写一篇 家乡的变化 作文


 我的家乡在素有“左脚舞之乡”的牟定,它坐落在化佛山脚下,是一个美丽的小县城,作文 家乡的变化。  
  啊!在这几年中,家乡的变化真大呀,大树变多了,变绿了,空气变得更纯净了,溪水变得更清澈了。群山环抱、绿水相依,构成了一幅家乡精美的画卷,作为一名牟定人,怎能不为此感到骄傲和自豪呢!  追问



My hometown in known as "township of the left foot dance" mouding, it is located in the foot ofFoshan, a beautiful small town, it home.
Universe of 1 000000000 universes, is changing all the time, my hometown is no exception. In recent years, I witnessed the changes in my hometown environment gratifying.
The original town street is very narrow, no trash cans around, people are always used with throw the garbage on the ground, so, as long as the wind blows, the dust and garbage will bedancing in the sky. Narrow streets lined with only a few trees, the tree only long crooked, the leaves are sparse, the above is covered with dust.
The original park environment than soft good, but people do not know how to care for the environment, eating things around in the course of time on the ground and in the water, on the ground, filled with garbage, the water becomes green misty, people come in here, all to be clutching his nose and pass.




The former lake called "Xiao Chang Ba", is a big pond dam, surrounded by weeds, littered withgarbage, side ditch water black, some people still dam pond cattle, bovine bone throwneverywhere, blood is spilled all over the ground, from one side after smelly skunk, flies in the sky flying everywhere.
Along with the improvement of people's economic level and environmental awareness, my hometown environment has changed turn the world upside down change, do not believe you can see:
The street now become very wide around town, put some garbage, people no longer throw garbage, the streets are very clean and tidy, around the green become depressed hurried,grown very lush.
Now the park the park and the former has not the same, inside a stand gracefully erect willow,the river becomes clear bottomed out, like a green carpet of grass, is a good place forrecreation.




Now the lake has been unable to find the "school field dam" a little shadow, where the birds' twitter and fragrance of flowers, trees, people like to play, walk in groups of three and four.
Ah! In the past few years, changes in home really big ah, the tree becomes more, turn green,the air becomes more pure, more clear stream. Surrounded by mountains, green waterdependent, constitute a hometown fine paintings, as a practice, how can we not feel proud andproud!
