
I_______told him the news.
2. She_______come back from achool.
3. You_______won the game.

1.They have bought a comput

2.He has lost his book.

3.Mary has been ill for there.

4.I have lived here since 1998.

5.He has already got her help.

1. I (have) told him the news.
2. She (has) come back from achool.
3. You (have) won the game.

1.They have bought a computer.
否定句:They haven't bought a computer.
疑问句:Have they bought a computer?
肯定回答:Yes, they have.
否定回答:No, they haven't.

2.He has lost his book.

否定句:He hasn't lost his book.
疑问句:Has he lost his book?
肯定回答:Yes, he has.
否定回答:No, he hasn't.

3.Mary has been ill for there.

否定句:Mary hasn't been ill for there.
疑问句:Has Mary been ill for there?
肯定回答:Yes, she has.
否定回答:No, she hasn't.

4.I have lived here since 1998.

否定句:I haven't lived here since 1998.
疑问句:Have you lived here since 1998.
肯定回答:Yes, I have.
否定回答:No, I haven't.

5.He has already got her help.

否定句:He hasn't got her help yet.
疑问句:Has he got her help yet?
肯定回答:Yes, he has.
否定回答:No, he hasn't.
第1个回答  2013-07-24




    They haven't bought a computer.

    Have they bought a computer?

    Yes,they have./ No,they haven't.

    He hasn't lost his book.

    Has he lost his book?

    Yes, he has./No, he hasn't.

    Mary hasn't  been ill for there.

    Has Mary been ill for there?

    Yes,she has./No, she hasn't.

    I haven't lived here since 1998.

    Have you lived here since 1998?

    Yes, I have./No, I haven't.

    He hasn't already got her help.

    Has he already got her help?

    Yes,he has./No, he hasn't

第2个回答  2013-07-24
呵呵 你想得太美了
第3个回答  2013-07-24
悬赏100分 我就帮你做