

 Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Project (Project)Management Approach (Trial)
  第一章 总则 Chapter I General Provisions
  第一条 为优化科技资源配置,规范北京市科技计划项目(以下简称“项目”)和北京市科技计划课题(以下简称“课题”)管理,提高项目(课题)质量和管理效率,根据北京市科技计划管理要求和北京市财政科技经费管理要求,参照国家科技计划项目管理有关规定,制定本办法。
  Article 1 in order to optimize the allocation of resources for science and technology, Beijing Municipal science and technology projects (hereinafter referred to as the "project") and the Beijing Municipal science and technology project(hereinafter referred to as the "project") management,improve project (project) quality and management efficiency,according to the requirements of Beijing Municipal science and technology program management requirements and Beijing financial technology funding management, with reference to the relevant provisions of the state science and technology projects management, the enactment of this approach is made.
  第二条 本办法使用于由北京市科技委员会(以下简称“市科委‘)立项,并由北京市财政科技经费(以下简称”科技经费“)拨款支持的项目和课题。其中,课题包括项目下设课题和其他工作任务确定的课题。
  Article 2 This approach is used for Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission (hereinafter referred to as "the Committee ') projects and Beijing municipal fiscal funds for science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as" the science and technology funds ") funded projects and tasks.Among them, project under the subject task and other tasks to determine the subject are included.
  第三条 项目(课题)指为落实国家政策方针,依据北京市经济社会发展的主要目标,由市科委研究确定并组织安排在北京地区注册的法人单位承担的科学技术研究开发、成果转化应用等任务。
  Article 3 The project (subject) refers to the tasks of the research and development and exchange and application of the sci-tech achievements,etc which are determined,studied,orgnized and arranged by the Municipal Committee and carried out by the legal units registed in Beijing area in accordance with the state relative policies as well as with the economic and social development chief goals of Beijing Municipal.
第1个回答  2013-08-25