

be tired of doing sth厌倦做某事
be thirsty for doing sth渴望做某事
enjoy doing sth享受做某事
like doing sth喜欢做某事
remember doing sth记得做过某事
cry for doing sth渴望做某事
spend(金钱时间)in doing sth花时间金钱去做某事
keep in doing sth保持做某事
have difficulty in doing sth在做某事上有困难

to do 是不定式,可用来做句子的主语,跟在实义动词后边做宾语或宾语补足语,be动词后做表语(将来时间结构),还可以跟在某些名词或形容词后做定语.在助动词或情态动词后要用do一起来构成复合谓语.使役动词(let,make,have,get等)以及感官动词(see,hear,watch,notice等)要用do做宾语补足语.感官动词还可以跟doing做宾语补足语

want to do sth
like to do sth
hope to do sth
help to do sth
refuse to do sth
need to do sth
plan to do sth
remember to do sth
forget to
fail to
agree to
promise to
decide to 常见后接动词原形的词或短语: why not / had better / please /would you please / let / make / 情态动词,等等。
【注意否定形式: had better / would you please / let直接加not + 动原;
而please加don’t + 动原】
常见后接动词ing的词或短语:finish / enjoy / practice / give up / end up / put off / consider / keep / feel like / prefer…to…/ can’t help(禁不住) / be busy / be worth(值得) / take turns(轮流) / miss(错过) / spend / have fun / 介词等。
常见后接带to不定式的词或短语:want / hope / wish / allow / encourage(鼓励)/ ask / tell / pretend(假装) / decide / plan / invite / urge / advise / warn / seem / in order (为了) 等等。
疑问词后也可跟带to不定式, 如how to do it。 it作形式主语,后也常有带to不定式。
【否定形式:以上大多词 + not + to do sth】
第1个回答  2013-07-23
to的后面can / may /must