

第1个回答  推荐于2017-12-16
1. 发球时,球应放在不执拍手的手掌上,手掌张开和伸平。球应是静止的,在发球方的端线之后和比赛台面的水平面之上。

2. 发球员须用手把球几乎垂直地向上抛起,不得使球旋转,并使球在离开不执拍手的手掌之后上升不少于16厘米。

3. 当球从抛起的最高点下降时,发球员方可击球,使球首先触及本方台区,然后越过或绕过球网装置,再触及接发球员的台区。在双打中,球应先后触及发球员和接发球员的右半区。

4. 从抛球前球静止的最后一瞬间到击球时,球和球拍应在比赛台面的水平面之上。

5. 击球时,球应在发球方的端线之后,但不能超过发球员身体(手臂、头或腿除外)离端线最远的部分。

6. 运动员发球时,有责任让裁判员或副裁判员看清他是否按照合法发球的规定发球.
6.1 如果裁判员怀疑发球员某个发球动作的正确性,并且他或者副裁判员都不能确信该发球动作不合法,一场比赛中此现象第一次出现时,裁判员可以警告发球员而不予判分.
6.2 在同一场比赛中,如果运动员发球动作的正确性再次受到怀疑,不管是否出于同样的原因,不再警告而判失一分.
6.3 无论是否第一次或任何时候,只要发球员明显没有按照合法发球的规定发球,他将被判失一分,无需警告。

7. 运动员因身体伤病而不能严格遵守合法发球的某些规定时,可由裁判员做出决定免予执行,但须在赛前向裁判员说明。


1. 在单打中,首先由发球员合法发球,再由接发球员合法还击,然后两者交替合法还击。

2. 在双打中,首先由发球员合法发球,再由接发球员合法还击,然后由发球员的同伴合法还击,再由接发球员的同伴合法还击,此后,运动员按此次序轮流合法还击。

1. 回合出现下列情况应判重发球:
1.1 如果发球员发出的球,在越过或绕过球网装置时,触及球网装置,此后成为合法发球或被接发球员或其同伴阻挡。
1.2 如果接发球员或同伴未准备好时,球己发出:而且接发球员或其同伴均没有企图击球。
1.3 由于发生了运动员无法控制的干扰,而使运动员未能合法发球。合法还击或遵守规则。
1.4 裁判员或副裁判员暂停比赛。
1.5 在双打时,运动员错发,错接。

2. 可以在下列情况下暂停比赛:

1. 除被判重发球的回合,下列情况运动员得一分:
1.1 对方运动员未能合法发球;
1.2 对方运动员未能合法还击;
1.3 运动员在发球或还击后,对方运动员在击球前,球触及了除球网装置以外的任何东西;
1.4 对方击球后,该球越过本方端线而没有触及本方台区;
1.5 对方阻挡;
1.6 对方连击;
1.7 对方用不符合1.4.3条款的拍面击球;
1.8 对方运动员或他穿戴的任何东两使球台移动;
1.9 对方运动员或他穿戴的任何东西触及球网装置;


1. 一场比赛应采用三局两胜制或五局三胜制。

2. 一场比赛应连续进行.但在局与局之间,任何一名运动员都有权要求不超过两分钟的休息时间。

1. 选择发球,接发球和这一方,那一方的权力应由抽签来决定,中签者可以选择先发球或先接发球,或选择先在某一方。

2. 当一方运动员选择了先发球或先接发球,或选择先在某一方后,另一方运动员应有另一个选择的权力.

3. 在获得每五分之后,接发球方即成为发球方,依此类推,直至该局比赛结束,或者直至双方比分都达到20分或实行轮换发球法,这时,发球和接发次序仍然不变,但每人只轮发一分球.

4. 在双打的第一局比赛中,先发球方确定第一发球员,再由先接发球方确定第一接发球员.在以后的各局比赛中,第一发球员确定后,第一接发球员应是前一局发球给他的运动员。

5. 在双打中,每次换发球时,前面的接发球员应成为发球员,前面的发球员的同伴应成为接发球员·

6. 一局中首先发球的一方,在该场下一局应首先接发球。在双打决胜局中,当一方先得10分时,接发球方应交换接发球次序。

1. 裁判员一旦发现发球、接发球次序错误,应立即暂停比赛,并按该场比赛开始时确立的次序,按场上比分由应该发球或接发球的运动员发球或接发球;在双打中,则按发现错误时那一局中首先有发球权的一方所确立的次序进行纠正,继续比赛。

2. 裁判员一旦发现运动员应交换方位而未交换时,应立即暂停比赛,并按该场比赛开始时确立的次序按场上比分运动员应站的正确方位进行纠正,再继续比赛。

3. 在任何情况下,发现错误之前的所有得分均有效。

1. 如果一局比赛进行到15分钟仍未结束(双方都己获得至少19分时除外),或者在此之前任何时间应双方运动员要求,应实行轮换发球法。
1.1 当时限到时,球仍处于比赛状态,裁判员应立即暂停比赛。由被暂停回合的发球员发球,继续比赛。
1.2 当时限到时,球未处于比赛状态,应由前一回合的接发球员发球,继续比赛。

2. 此后,每个运动员都轮发一分球,直至该局结束。如果接发球方进行了13次合法还击,则判发球方失一分。

3. 换发球法一经实行,该场比赛的剩余部分必须继续实行,直至该场比赛结束。
Legal service
1 it should be put the ball on the palm of clap non-attachment, palm open and extend deuce. The ball is still in the serving side of the court since the level of the game after mesa and above.2 starters must use the ball almost vertically upwards, may make the ball rotation, and make the ball in from non-attachment clap hands after rising less than 16 cm.3 when the ball from behind the highest since the player drops, can hit that ball touched his first, and then over the area around the net devices, or touch the receiver's half. In doubles, the player should have touched the ball and the receiver's right.4 the ball from before the last moment to stationary ball hit ball with racket shall, when the plane in mesa.5 shots in the server should ball court since after the player, but cannot exceed the head or body (arms, legs except) from the farthest part of court since.6 athletes, have the responsibility to serve the umpire or assistant umpire to see whether he according to the requirements for a good service.
If the referee doubt starters 6.1 the correctness of a neutral action, and he couldn't believe or assistant umpire should serve action is not valid, a game for the first time this phenomenon, referees can PanFen without warning starters.
6.2 in the same game, if the correctness of the athletes serve action again, whether it is suspected, for the same reason no warning and sentenced to one point.
Whether the first 3 or any clear failure to comply with the requirements for a good service, he will be a loss, without warning.7. By physical injury but not strictly comply with legal service, some regulations by the referee decisions, but must be waived prior to referee.Legal
1 each other after serving his return or athletes must hit that ball, directly over the net, or bypass or touching the net, after touching each other unit area.Competition order
1 in singles, first make a legitimate a service, the receiver shall then alternately, legally legitimate.In doubles, the server shall first make a service, the receiver shall then make a return, and then make a legitimate partner of legal fight, the receiver shall then make a return, the partner of the legitimate, according to the sequence of athletes after take legal.Heavy serve
1 round the condition should be sentenced to heavy service:
If a player of 110 goals in and around the net across, touch, then become the service or the receiver or its companion.
If the receiver or 1.2 companion to have a ball, and their companions receiver or no attempt to hit.
130 because athletes cannot control the interference, and make the athletes to serve legitimate. Return or legal rules.
1.4 referees or assistant umpire.
In doubles, 1.5 wrong, wrong athletes.2 can stop the game under the following circumstances:
Due to correct serve 210, receiving order or azimuth error,
2.2 due to the expedite system is in operation,
Due to the warning or penalty 2.3 athletes,
Due to the competition environment interfere with 2.4, so that the results may be affected.A points,
1 except was sentenced to serve the leg, heavy the athletes a:
Other athletes to serve legitimate 1.1,
Other athletes not lawful riposte 1.2,
130 athletes in the service or other athletes in return, after which the ball touches the ball before any device in the net,
After the ball 1.4 over his court since without touching their area,
Other blocking 1.5,
Other combo 1.6,
The 1.4.3 does not accord with 1.7 terms racket face shots,
Other players or he wear 1.8 any move to the two tables,
Other players or he wear 1.9 anything touching the net.
1.10 each other athletes non-attachment clapping games mesa touch,
Other athletes doubles, 1.11 ball bad sequence,
But when the expedite system is in operation, the execution the receiving player or his doubles partner, including receiving a complete 13 times legitimate.A game
In game 1, first 21 points in the party for the winner, 20 flat, the first two points to the party for the winner.A game
1 a game should adopt two out of three sets or three out of five sets.2 consecutive game. But should be between innings, and in any one player has the right to request not more than two minutes of time to rest.Serving, receiving and position selection
1 choice, receiving and serve the party, the party should be drawn by the power to decide the winner, can choose to serve or to receive first or to start at a party.2 when one player has chosen to serve or to receive first or to start at a party, the other party should choose another player.3 in every five minutes later, the receiver becomes the server, and so on until the end of the game, or until both sides score 20 points or the expedite system is in operation, then, serving and sending sequence will remain unchanged, but only 1 point in turn each ball.4 in the first game in doubles, serve first chosen by the receiver. In the match, the first round, the first receiver shall be the player who served to his players.5 in doubles, every change of service, in front of the receiver shall become starters, the partner of the previous receiver, should be6 innings, serve first in the next game should receive first in the next game. In doubles match,本回答被网友采纳