
.Three high school students started a website in order to__________.
A) attract greater public attention to their needs.
B) appeal to the public for contributions and donations.
C) expose officials who neglected their duties.
D) keep people properly informed of the crisis.

A) attract greater public attention to their needs
  结构不对。应该用所有格 greater public’s,意思是“吸引更为广大公众对他们需求的注意力”

B) appeal to the public for contributions and donations

C) expose officials who neglected their duties

D) keep people properly informed of the crisis

  此项的 keep 后是复合宾语,用的是keep sb. informed of sth. 结构(主动结构是 keep informing people of ),其中 people 是宾语,过去分词短语 properly informed of the crisis 是宾语补足语,表示“人们被适当地告知危机信息”。
  be informedof sth. 是个常用短语,意思是“被告知某事”、“听到某事”或“收到某事的通知”
第1个回答  2013-09-07
informed 在这个句子中是宾语补足语,是一个过去分词。后面接的of是固定搭配,crisis就是名词。
第2个回答  2013-09-07
我就挨个儿回答你的问题,第一,你看见过这样的句子吗?Let's make it started.意思是:咱们开始吧。这里的make 就相当于keep,keep是持续半系动词,有个固定词组就是 be informed of, 所以就有of 了,再有crisis它名词的意思啊,也没看见过去分词啊?
第3个回答  2013-09-07