

需要画有绿树的纸板 小熊的面具 背景房子 花的 小兔的 猴子的 大象的 老虎的 熊猫的 鱼的 鸟的和一篮子水果

House: Happy New Year. We are house.
Trees: We are trees. Happy New Year.
Tree: I’m Tree.
Tree: I’m green.
Tree: I’m Tree.
Trees: We’re the forest.
Bear1: Happy New Year. My name’s Pat. I’m big brother.
Bear2: My name’s Frank. This is my car. I can drive a car.
Bear3: I’m Bob. I’m a good boy. I’m a good boy.
Bear4: I’m Tom. I like riding a bike.
Bear5: I’m Joe. I like playing football.
Bear6:I’m Ken. I’m a little boy. I can draw.
Dady:I’m their father.
Mumy:I’m their mother.
Bears: Morning, Mum. Morning, Dady.
(Bears唱My mother,my father.)
Mumy:Let’s have a rest, OK? Children.
Bears: OK! Yes! (下场)
Mumy Dady:Today’s new year. We are going to play a host. Let’s get ready.
1. 音乐起,花上场。
Flower: I’m red flower.
Flower: I’m yellow flower.
Flower: I’m purple flower.
Flower: I’m blue flower.
Flower: I’m pink flower.
Flowers: We’re flowers.
Dady:Hello, flowers. Welcome!
Flowers: Hello, little bears.
Dady:How are you?
Flowers: Fine,thank you. And you?
Dady:I’m fine,thanks. Come in,please.
Flowers: Thank you.
Rabbit1: I’m Rabbit.
Rabbit2: I’m Little Rabbit.
Rabbit3: I’m Rabbit, too.
Rabbits: We’re Rabbits.
Rabbit: Lillte bear要请客,我们去做客。Let’s go.
Rabbits: OK!
Mumy:Who are you?
Rabbits: We are Rabbits. May I come in?
Mumy:Come in,please.
How are you?
Flowers: Fine,thank you. And you?
Dady:I’m fine,thanks. Come in,please.
Rabbits:Thank you.
Dady:Let’s play.
Rabbits: OK!
(song: Jump, Jump, Jump.)
Monkey1: I’m Monkey. I can climb.
Monkey2: I’m Monkey.
Monkey3: I’m Monkey, too.
Monkey4: I can climb up the tree.
Monkeys: we are Monkeys.
( )
Mumy: Who are you?
Monkeys: we are Monkeys. May I come in?
Mumy: come in,please.
Dady: Glad to meet you.
Monkeys: Glad to meet you, too. Bananas, bananas, yellow bananas.
Here you are.
Dady:Thank you.
Mumy dady: Let’s sing. Let’s dance.
Monkeys: OK!
(sing and dance: Climb, climb, climb.)
Elephant1: I have a long nose.
Elephant2: Please guess. What am I?
Elephant, elephant, big elephant.
Elephant3: Yes. Do you like me?
I like little elephant.
I like elephant, too.
Elephant: Today’s new year.
Mumy: Happy new year.
Elephants: Happy new year.
Dady: Come in, please.
Elephants: Thank you.
Tiger, tiger
Tiger1: I’m Tiger.
Tiger2: I’m Tiger, too.Today’s new year.
Tigers: Open the door! Open the door!
Dady Mumy: No, no, go away, go away.
Tigers: I have no friends.
Panda1: I’m Panda.
Panda2: I’m Panda, too.
Panda3: I’m Panda, too.
Pandas: We’re Pandas. Today’s new year. Happy new year!
Mumy: Hello,Pandas. Happy new year!
Pandas: Happy new year!
Mumy: Come in, please.
Pandas: Thank you!
Bird1: I’m Bird.
Bird2: I’m Bird. I can sing in the tree.
Bird3: I’m Bird, too.
Birds: We’re Birds. Today’s new year. Happy new year!
Dady: Hi, Birds! How are you?
Birds: Fine,thank you. And you?
Dady:I’m fine,thanks. Come in,please.
Birds:Thank you.
Dady:Let’s play.
Birds: OK!
(song: Little bird can sing in the tree.)
Fish1: I’m Fish.
Fish2: I’m Fish, too.
Fish: We’re Fish. Today’s new year. Happy new year!
Fish1:Frog,Frog! Let’s go together, OK?
Frog1: OK! Frogs,Frogs! Let’s go! Let’s go!
Frogs: Let’s go! Let’s go!
Frogs: Happy new year! Happy new year!
Dady,Mumy: Happy new year! Come in,please. My good friends.
Tigers: I have no friends. Little Bear! Little Bear!
Dady,Mumy: What?
Tigers: Let’s be friends, OK?
Dady,Mumy: Let’s be friends, OK?
Dady,Mumy: Tigers, come in, please.
Bear: Apples,apples, red apples.
Apples,apples, red apples.
Bear: Bananas, bananas, yellow bananas.
Bananas, bananas, yellow bananas.
Bear:Pears, pears, yellow pears.
Pears, pears, yellow pears.
Bear:Grapes, grapes, purple grapes.
Grapes, grapes, purple grapes.
众唱:Apples are red. Apples are sweet.
I like red and sweet apples.
Dady: Hello,friends. Come on! Let’s dance. Let’s sing.
众唱:Happy children's day!


参考资料:我找的简单的 改了一点 应该可以吧 我也才是初中1年级哦

第1个回答  2006-04-07
The Story of the Rooster's Comb and Why He Now Lives with Man.
by Tony Devaney Morinelli这是根据非洲童话故事改编的短剧,六人演出.:公鸡鸡冠的故事.有不明之处可告知.

Cast 6

Griot 1
Griot 2
Lion Cub

Griot 1. There was once a time in the forest when it was not Rooster who feared Lion but rather Lion who feared

Griot 2: Indeed, every time Lion went out to hunt, it was the law of the Rooster that he should also bring back a
great number of fat and juicy bugs for Rooster to eat.

Griot 1: Rooster did not himself care for the hunt that Lion kept for himself.

Rooster: Lion, I see that you are going hunting. Do not forget to return with a great many fat and juicy bugs that I
may eat for my supper.

Lion: I will not forget sir Rooster. I will have my kill, but you shall have your bugs.

Rooster: Be sure then not to forget or you will know the heat of the burning flame upon my head.

Griot 1: Now Rooster had tricked Lion and all the other animals of the forest into thinking that the bright red comb
upon his head was indeed a flickering flame.

Lion: (returning from the hunt) Behold Rooster, I have made my kill but I have also brought you your fat and juicy
bugs. For I would not have you burn me with tha flickering flame upon your head.

Rooster: It is wise you are Lion and good that you know your place.

Griot 2 : Oh, how foolish was Lion! How sly was Rooster.

Griot 1. Now one day it happened that Lion and his mate had no fire.

Lioness: Look husband, our fire has gone out. How now shall we make a new one?

Lion: Perhaps I must go to man, and steal it in the night. For surely he will not give it on his own.

Lioness: No, my husband. I fear that might be a great danger. Man is a clever thing and might catch you in his trap
and kill you with his spear.

Lion: Where then shall we find fire, wife?

Cub: Perhaps father, we might ask Rooster?

Lioness: Rooster?

Cub: I would bring a sprig of short dry grass and ask that I might touch it to the flickering flame above his head.

Lion: Do you think Rooster would grant this?

Lioness: You have always been a good servant to him husband and we would not take away his flame, but only ask
to light a spark.

Lion: But here, take with you some fat and juicy bugs to sweeten his generosity.

Griot 1: And so the young cub took the bugs and went to Rooster’s hut. But when he came to the door….

Cub: Rooster, good Rooster are you at home? I have brought you bugs both fat and juicy.

Griot 2: But Rooster made no answer.

Griot 1: And so Cub took a step inside the door.

Cub: Rooster, good Rooster, are you at home? I have brought you bugs both fat and juicy.

Griot 2: But Rooster did not answer for he was fast asleep and snoring loudly with a mighty full belly from all the
grubs he had eater that noon.

Cub: Rooster, good Rooster, awake from your sleep for I have brought you bugs both fat and juicy.

Griot 1: But Rooster did not stir but snored all the louder.

Cub: Perhaps, if I touch my sprigs of dry grass to the flickering flame upon his head I will have my fire without having
to ask.

Griot 2: So Cub went softly by to Rooster’s comb and set the grass against the brilliant red.

Griot 1; But the grass, of course, did not light.

Cub: Perhaps, if I blow gently upon it.

Griot 2: And Cub blew gently but still it did not light.

Cub: What strange fire is this that does not burn?

Griot 1: And then with great daring…..

Cub: Let me touch it with my paw.

Griot 2: And so he touched Rooster’s comb.

Cub: This is no fire. This is no flame. What is this trick that Rooster has played.

Griot 1: And so Cub went home to his father.

Cub: Father, father, come see what I have found. Rooster has no flame upon his head but only a fluttering red ruff
with which he has tricked us.

Griot 2: So Lion went with Cub and they found Rooster still fast asleep.

Cub: Look father ( Cub touches the comb) There is no flame.

Lion: Rooster, Rooster, awake from your sleep. What is this trick you have played?

Rooster: Who wakes me from my lazy sleep. Ah, Lion ! Beware, or I will scorch you with this fire that glows upon my

Lion: Your trick is done Rooster. You have no fire. You have no flame. But only a fluttering red ruff upon your

Rooster: Who told you this? Beware!

Griot 1: Then Lion grabbed Rooster by the comb upon his head.

Lion: Now, Rooster, no more will we bring bugs for you, but you become for every lion, his evening meal.

Griot 2: And this is why…

Griot 1: To this very day….

Griot 2. That Rooster lives with man…

Griot 1: Where he will have protection from Lion and his cubs.

第2个回答  2006-04-06