Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given b...

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.学校英语报正在酝酿改版,拟从现有的三个栏目(健康、娱乐、文化)中去除一个,并从三个备选栏目(时尚、职业规划、读者反馈)中挑选一个纳入该报。假设你是该校学生程飞,给校报编辑写一封电子邮件,表达你的观点。邮件须包括以下内容:1. 你建议去除的栏目及去除的理由;2. 你建议增加的栏目及增加的理由。

Dear Editor,
I’ve learned that our English Post is being reformed and one of the three columns is to be replaced by a new one. I’m writing this e-mail to share with you my opinions.
Needless to say, the columns will definitely be designed according to students’ interest and have positive effects on their study and life.
Compared to the entertainment , I hold the view that the value of the columns concerning health and culture is more important . The main factor is that it is of great significance to keep healthy while loss of health means kissing goodbye to life. Consequently, more knowledge of how to keep fit can improve the quality of life. In addition, the progress in acquiring cultures contributes to broadening one’s horizons, which in turn is beneficial to one’s study and the establishment of philosophy of life.
Furthermore, the career planning should be taken into account in the school English Post . On the one hand, it covers one’s career development a great deal .On the other hand, it makes a great difference to one’s career success in the future.
What has been mentioned above is my personal ideas. Here I am in the hope that my advice will add a brilliant touch to the improved version of our school English Post.
Yours sincerely,
Cheng Fei

试题分析:这篇书面表达属于提纲类范畴,这篇作文要求就校英语报改版的事情给校报编辑写一封电子邮件,表达你的观点。邮件须包括以下内容: 1.你建议去除的栏目及去除的理由;2.你建议增加的栏目及增加的理由,根据自己的建议选定栏目的设置并以邮件方式表达自己的观点。考生在写作过程中要确定切题且符合英语写作逻辑的篇章结构。确立邮件文体之后,要弄清要点,围绕要点展开,条理要清晰,理由要充分,关键的是在写作的过程中,要注意人称,时态语态和常见的语法问题,文章尽量简洁,在文章中尽可能多地使用高大上的词汇,遵循短语优先原则在配以特殊句型和复合句的应用,让文章更上档次。
【亮点说明】所给范文语言简洁,运用了一些词组,如:share with 和…分享,Needless to say不必说, according to 根据, have positive effects on对…有积极的影响,in turn反之,take… into account将…考虑在内,make a great difference to对…有很大的影响,in the hope that希望,句式上体现出多变的特点,如:Compared to the entertainment ,I hold the view that the value of the columns concerning health and culture is more important . 这句话用了过去分词和同位语从句,The main factor is that it is of great significance to keep healthy while loss of health means kissing goodbye to life. 这句话用了表语从句和while表示对比的用法, the progress in acquiring cultures contributes to broadening one’s horizons, which in turn is beneficial to one’s study and the establishment of philosophy of life.这句话使用了非限制性定语从句, What has been mentioned above is my personal ideas. 这句话用了主语从句,还有范文还使用了 In addition, Furthermore, On the one hand, On the other hand,这样的关联词使文章更加连贯。