
1. In the traditional classroom, the students are told what to do.
2. Every language has certain rules of speaking and every culture has rules about how people should interact with each other.
3. They leave the money in the bank and withdraw it when they need it.
4. People who buy shares of stock in a company may make money in two ways.
5. Advertising serves an important function in society.
6. There are no specific things for the students to do.
7. The decorating of homes for Christmas is also common.
8. “He shakes hands like a dead fish” refers to someone whose handshake is not firm enough.
9. Very few people can produce everything that they need.
10. Investing money in the stock, market is a gamble.

11. 学生应该充分利用他们的业余时间努力学习.(make good use of, spare time)
12. 你很快会习惯这里的生活. (get used to)
13. 你喜欢喝茶还是咖啡. (prefer)
14. 厦门是我所到过最美丽的地方. (visit, beautiful place)
15. 这个地方不准停车. (parking)
16. 房间里挂满了彩灯,漂亮极了. (be decorated with)
17. 我想开一个支票帐户. (checking account)

1. In the traditional classroom, the students are told what to do.

2. Every language has certain rules of speaking and every culture has rules about how people should interact with each other.

3. They leave the money in the bank and withdraw it when they need it.

4. People who buy shares of stock in a company may make money in two ways.

5. Advertising serves an important function in society.

6. There are no specific things for the students to do.

7. The decorating of homes for Christmas is also common.

8. “He shakes hands like a dead fish” refers to someone whose handshake is not firm enough.

9. Very few people can produce everything that they need.

10. Investing money in the stock, market is a gamble.

11. 学生应该充分利用他们的业余时间努力学习.(make good use of, spare time)
Students should make good use of their spare time to study hard.

12. 你很快会习惯这里的生活. (get used to)
You will get used to the life here soon.

13. 你喜欢喝茶还是咖啡. (prefer)
Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?

14. 厦门是我所到过最美丽的地方. (visit, beautiful place)
Xiamen is the most beautiful place that I have ever visited.

15. 这个地方不准停车. (parking)
Parking is not allowed here.

16. 房间里挂满了彩灯,漂亮极了. (be decorated with)
The room is decorated with fancy lanterns. How beautiful it is!

17. 我想开一个支票帐户. (checking account)
I want to open a checking account.
第1个回答  2008-06-25
1 。在传统的课堂,学生说,怎么做。
2 。每一种语言有一定的发言规则和每一种文化都有规则有关如何人应该相互沟通和相互其他。
3 。他们离开的钱在银行和撤回它当他们需要它。
4 。人谁买股票的股票在一间公司可能赚钱,可从两方面入手。
5 。广告服务的一项重要职能,在社会上。
6 。有没有具体的东西,为学生做。
7 。装饰家园圣诞节也很普遍。
8 。 “他握手像死鱼” ,是指某人的握手是不足够的坚定。
9 。极少数人可以产生的一切他们所需要的。
10 。投资在股票,市场是一场赌博
Students should make full use of their spare time to study hard. (Make good use of, spare time)
12. You will soon be here habits of life. (Get used to)
13. Do you like tea or coffee. (Prefer)
14. Xiamen is I have been to the most beautiful places. (Visit, beautiful place)
15. This place no-stopping. (Parking)
16. Room covered with a lantern, a very beautiful. (Be decorated with)
17. I would like to open a checking account. (Checking account)
第2个回答  2008-06-25

Students should make good use of their spare time to study hard.
You’ll get used to lifestyle here soon.
You prefer tea or coffee?
Xiamen is the most beautiful place I have ever visited.
No parking here.
The room is fully decorated with color bulbs. It’s beautiful.
I want to open a checking account.