Kazakhstan) on March 1 in the third, June 1 In the six, three Shaoye is the son of two Shaoye, Sifeng Taishao Ye is the daughter of Suanqi Lai, it is you should appear, brother, sister! Therefore, the same can not Chengqin!

Classic: Oh ~ ~ ~ ~
Everyone together: the home, unfortunately ah! ! !

(People falling behind the plaque)
回答者:lgwmhwgo - 江湖新秀 五级 5-25 23:46

回答者:liu45521 - 助理 二级 5-25 23:52
不会是直译吧 眼花了 懒得看
回答者:YtuHacker - 初入江湖 三级 5-26 01:56
回答者:网络之逍遥游 - 经理 四级 5-26 17:28

弟声 姐姐,你去问她。
姊声 (低声)不,弟弟你问她,你问她。
姊 你问她,她知道。
弟 我不,我怕,你,你去(推姊姊,外面合唱声止)
姑乙 (扶她)起来吧,鲁奶奶!起来吧!(扶她至右边火炉旁坐,忙走至姊弟前,安慰地
姊 谢谢您,姑奶奶。(替弟弟穿衣服)
姑乙 外面冷得很,你们都把衣服穿好。
姊 再见!
姑乙 再见。(姊领弟弟出中门)
姑乙 嘘,(指鲁妈)她出来了。
姑甲 (低声)周先生就下来看她,你照护照护。我要出去。
姑乙 好,你等一等,(从墙角拿一把雨伞)外头怕要下雪,你要这一把雨伞吧。
姑甲 (和蔼地)谢谢你。(拿着雨伞由中门出去)
姑乙 (指鲁妈,向老翁)她在这儿!
老人 哦!
老人 (关心地,向姑乙)她现在怎么样?
姑乙 (轻叹)还是那样!
老人 吃饭还好么?
姑乙 不多。
老人 (指头)她这儿?
姑乙 (摇头)不,还是不认识人。
姑乙 楼上你的太太,看见了?
老人 (呆滞地)嗯。
姑乙 (鼓励地)这两人,她倒好。
老人 是的。--(指鲁妈)这些天没有人看她么?
姑乙 您说她的儿子,是么?
老人 嗯。一个姓鲁叫大海的。
姑乙 (同情地)没有。可怜。她就是想着儿子;每到节期总在窗前望一晚上。
老人 (叹气,绝望地,自语)我怕,我怕他是死了。
姑乙 (希望地)不会吧?
老人 (摇头)我找了十年了,--没有一点影子。
姑乙 唉,我想她的儿子回家,她一定会明白的。
老人 (走到炉前,低头)侍萍!
老人 (低声)侍萍!侍--
姑乙 (向老人摆手,低声)让她走,不要叫她!
姊 (向弟)在这儿?一定在这儿?
弟 (落泪,点着头)嗯!嗯!
姑乙 (喜欢他们来打破这沉静)弟弟,你怎么哭了?
弟 (抽咽)我的手套丢了!外面下雪,我的手套,我的新手套丢了。
姑乙 不要紧,弟弟,我跟你找。
姊 弟弟,我们找。
姑乙 (向姊)有么?
姊 没有!
弟 (钻到沙发背后,忽然跳出来)在这儿,在这儿!(舞着手套)妈,在这儿!(跑出
姑乙 (羡慕地)好了,去吧。
姊 谢谢,姑奶奶!
老人 (抬头)什么?外头又下雪了?
姑乙 (沉静地点头)嗯。

4 screen

[Stage at the opening of the dark. Only heard the distant sound with the church choir mass winds Chords, Zidi prelude to the voices of:
Sound younger brother and sister, you ask her.
Sister sound (quietly) No, you asked her brother, you ask her.
[Stage that gradually, beginning with the King, back after 10 years Layue 30 pm. The old woman (Luma) is Taiwan
In the Waidao, Zidi in the next.
You asked her sister, she knew.
Brother I do not, I fear, you, you (pushing his sister, the only sound outside the chorus)
[B from the door into the Kou, see the woman on the floor, big shock, Fuqi her busy.
Regardless B (help her) up bar, Lu Grandma! Up! (Help her to sit right next to stove, busy to take Zidi, comfort and
) Brother, you do not have Xiazhuo bar, go fast, the mother on the outside waiting for you, sister, brother, you go from.
Thank you, your sister, Gu Nainai. (Wear clothes for my brother)
Regardless B very cold outside, you put clothes Chuanhao.
Sister Goodbye!
Regardless B Good-bye. (From sister to brother in the door)
[Kou B busy come before the fireplace, care old woman.
[Kou by a right into the dining room door.
Kou Xu B, (referring to Luma) her out.
Regardless A (quietly) Mr. Zhou look at her on the next, you care care. I have to go out.
Regardless B, and you wait, (from the corner with an umbrella) to be afraid of snow outside, you have to bar the umbrellas.
Regardless A (和蔼to) Thank you. (Carrying an umbrella by the door off)
[Elderly from the left to the Office, Li door, watching.
Regardless B (Luma refers to the man) in her here!
The elderly!
The elderly (with interest to Kou b) how kind she is now »
Regardless B (Qingtan) or so!
Fortunately, the elderly eat Mody »
Regardless B limited.
The elderly (finger) she here »
Regardless B (shaking his head) No, people still do not know.
Regardless of your wife upstairs B, see »
The elderly (and sluggish) ah.
Regardless B (to encourage) the two men, she Daohao.
The elderly are. -- (Referring to Luma) These days no one looking at her Mody »
Regardless B you said her son, Mody »
Ah elderly. A surname Lu called the sea.
Regardless B (and sympathy) no. Pitiful. She is thinking about his son; every section of the window looking in a night.
The elderly (sigh, despair, Ziyu) I am afraid, I am afraid he is dead.
Regardless B (hope) it will not »
The elderly (shaking his head) I found a decade, - not that shadow.
Regardless B Oh, I think her son home, she will understand.
The elderly (go Front, bow) Shiping!
[Woman back, Daidai De Looking at him, not understanding, face no slightest facial expression, 1:00, she direction
The elderly (quietly) Shiping! Paternity --
Regardless B (to the elderly Baishou, quietly) let her go, do not tell her!
[Woman to the window, and opened Weiman Man Tuntun, dementia and looked at the window.
[Elderly despair passed the first, watching the flames in the furnace, outside Huernaozhao children's laughter sound, with the foot-step
Sound. In the door wide open, Zidi Jin.
Her sister (the brother) here » Certainly here »
Di (tears, Dian Zhuotou) ah! Ah!
Regardless B (like them to break the quiet) brother, how can you cry »
Di (Chou Yan) lost my gloves! Snow outside, my gloves, my new gloves lost.
Regardless B does not matter, the younger brother, I told you to find.
Brother, sister, we look for.
[Looking for three people in Zuojiao gloves.
Regardless B (the sister) Mody »
Her sister did not!
Di (drilling behind the sofa, suddenly jumped out to) Here, here! (Wuzhe gloves) mother, here! (Outside the
Regardless B (and envy) Okay, go.
Thank you, sister, Gu Nainai!
[Sister from subglottic, regardless B behind closed doors.
The elderly (the rise) What » And the snow outside »
Regardless B (quiet and nodded his head) ah.
[Wang Yiwang window and the elderly woman, turns sitting next to the furnace round chair, Daidai De Looking at the fire, then Kou B
Changsha, on the left to sit down, took a Bible Duzhe.
[Stage Jianan.
第5个回答  2008-05-29
King - the living room in the house weeks. Two minutes before the middle of the night.
At the opening, Zhou Puyuan one sitting on a sofa, reading documents; next to a lighted lamp, surrounded by darkness.
Raytheon also Yinyingunzhuo outside, rain Xi River Lek can be heard, the window down the curtain down the middle of the door tightly cover the
By Wang Chuqu glass on the door, the garden features are buried in the dark, the sky apart from the occasional flash of a panache electro-optic, blue
Sensen see the tree with electricity poles, Yishun is the Hei Qiqi.

Park (down documents, He Qian, and fatigue to stretch a Shenyao)来人! (For glasses, rubbing heads, sound slightly higher)来人! (
Wiping glasses, go left dining room door, and restore the normal tone) was here Mody » (Outside the lightning, stop, go right
Counters, Anling. And inadvertently Wangjianshiping the photos, pick up, wear glasses to see. )

[Servant on.

Total classic!
Park, I called your day.
Total rain outside, not listen.
Park (referring to 10 minutes) stopped a 10-minute how »
Total (to explain) each Sifeng always on, she left today, on this matter forgotten.
When the Park »
Total ah, - about two points of the bell.
Park, I have just called the Zhangfang to a sum of money to Jinan, they did not find out »
Total said that you send a Jinan, a surname Lu, is Mody »
Park ah.
Total prepare well.

[Outside the Lightning, looking back garden Park Garden.

Park Tengluo-side of the wire, his wife indeed to repair the Mody »
Total call, Electric Carpenter said that under the rain bad repair, come back tomorrow.
Park that is not dangerous Mody »
Park is not Mody » Da Shaoye dog just traversed there, Peng Zhao Flanagan wires, gave power died. Now there have already spent
Rope circle, no one go there.
Oh Park. -- What, a few points now »
Total two points more. Lords to sleep Mody »
Park you please his wife down.
Total wife sleep.
Park (unintentionally) the Shaoye it »
Total Zaoshui has.
Park then you look at Tai Shaoye.
Total Tai Shaoye eating meals out, has not come back.

[Silence Banshang.

Park (back to the sofa to sit down, lonely and) how the house of a person not »
Total yes, classic, a person has not.
Park this morning not to a customer.
Total is classic. Outside under a lot of rain, all in the family home of Daizhe.
Park (He Qian, a deeper feel empty) house of the people I am the only one still awake.
Total yes, almost all sleep.
Park, and you go.
Total what you do not Mody »
I do not want Park.

[Servant from subglottic Park, Park Station, the Chamber Duo return to the boring, and stopped in the right counters, pick up
Shiping photos. Opened the center lamp.

[Salt on the dining room.

- (Did not expect his father here) Dad!
Park (Lu Xise) you - you do not sleep »
- Ah.
Park approached me Mody »
- No, I think that the mother here.
Park (disappointed) Oh - your mother upstairs.
- No, my in her knock on the door for a long time, she locks with. -- Yes, perhaps. -- Dad, I go
Park Chong infants, (-li) Do not go.
- Dad, you contingencies »
Park did not. (Love that) you now how Huanbu Shui »
- (Subject to), Dad, I slept late, and I sleep.
After you today Park grams of rice to the doctor to the Yaochi Mody »
- Eating.
Park played the ball »
- Ah.
Park happy Mody »
- Ah.
Park (erected, pulling up his hand) Why, you afraid I Mody »
Chong, the father.
Park (and dry) a bit like you are not satisfied with me, is Mody »
- (Distress) I, I can not say, Dad.


[Park Park back to the sofa, sit down in one breath a sigh. Zhao Chong, Chong approached.

Park (and lonely) today - uh, my father feel a little old. (Stop) you know Mody »
- (Indifferent to) do not, I do not know, Dad.
Park (suddenly) you afraid that one day your father died, no one Zhaofu you, you are not afraid of Mody »
- (And expressionless) ah, for fear.
Park (close to his own son, amiable manner) this morning that you bring your tuition fees for one person, you talk about,
Perhaps I promise you.
- (Hui complain to) that was my stupid, after this I will not speak.


Park (to beg) the day after we moved house, you do not like Mody »
- Ah.


Park (blame and looked at Chong) you rarely speak to me.
- (And atheism) ah, I - I can not tell you the usual advice we like to like. (Nieru to) you today
A bit strange, I - I --
Park (do not want him down that) ah, you go!
Chong, the father.

[Chong from under the dining room.

[Park Garden disappointed to see his son go, erected, Shiping pick up the photos, looked lonely and stay around. Commissioner
On the lamp, before the study.

[Fan Yi from the door. Bu Zuosheng to enter, a raincoat is still trickle down, Fabin some wetlands. Color
Canbai is, the whole face like a plaster statue. High white Biliang, a thin, red lips and stubbornly carved in the face, such as carved in
A grim aspect, the entire face is expressionless. Only her eyes burning heart crazy fire, but also cold-blooded
, Love and hate all the Shaojin Yitai a woman, she like all the Yanqi, only the calculation of how to revenge in the hearts of Xinnian
Ups and downs.

[Park Park to see her, he looked at her in dismay.

Fan (no surprise to) Haimo Shui Mody » (In front of the legislature, fixed.)
Park your » (Approached her, rough and low voices), where you went to « (Looking at her, stopping)-infants to find you one night.
Fan (to normal) I get out more.
Park such a big rain, you walk out »
Fan ah, - (retaliation to all of a sudden) I have neuropathy.
Park, I asked you, you just where »
Fan (offensive and) you do not have control.
Park (Daliang her) your clothes are wet, do not touch it.
Fan (Leng Leng, a meaningful way) I was fever, I have to ice outside an ice.
Park (and impatient) it's not nonsense chaos, you have to Where is the »
Fan (atheism and looked at him, clearly) in your home!
Park (trouble and evil) in my home »
Fan (feel the thrill of revenge, smiling) ah, the rain garden tours.
Park one night.
Fan (Kuaiyi to) ah, leaching a night.

[Banshang Park Park Jingyi and looked at her, Fan Yi, as a stand still like statues in front.

Fan Yi Park, I think your allocation to Xie Yixie it.
Fan (Lengleng to) No, no, (suddenly) you take what » (Contemptuously) phbbbbt, is the photo that woman! (
Hand take).
Park, you can not see, the mother of Pinger.
Fan (抢later, before taking a two-step, to see Dengxia) Pinger's good to see her mother.

[Park Park not justified her on the sofa to sit down.

Fan I asked you, is not »
Park ah.
Things like the very Wencun.
Park (Looking at the front of the eyes)
Fan She is very smart.
Park (meditation) ah.
Fan (pleased) really young.
Park (not consciously) do not, old.
Fan (think) she is not a premature death Mody »
Park, ah, right, the early death of her.
Fan (down photo) strange, as I have seen where miscellaneous like.
Park (raised his head, puzzled and) not, it will not. -- Where are you seen her? »
Fan (suddenly) her name is very elegant, Shi Ping, Shi Ping, is a bit Yatou gas.
Park, and I do not slept it. (Erected, together with the photo.)
What to do with this complex »
Park the day after moving, I am afraid lost.
Fan no, no, (take over from his hands) here on a night (strange kind smile) will not fall, I help you Shouzhao
她. (On the table)
Park will not Zhuangfeng! You are a bit Hunao!
Fan I was crazy. I ask you do not have control.
Park (Yun angrily), and you go public housing, I would like to a person here Xieyi Xie.
Fan did not, I would like to Xie Yixie a person here, I want you to give me away.
Park (harsh) Fan Yi, you go, I ask you to public housing!
Fan (contemptuously) No, I do not want to. I tell you (and hot) I do not want to!


Park (quietly) you have to pay attention here, (finger) Remember grams of the doctor, then he should you quietly and less words. Tomorrow grams
Also to the doctor, I have for you to it.
Fan Thank you! (Looking at the front) tomorrow » Phbbbbt!

[Ping bow out from the dining room, look depression, to study.

Puping infants.
Ping (the rise, surprised) Dad! You also did not sleep.
Park (to blame) how, only now come back.
Ping No, Dad, I come back early, I had to go out to buy things.
Park you do »
Ping me to study, look at recommendation letters written by dad not there.
Park you are not taking tomorrow Zaoche Mody »
Ping I suddenly remember today the night with a trip to the two Dianban Zhong, I am prepared to leave now.
Fan (suddenly) now »
Ping ah.
Fan (meaningful) mind on this urgent Mody »
Ping is the mother.
Park (love to) outside under the rain, not the middle of the night taking it easy »
Ping vessels at this time, tomorrow, early, looking to facilitate more.
Puxin on the study table, you have to take it now. (Ping nod, to study) you do not have to! (To Fan Yi) you
To study the letter for him out.
Fan (see Park Park, the no-confidence in) ah!

[Fan Yi Jin study.

Park (fan to look carefully) to her public housing, you first go back upstairs to accompany her to, called Di Xiaren serve her sleep.
Ping (not to), my father.
Park (more carefully) you up! (Ping approached, quietly) told Di Xiaren, ask them to be careful, (the evil in trouble) I see
She's more emphasis on disease, all of a sudden she just had a person out.
Ping out of the »
Park ah. (Severely) in a night outside the leaching of rain, what is also very strange, I am afraid this is not good. --
(Ezhao to think like a) I am old and I am willing to safely home to……
Ping (disturbed) I think my father just do not see things too serious, the matter will be the last.
Park (and shrink) No, no, some things simply can not think of. God willing very much - a little weird: Today a