
假如你是合肥市某中学学生李华,,在最近举行的合肥市英孚杯英语口语能力大赛中获得了一等奖,某英语报社邀请你写一篇词数80~100左右的稿件,介绍你练习英语口语的英语文章稿件如下。1,树立自信,克服胆怯、害羞心理;2参加英语俱乐部,与同学,老师,外籍人士交流;3,多看外语新闻,(cctv9),课堂上用英语回答问题等。 在线等阿啊

dear sir or madam, very honoured to have won the first prize in the oral English contest, and it's my great honor to have to write the manuscript for your club. People usually put on this aspect of how to improve oral English hard for you, that how to improve oral English level much faster? Write down the following points, presumably your spoken English will be improved obviously after: 1, establish confidence, overcome timid, shy psychology; 2 join the English club, with classmates, teachers, and foreigners to communicate; 3, see foreign language news, cctv9, use English to answer the question in class, etc. I hope these Suggestions can improve everyone's English level. lihua. 楼主字数够吗?