

第1个回答  2022-07-30




  Distinguished leaders and guests, Dear teachers and schoolmates, Welcome to Bachen M.S.

  In this beautiful summer day, the first school summer game of Bachen middle school is grandly held. On behalf of the school I express my warm congratulations to the opening ceremony and heartfelt thanks and sincere respect to our long-standing concerns and support of leadership and also the teachers and students.

  On October 16, 2005, under the loving care of Bachen government and villagers’ support, Bachen Middle School moved to Brown pond, and began its formal and independent education. Brown pond is a quiet place which is fit for leaning and teaching. Our school has been adhering to “for all of the students, all for the students, for all the students” Through the joint efforts of the whole school teachers and students, we made great achievements in the high school entrance exam, and have made great contribution to education business of Bachen country.

  After years of development, the school has already begun to take shape. We own biology, chemistry, physics, language lab, multimedia rooms besides formal teaching equipments. In addition, the second phase of the school building also makes the school running conditions more perfect. Bachen Middle School will become the best leaning place of young students.

  This is the most critical time of our county’s education history. because we are going to meet a PuJiu "acceptance". In order to enrich the cultural life of the students on campus, and meanwhile to make preparations for PuJiu "acceptance" , through the school application, and our superior leader approval, the first school summer game of Bachen middle school will be held during July 30th and August 1st 2009.

  To greet the sports meeting, our students and faculty proffered free time and carefully rehearsed 27 splendid theatrical show, offering to our long-standing provide help and support of the county leaders at all levels and all of you. Thank you very much for our care and help.

  Distinguished leaders and guests, Dear teachers and schoolmates, Our development is inseparable from the leaders and all the parents and hope you can give continued support for our development.

  Finally, wish the success of the sports meeting.

  Thank you very much!
