

第1个回答  2013-08-29
ans =
ans =
第2个回答  2013-08-29
先下载安装MATLAB,不会的直接输入 help + 你不会的,获取帮助信息,比如 help help;
help help
HELP Display help text in Command Window.
HELP, by itself, lists all primary help topics. Each primary topic
corresponds to a directory name on the MATLABPATH.

HELP / lists a description of all operators and special characters.

HELP FUN displays a description of and syntax for the function FUN.
When FUN is in multiple directories on the MATLAB path, HELP displays
information about the first FUN found on the path and lists
PATHNAME/FUN for other (overloaded) FUNs.

HELP PATHNAME/FUN displays help for the function FUN in the PATHNAME
directory. Use this syntax to get help for overloaded functions.

HELP DIR displays a brief description of each function in the MATLAB
directory DIR. DIR can be a relative partial pathname (see HELP
PARTIALPATH). When there is also a function called DIR, help for both
the directory and the function are provided.

HELP CLASSNAME.METHODNAME displays help for the method METHODNAME of
the fully qualified class CLASSNAME. To determine CLASSNAME for
METHODNAME, use CLASS(OBJ), where METHODNAME is of the same class as
the object OBJ.

HELP CLASSNAME displays help for the fully qualified class CLASSNAME.

T = HELP('TOPIC') returns the help text for TOPIC as a string, with
each line separated by /n. TOPIC is any allowable argument for HELP.

1. Use MORE ON before running HELP to pause HELP output after a
screenful of text displays.
2. In the help syntax, function names are capitalized to make them
stand out. In practice, always type function names in lowercase. For
Java functions that are shown with mixed case (for example,
javaObject) type the mixed case as shown.
3. Use DOC FUN to display help about the function in the Help
browser, which might provide additional information, such as graphics
and examples.
4. Use DOC HELP for information about creating help for your own
5. Use HELPBROWSER to access online documentation in the Help
browser. Use the Help browser Index or Search tabs to find more
information about TOPIC or other terms.

help close - displays help for the CLOSE function.
help database/close - displays help for the CLOSE function in the
Database Toolbox.
help database - lists all functions in the Database Toolbox and
displays help for the DATABASE function.
help general - lists all functions in the directory MATLAB/GENERAL.
help embedded.fi - displays help for the EMBEDDED.FI class in the
Fixed-Point Toolbox.
help embedded.fi.lsb displays help for the LSB method of the
EMBEDDED.FI class in the Fixed-Point Toolbox.
t = help('close') - gets help for the function CLOSE and stores it as
a string in t.

See also doc, docsearch, helpbrowser, helpwin, lookfor, matlabpath,
more, partialpath, which, whos, class.
Overloaded functions or methods (ones with the same name in other directories)
help cgmathsobject/help.m
help cvtest/help.m
help cvdata/help.m
Reference page in Help browser
doc help