
用以下词语的原级和比较级造句,原级:funny friendly outgoing hardworking smart lazy fast high hard early
比较级:funnier friendlie more outgoing more hardworking smarter azier faster higher harder earlier

He is a funny person. 他很风趣。
Your joke sounds funnier. 你的笑话听起来更棒。

Chinese people are usually very friendly to foreign visitors. 中国人通常对外国游客很是友好。
We should build an environmentally more friendly society.

Sarah has a outgoing personality. 萨拉拥有开朗的性格。
Winson is more outgoing than Tony. 文森比托尼更外向。

Lin is always a hardworking student. 林总是一个认真努力的学生。
There are always people who are more hardworking around us.

Jesse has got a smart mind. 杰西思维灵活。
Tom always think he is smarter than his peers. 汤姆总觉得他自己比别人聪明些。

You know, we will not want to hire people who are lazy in work.
She is the lazier one of the two.

I can run fast. 我可以跑得快。
Trains move faster than bikes. 火车的运行速度比自行车快。

He is a high, handsome young man. 他是个身材高大,年轻帅气的小伙子。
Linda want to get higher scores. 琳达想要取得更高的分数。

This question is really hard. 这个问题真的很难。
If you want to win the schoolarship, you should work harder.

The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。
The elderly tend to miss their earlier days. 年长的人往往怀念他们年轻的岁月。
第1个回答  2013-09-29
用以下词语的原级和比较级造句,原级:funny friendly outgoing hardworking smart lazy fast high hard early
比较级:funnier friendlie more outgoing more hardworking smarter azier faster higher harder earlier
谢谢啊(1) This is a funny story
This story is funnier than that one

(2) Tom is a friendly boy
Tom is friendier than Mike

(3) Jack is a outgoing person
Jack is more outgoing than John

(4) This girl is a very hardworking person
She is more hardworking than any other student in her class
(5)She is a smart girl
She is smarter than any other girls in her class

(6) Bob is a very lazy boy
He is lazier than anyone else in his class

(7) Jimmy runs very fast
Jimmy runs faster than Mike

(8) The boy jumps very high
He jumps higher than his classmate

(9) She studies very hard in her class
She studies harder than any other student in her clas

(10) He gets up early every day
He got up earlier than yesterday本回答被网友采纳