

名词就不讲了啊!1. be able to sb2. beat sb3. refuse后加to do4. warn sb of sth/doing warn sb about sth warn sb not to do sth5. all together是副词词组,放动词后面6. at the end of 是介词词组,后加名词7. I'd rather do than do.宁可(第一个do)...也不(第二个do)...8. punish sb或punish doing9. such as 词组,比如...10. prove后可加to be +adj,证明...是...的11. mend后直接加名词12. steal后加名词再给你一套模块重点练习题,都是填空,有的还给了首字母!Exercises:1. He refused (go) to the party because he hated the hostess.2. Put your thing a t , let’s go for the trip!3. A the speech, the competitor told us a joke.4. I’d rather (sleep) than (study).5. - Go away! - Y m you don’t want to see me anymore?6. His aunt has w him o the danger.7. The guide w the tourists (not go) very near to the cages with beasts in.8. - I can’t go to the summer camp. - Oh, w s !9. Linda’s parents are p o their daughter because she is good at both schoolwork and art.10. Billy is too young to cook, so he a f help from his grandma.11. I use the DC (介词) photography.12. Oh, my! My computer is g w !13. I decided (write) a book about human.14. After the meal, my colleague (同事) o t pay.15. To t t , I haven’t got a coin in my pocket.16. If you fail in the final exam, your father will b a w you.17. She will not abandon (抛弃) her daughter. A a , they are mother and daughter!18. Don’t worry, Jack. I’ll h you w your study.19. Cheer up (振作起来)! A l , we still have our dearest mother!20. I’m not a t finish the work by myself.21. They went to London i o Washington.22. If you are not on alert, you will g i t w the beasts.23. He had w his son a his carelessness in study.24. P o our plan is to kill the terrorist.25. We have a great job to do today, such as printing these papers, cleaning the building, a w a giving speeches.26. I’m looking forward to (see) you.27. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we (go) on a field trip.28. You (have) to send it to the garage (汽车修理厂) if the car doesn’t work.29. If your house is on fire, you (have) to call at 119.30. She (go) mad if her neighbor doesn’t stop making noises.