求Maher Zain的guide me all the way的歌词


I Know that You could easily Takeaway thing You’ve given me
我知道你可以带走你给我的东西 And I Try to remember Not to take anything for granted Cause I know that one day 我试着不要把任何事都视为理所当然 因为我知道有一天 Suddenly this will all come to an end 突然这一切都结束了 So my last wish is for you to be pleased with me 所以我最后的愿望是你很高兴与我

ALLah’Ya ALLah 真主啊真主

Guide me all the way to your Jannah 引导我到你的天堂
ALLah’Ya ALLah 真主啊真主

Dot’t let me go astray cause I need you by my side
I wish to be close to you throughout my life 我希望接近你在我的生命中
ALLah’Ya ALLah 真主啊真主 Be with me all the way 跟我一路
I know that sometime I I do forget that my last breath could be the last forgive me

Cause I cant thank you enough Forgive me when I doubt you love


Now I pray for that day when all this stepson and comes to an end

现在我祈祷那一天 当这一切的继子,结束

Somy my last wish is for you to be pleased with me

ALLah’Ya ALLah 真主啊真主

Guide me all the way to your Jannah 引导我到你的天堂

ALLah’Ya ALLah 真主啊真主