急求 尼可基德曼 香奈儿5号香水广告 失踪篇里的英文对白与中文翻译,谢谢!


  男:When did I wake, into this dream? I must have been the only person in the world who didn't know who she was.(我何时醒来,走入这场梦。我必定是这个世界上唯一一个不知道她是谁的人。)
  新闻:The disappearance of the world's most famous woman…(举世闻名的佳人失踪...)
  男:But my world would never be the same again.(然而我的世界就从此再也不同)
  男:When she came into my life.(当她走进了我的人生)
  女:It's beautiful up here. Everything seems so peaceful.(这上面是多么美丽啊,所有的事物都看起来如此的平静)
  男:Who are you?(你是谁?)
  女:I’m a dancer, I love to dance.(我是一位舞者,我热爱舞蹈。)
  男:Didn't matter, I knew who she was, to me.(都无所谓,我知道她是谁,对于我)
  Come away with me.(和我一起走)
  女:I love you.(我爱你)
  老人:You must be there tomorrow.(你明天必须出现在那里)
  女:I don't care about tomorrow.(我不在乎明天)
  男:It’s the right thing to do.(那样做是正确的)
  女:No one can steal our dream, no one. (没有人可以偷走我们的梦,没有人。)
  男:And then she was gone.(然后,她走了)
  Has she forgotten? I know I will not.(她是否已经忘记?但我知道我不会。)
  Her kiss, her smile, her pefume.(她的吻,她的微笑,她的香水)

  最美的广告ever, I just love it!
  Good Luck!
第1个回答  2008-06-25