毕业论文摘要翻译成英文,不要软件直接翻的,各位帮帮忙a ~~~急~~~~急!!英语水平实在太差了

本文利用我国1995至2009年间15期的数据分析我国资本存量与劳投入对于我国社会产出的影响。关于Q的选取,选取我国在1995年至2009年间的国民生产总值GDP,K取社会固定总资产, Y和K均以亿元为单位,L取这段期间我国的就业人口数,以万人为单位。在实际回归中,对模型取对数形式,以减少异方差性。结果表明:科布-道格拉斯函数对我国经济增长的解释都是显著的,而且,我国中资本的增加对经济增长的贡献要大于劳动力的增加对经济增长的贡献。

Cobb - Douglas production function is a mathematician and economist Cob Douglas, according to the American history 1899-1922 year data, studies the relationship between labor input and capital input and output, a famous production function model. Based on the Cobb - Douglas production function model, the establishment of innovation model.

Through the study of literature, this paper systematically describes the theoretical basis and derivation of the production function and the Co Bbu Douglas production function model, probably understand the nature and characteristics of the. Co Bbu Douglas production function originated in the production function, so we firstly in the second chapter describes the production function model and the concept of conclusion, then gradually extended to the Cobb Douglas production function, introduced the model and the factors of production and its variables.

According to the first chapter, second chapter is the theoretical basis of setting Co Bbu Douglas production function in our model, use based on Cobb - Douglas production function model, the establishment of innovation model. Through the analysis of appropriate econometric, exploring the source of economic growth, to study the basic characteristics of China's economic growth.

Using the data of the 15 period of the 1995 to 2009 years, analysis of China's capital and labor inputs for China's social output. Selection on Q, selection of China from 1995 to 2009 of the gross national product of GDP, K and social fixed assets, Y and K are in billion for the unit, L and the number of the employed population in China during this period, with ten thousand men unit. In the actual regression model, the logarithmic form, in order to reduce heteroscedasticity. The results show that: the Cobb - Douglas function to the economic growth of China's explanation is significant, but in our country, the increase of capital contribution to economic growth to increase the contribution to economic growth than labor.
第1个回答  2013-05-29
第2个回答  2013-05-29