

The ordinary

拼音 :píng fán


1. 平常的能力和价值,被认为迟钝、没有灵感的或拙劣的;明显地缺乏特色或长处

2. 没有值得注意的事件

3. 不高傲,不崇高

4. 不夸张,不虚饰

5. 具有通常或重复的特点

6. 与工作日有关或具有工作日特征;普通的

7. 无特色或无区别

8. 毫无异常之处;没有创见、新颖或趣味

近义词 :通俗、 通常、 鄙俗 、庸碌、 俗气、 等闲 、平常、 寻常等。

反义词 :突出 、可贵 、不凡、 超卓、 非凡、 稀奇、 著名、 珍贵等。




第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-25
I'm just an ordinary norwegian people.

Relationship ruts and boredom are common.

I feel as if I've just gone through some major right of passage-as platitudinous as that may sound.

Like all the same as the ordinary people, live appear trite and insignificant life.

⑤banal ;
He is lethally efficient in his pursuit of the banal.

如若满意,请点击[采纳为满意回答] O(∩_∩)O谢谢
第2个回答  2019-04-09
1. Ordinary: adj. 平常的, 平凡的, 普通的
英文解释(摘自牛津高阶英语词典):①adj. [usually before noun] not unusual or different in any way(偏重并不罕见、并不特别) ordinary people like you and me(像你我这样的普通人);② (disapproving) having no unusual or interesting features(没有不寻常/有趣的特点)The meal was very ordinary.
2. Normal: n. 常态, 正常, 标准 adj. 正常的, 标准的, 正规的
英文解释(摘自柯林斯高级英语学习词典第五版)n. Something that is normal is usual and ordinary, and is what people expect. Life in Israel will continue as normal.
Adj. A normal person has no serious physical or mental health problems. (正常的,不异常的)= healthy Statistics indicate that depressed patients are more likely to become ill than are normal people.
3. Usual: adj. 平常的, 惯例的, 通常的
英文解释(摘自牛津高阶英语词典)adj.~ (for sb/sth) (to do sth) that happens or is done most of the time or in most cases(惯例的,通常的,大部分情况是这样): She made all the usual excuses. He came home later than usual.
n. (spoken) what usually happens; what you usually have, especially the drink that you usually have
4. so so 平常的; 不好不坏的
英文解释(摘自柯林斯高级英语学习词典第五版)If you say that something is so-so, you mean that it is average in quality, rather than being very good or very bad. (INFORMAL) (一般般的,不过如此,既不好也不坏的)Their lunch was only so-so.
5. average: n. 平均; 平均水平; 平均数adj. 一般的; 通常的; 平均的v. 均分; 使平衡; 平均为; 平均为英文解释(摘自柯林斯高级英语学习词典第五版)n. ①An average is the result that you get when you add two or more numbers together and divide the total by the number of numbers you added together. (平均)②You use average to refer to a number or size that varies but is always approximately the same. It takes an average of ten weeks for a house sale to be completed. ③ An average person or thing is typical or normal.(平均水平,典型情况)The average adult man burns 1,500 to 2,000 calories per day. ④ An amount or quality that is the average is the normal amount or quality for a particular group of things or people.(平均水平)Most areas suffered more rain than usual, with Northern Ireland getting double the average for the month.
Adj. ①平均的,平均水平的a woman of average height. ②Something that is average is neither very good nor very bad, usually when you had hoped it would be better.(一般的,既不好也不坏的,不怎么样的)I was only average academically.v. To average a particular amount means to do, get, or produce that amount as an average over a period of time. (均分,平均为,使平衡)We averaged 42 miles per hour.
6. Common: adj. 通常的, 通俗的, 共同的; 公用的; n.公共用地, 公有地英文解释(摘自牛津高阶英语词典)adj.①happening often; existing in large numbers or in many places(经常发生,多处存在,大规模发生): Jackson is a common English name. ②[usually before noun] ~ (to sb/sth) shared by or belonging to two or more people or by the people in a group(公有的,共同的): We are working together for a common purpose. ③[only before noun] ordinary; not unusual or special(不特别,不罕见): the common garden frog. Shakespeare's work was popular among the common people in his day. ④(BrE, disapproving) typical of sb from a low social class and not having good manners(俗): She thought he was very common and uneducated.
n.①[C] an area of open land in a town or village that anyone may use: We went for a walk on the common. Wimbledon Common ②(commons) [sing.] (AmE) a large room where students can eat in a school, college, etc: The commons is next to the gym.
第3个回答  2013-08-15





The manager of the company is
a person of ordinary common sense.


With the rocketing development of our internet, it is no difficult thing to become a well-known figure from an ordinary one.

大师总是对看上去耸人听闻的事情不太赞同.他主张:”神圣的 只在平凡中找得到.

The Master always frowned on anything that seemed sensational. "The divine", he claimed, "is only found in the ordinary".


The graceful preface was laced by a commonplace maid near the furnace in the palace without any trace of embrace
第4个回答  2013-08-15
ordinary 平凡的