

1.First of all to learn is magnanimous and tolerant.(首先要学会的就是大度和宽容)
2.Want correct look upon everyone's strengths and weaknesses.(要正确看待每个人的长处和不足)
3.To reflect on their own(要反省自己)
4.Learn to say (学会说话)
5.Pay attention to the bedroom of etiquette(注意卧室的礼仪)
6.Pay attention to environmental health(注重环境的卫生)
第1个回答  2013-01-04
Firstly, to learn to obtain mutual respect is extremely important. Mutual respect refers to being considerate in trifles of daily life, as well as not offending each other's religions, belief, values, and other profound aspects. Secondly, communication and tolerance are also necessary, especially when conflict occurs. Thirdly, some pleasant little gifts and surprises can add sauce to your roommateship.