

stay: 词根: st站立,树立,存在,坐落于to stand, set up 动词进行时: staying 过去式: stayed, staid 过去分词: stayed, staid v. 停留;停止,站住 n. 逗留,停留 名词 n. 逗留(时间);停留(时间) visit (time) in a place · Your stay has been very short. 你呆的时间很短。 · I've very much enjoyed my stay here. 我在这里过得很愉快。 · Ed is back from a short stay with his uncle. 爱德在叔叔家呆了不多久,现在回来了。 不及物动词 vi. 停留 remain or continue in the same place · We stayed there for over three hours. 我们在那里呆了三个多小时。 · He stayed at home all day. 他整天呆在家里。 · Peter had to stay behind. 彼得得留下。 · She stayed at school until five o'clock. 她到五点才放学。 不及物动词 vi. 保持;持久 remain or continue in the same way; not change · My sister stayed single all along. 我姐姐一直是单身。 · Stay (keep)still a minute; I want to take your photograph. 稳定一会儿,我要给你照张相。 · Do you think this fine weather has come to stay? 你认为这种好天气会保持下去吗? 不及物动词 vi. 暂住;耽搁 be a guest for a time He was staying at the Ritz(Hotel). 他住在里兹旅馆。 I stayed with my aunt when I was in London. 我在伦敦时,暂住在我姑妈家。 I'm not staying at a hotel,I'm staying with friends. 我没有住旅馆,我住在朋友家里。 Will you stay to (for) dinner? 请留下来吃饭好吗? Where did you stay when you went to Paris? 你去巴黎时,住在哪儿? 不及物动词 vi. 持续;耐久 last out; endure He doesn't seem able to stay to the end of the race. 看样子他不能撑到赛跑终点。 The shop stays open till eight o'clock. 商店开到八点。 及物动词 vt. (文学)抑制;止住;使停止 (lit.)check or stop the progress of He stayed the work and had the machinery removed. 他把工作停下来,将机器给移走了。 及物动词 vt. 暂时满足 satisfy for a little while Bill stayed his hunger by eating some crackers. 比尔吃些饼干充饥。
第1个回答  2013-08-19
stay on one side of the street 呆在街的一边
stay on the other side of the street  呆在街的另一边
第2个回答  2013-08-19
stay in/at/in front of...只要是表示地点的介词都可以。
第3个回答  2013-08-19
in/ at / on/ for/ with